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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Enhanced: When going into the apps tab, the search text field will already have focus, so just start typing if you're doing a search. Enhanced: After installing / editing a docker application, pressing DONE will now return you back to the apps tab instead of a blank template (I always thought this would've needed a change to Dynamix to implement until @eschultz pointed out an easy way to do it) Changed Default for displayed results from 10 to 25 Added: Ability to install multiple applications (docker and/or plugin) from the previous apps section simultaneously without user input * * Should you ever have a need to reinstall multiple applications at the same time that are already configured, (changed cache drive and reconfigured your docker.img file?), then the Previous Apps section will allow you to select multiple applications (there's a check box next to the Icon on every application). Once one or more applications have been selected, you can press install Selected. After confirming, all the selected applications will be automatically installed using the values from the last installation of the applications (IE: everything on the template is automatically filled out for you), except that you won't be given the chance to change any of the values. (Because they are already correct). IE: If you delete your docker.img file for some reason, you can select all of your previously installed apps, hit one button, and a minute or two later your server is back running the way that your left it) Both plugins and docker applications can be installed like this, and docker applications will have the added bonus that they will also automatically be set to autostart. (I figure more often than not everyone sets their apps to autostart, and its easier to disable autostart on 1-2 apps than being forced to enable it on 10-12) Should you have a need to reinstall a previous application and change the template settings, then you can still hit the install icon which will take you to the edit template screen. You must be running 6.3.5+ for this feature to take effect.
  2. edit the container, and you can change both the default admin user name and password.
  3. lol, Its just to me, it seems like a ton of work for very little benefit.
  4. I guess that its not enough that I have to look at a million ads with Photobucket, but now they're blocking forums. ( or more to the point, here's a link that I'll probably get asked to remove: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sa5HkcKkCfA )
  5. FIP will let you know about any corruption, but won't fix it. Nothing beats backups of the irreplaceable data. Side Note: My secondary server is still using 10 year old drives, all files have checksums on it, files are checked on a rotating basis every week, and have never had a case of bitrot turn up. YMMV
  6. This. So you may wind up with a corrupted file or two. Contrasted with RAID5/6 where at that point, you will have lost all your files. Furthermore, since unRaid doesn't stripe the data, if you happen to have say 3 drives catch fire simultaneously, then you will only have lost the files stored on those drives. And if of those 3 drives catching fire at the same time, if 2 of them were parity drives then you would only lose the files stored on the single data drive.
  7. Nope. Only supports a single appdata folder.
  8. The user template stored in config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user is corrupted or you deleted them. (Or the flash dropped offline) only real recovery is to restore the file is you have a backup of the flash drive. Barring that you will have to remove the container and then readd it
  9. PM me if You don't mind doing a very quick and safe beta test for CA You're running 6.4 You don't mind deleting your docker.img file and recreating it
  10. I'll check it out, but more than likely a PayPal issue. Thanks for the beer!
  11. @CHBMB suggested the same thing a while ago, and I basically blew him off. For you however my explanation would be - Time and effort expended in programming isn't worth it for the limited number of published scripts - Maintenance on my end would be a nightmare due to basically having to verify compatibility / etc on any repository If you really want to help and feel the effort is worth it, then feel free to fork the plugin and make whatever additions you like to it. Myself, I can't justify doing it to myself.
  12. A bit late to do real troubleshooting, but do you recall if there were multiple windows / tabs open to the apps tab at the time?
  13. Well, in their defense with more and more users simply using unRaid as a VM manager and passed-through devices and drives you can't really blame them for how they handle things...
  14. You never did answer two questions though. Did the pop up display the wrong info Did you take the server's advice/demand and install folding@home? So much for being able to troubleshoot
  15. Not looking at the readme, but you can't do that. Every additional folder requires an additional mount point. IE: Add another volume mount mapped to the additional host mount.
  16. The backup finished. But then it went through and was trying to delete the old dated backup sets. This is where it was when you grabbed the diagnostics: rm -rf /mnt/user/backups/appdata_backup/[email protected] Assuming that this backup set was ~200Gig all small files, this will take a while to complete. However, the command itself will not impact anything else in unRaid. There is nothing that I see in the diagnostics as to why your system was running at a snail's crawl. (And your CPU is better than mine) One or two users have issues with the standard bash commands used by the backup script (rsync & rm). No specific cause has been found, and any issue with those commands is completely out of my control. The best I can offer is to install the tips & tweaks plugin and try this:
  17. Couple of things: Not @Djoss issue, so nothing he can do about it. If CA ever pops up with an incorrect template, post in the CA thread Obviously your computer believes that you haven't been doing your part for a charitable organization, so it's trying to pick up the slack and do what it can by wanting to install Folding@Home. Always keep CA up to date. Is It? (CA AutoUpdate was actually created primarily to keep CA itself up to date) Last weeks update contained fixes for very strange edge-cases like this. What does the pop up when you hover over the icon show?
  18. A more in-depth explanation is here:
  19. Manually edit the text field. Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  20. It's July 6, the update was released July 6, and you probably have the settings to not install updates unless they are at least 3 days old.
  21. The "full logs" via user scripts are a capture of anything that would have been echoed / displayed onto the terminal screen had you manually run the script. If rclone doesn't display anything or if it has its own logging file stored elsewhere, then you need to check that out.
  22. Extended Test does not fix anything. (Because it does not know if the permissions are what you actually want) Docker Safe New Permissions fixes the permissions on everything but the docker appdata share, and any additional shares you set.
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