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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Have you tried mapping the exact same host folder for the /downloads path that you have set on the Sab template? Generally (not sure about this app though), any apps that talk to Sab, NZBGet and the like require the exact same path mappings on the template as the DL client because Sab et al tell the other app (eg: LL) where the download actually is stored, and if the mappings don't match 100% then it fails. But like I said, I don't use this.
  2. Fixed. (You can enter in a value, but you just can't see it) Going to hold off though on the fix until Saturday as I have another addition to the plugin and need to wait for lsio's next round of updates.
  3. Within sonarr set the permissions to be 0777 Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  4. 80%+ of the time its due to a misconfiguration of a download client where its winding up saving stuff into the docker.img. 15%+ of the time its due to a misconfiguration of a download client where its winding up saving stuff into the docker.img due to a capitalization error on a folder (ie: /downloads is mapped, but container references /Downloads) 5% of the time its due to excessive logging by a container. Virtual Sizes AFAIK are only the sizes of the actual container, and nothing else that the container might create within the image. Net result is that its a pretty useless metric, but since the docker system has it available, I make it visible. You can peruse the Temporary Docker FAQ for some suggestions, or the investigation regarding out of control apps logging "Hi! I'm still running. How are you doing?" every second here:http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=45249.0
  5. Actually, the bulk of the work is already done. Back in early March I was approached to create a web-only version of CA (display & search only). Took me around 3 hours to do (nothing to it really -> just removing code from the unRaid version). Thus far, nothing has come from that request, and I suspect that it is on the back burner for the time being. In the meantime, I can offer you up this: https://rawgit.com/Squidly271/AppsThread/master/forumpost0.html which I banged together as a quick and dirty replacement for the All Apps thread. Looks like crap, but it does have everything there. But I only really update it around once a month.
  6. I just installed it to test this, and I don't know what you're seeing. Can you elaborate?
  7. Good idea, but needs an overhaul of dockerMan to accomplish. dockerMan when saving the my* templates does not save any tags that are not basically already present in the template presented to the user (it does add one or two extra though like date-added / installed). eg: if you compare the templates that are stored in /var/lib/docker/unraid/community-templates (which is what CA passes), they have far more tags present than what is saved post install in /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user. Personally, I would like every tag that is passed through to dockerMan at install to be saved with the user-template. (If only for future possible additions to dockerMan) Although not exactly what you're talking about, CA does have a "branch" feature which allows a single template to completely modify itself (what is passed to dockerMan) according to user input. ( ie: if binhex implemented it, he could have a single sabnzbd that would either install the regular version or the vpn version, and the appropriate environment variables, repository, etc would all be populated accordingly), but that only works during installation. Net result though is that because of this, FCP has zero clue about any extra tags to designate this because of how dockerMan operates.
  8. I actually did originally have that variable control both open and close, and then removed the option to change the close because of how dynamix's CSS is all set up (If you look closely at it, there is a gap between the icon and the pop up when it opens up on the right side. Net result with very short delays is that on occasion the pop up would actually close if you scrolled over to it. But, I just checked out the docs on the API for the popup, and there is another option (tested it already) that will let me close that gap and allow the close delay to be as fast as you want. Give me a day or two for this, as everyone always yells at me when I do quick CA updates... Hopefully at sometime during the 6.4RC series, @bonienl will also find the time finish some of the tooltipster CSS
  9. At the time it was made I didn't run a VM, so merely added what someone here asked me to add. But now that I'm shamed into it, I can feel an update coming up...
  10. Just go to your VM XML backup over the network, open up the xml's, then add a custom VM, and paste the contents of the xml in there. You'll lose the icon though. XML backups are something just tacked onto system, and if I ever make it far enough down my whiteboard todo list, then I'd integrate danioj's vm backup script entirely...
  11. Well known and we'll documented. So long as there's no users listed it actually isn't running Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  12. A previous backup (scheduled?) was still running (or the program thought it was running for some reason). A reboot should fix you up.
  13. Tested on RC1 (haven't had a chance to update to RC2 as of yet), and it does work but fails if no containers are installed. I'll fix tonight. (Something changed between 6.3 and 6.4 on that one)
  14. I got no complaints. Just wanted to head off the inevitable "Why doesn't this work?!?" questions.
  15. It should be noted that this plugin will NOT add on to the Icons along the left side of the screen if you are running unRaid 6.4.0-RC1+ and the new azure / gray themes. It will still add in the custom tabs with 6.4 when running the default Black / White themes. This is out of the plugin's control, and cannot be fixed on my end. Whether or not LT decides to support custom added icons with the new themes is still TBD. unRaid 6.4RC3+ now supports custom icons. Added in support to this on the plugin (2017-06-18+)
  16. Today's release of 6.4.0-RC1 unlocks some new features of Community Applications (versions 2017.05.30+) - All displays (with the exception of "table mode") are now rendered using <div> instead of <table>. This should result in faster rendering. - Icon and Icon Details mode will now fill the window horizontally with as many apps as will fit - If you resize the window (or rotate your tablet for instance), then the display will automatically re-render so that only the correct number of apps will fit into the screen. (Phones / tablets: this is all based upon what the browser reports as the resolution. This value may not be the same as the actual resolution of the screen) - I would recommend that if using a phone / tablet to navigate through the Apps tab, that you limit the search results to 50 maximum to limit the inconvenience of the browser taking time to re-render the display accordingly when you rotate it. If you find any display aberrations, then please post a screen shot along with the browser that you are using.
  17. There's also something you can set in the Tips & Tweaks plugin. (Something about vfs.cache_pressure IIRC) You'd have to search...
  18. You guys might want to read this starting here: Net result is that I have zero clue why a couple of people have problems with this as both the copy and the removing of old sets fails / hangs as its simply a standard bash command
  19. I don't want to open up that can of worms...
  20. Diagnostics during a backup. SSH, diagnostics
  21. During a backup its reading / writing from the cache drive to the array, which depending upon your hardware may impact performance. Your system is probably laggy during SMB transfers by themselves. If watching the progress during a backup, then it's checking the status and updating the screen every (IIRC) 2 seconds.
  22. The message was there for that reason. But, after seeing what you did and then thinking about how you would stop the message from appearing, the solution was counter intuitive: You would have to go into the plugin (the deleted script wouldn't be listed), and to stop the message you would have to make a change somewhere to the schedule for something else and apply those changes. Makes more sense to simply suppress the message.
  23. Probably need to use the entire version number instead of "plexpass"
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