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Everything posted by Squid

  1. The assumption is that if the backup takes over, it would get re-registered with the existing key file. Only one registration is needed.
  2. Flash failure is rare. Accidentally corrupting / deleting files is far more common. You idea would actually work setting the second flash as a backup location with the following caveat: It cannot be named UNRAID. That would really mess up the system. You would still have to reassign your drives (or rename the backup of the super.dat file if a failure occurred). CA doesnot and will not ever backup the super.dat file without renaming it. This is because there is a situation that can happen when you rearrange drives after a backup has been done, and a failure happens before the next backup. This could potentially trash a data drive. (There is also a text file named drive-assignments.txt that details the exact assignments as of the last backup)
  3. Yeah it would be. 3 files. in which case you upgrade again. But a dated backup wouldn't make a difference anyways. (BTW, on upgrades, the previous version is stored on the flash drive in the previous folder) Its on a todo list. Just not at the top.
  4. No it's currently not possible. To have it as part of dated backups, it has to be part of the appdata. Not impossible for me to add (and its been sitting on my back burner for awhile). Realistically, there's not particularly anything on the flash drive that's updated constantly that you'd ever need to worry about having to go back where last week's backup isn't identical to the one made 2 weeks ago. Its why I never particularly worried about it.
  5. Day for the weird "under certain circumstances" fixes that nobody would ever see and/or complain about but were a WTF moment for me when I saw them. Fix CSS (on 6.4+) for statistics pop ups Fixed: Under certain circumstances previous apps pop ups could display the wrong app Fixed: Prevent apps not in appfeed (ie: private apps previously installed, but removed from the private repository) from displaying a popup in previous apps section Remove some excess unused code and images Remove Sort By Date. With auto updating apps, its very confusing to see an Last Updated date that's in 2015 because the template hasn't actually changed. Additionally, removed the Date Updated displaying from docker apps, but left it in place for plugins (since all those guys are very good at updating the template)
  6. Use CA cfg file editor plugin Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  7. And ignore the instructions to install Community Repositories and install Community Applications instead
  8. Added in support to put any page within unRaid (setting, plugin config, etc) as a custom tab. - I did this because I have the very bad habit of not checking Dynamix Active Streams to see if the wife is watching something before rebooting / stopping the array. - Any .page file (ie: any Icon in unRaid GUI) can be put on as a custom tab, but note that depending upon how the file is programmed, there may be minor issues (during testing, only CA Auto Update (Docker Settings) had any problems. Dynamix Active Streams works perfectly. - As with a custom tab set with a URL, the plugin supports Azure / Grey themes when running 6.4+ - Because of how plugins are written, there may be multiple .page files associated with any given plugin, and you may have to try different ones to get what you want. If a naming conflict between the .page file and the custom tab occurs, then an underscore (_) will be added to the name of the tab. Side Note: The Azure / Grey themes are hardcoded as to the amount of text that they display next to the icon, so long Names may get cut-off on the display. This doesn't impact the custom tab at all, and is also out of my control. *** The original page file is NOT touched or modified in any way shape or form. A copy is made and modified for the custom tab. IE: The original "settings" icon is still available where ever it was within unRaid's GUI.
  9. I've been good lately... (At least until what I'm working on right now gets released )
  10. If your problem is solved, or was a simple misconception on your part, then please do NOT delete the thread. Other users may still find it interesting, and there may also be links within other threads to your posts
  11. My post immediately before yours My post 2 before yours The actual script should still run. (But If you need to change the settings for a particular reason, let me know and I'll help you modify the settings by hand.)
  12. There is a known issue with unRaid 6.4RC5 that prevents the GUI for this plugin from loading. This error is outside of my control, and will be fixed on the next 6.4 release. Sorry for the inconvenience
  13. Either way, enable reconstruct write mode in Settings - Disk Settings. All your drives will be spun up, but the writes will go ~3 times faster. You can disable it after the transfer is done.
  14. While it'll work, it'll be the slowest due to the 2 transfers over the network going on simultaneously. But, it arguably is the easiest since nothing really needs to be done to get everything to work. What you want to do is do the transfer locally no matter what, and involve the network as little as possible. If the synology allows you to move / copy files from one share to another without involving another desktop, then it'll work good. Alternatively, you can mount the Synology share on unRaid using the Unassigned Devices plugin, and then use the Dolphin / Krusader apps to move from the Synology to the unRaid share. The absolute best speed would be to ditch the network together, and physically attach the drives from the synology onto the unRaid server, use UD, Dolphin/Krusader to move everything. No idea though if the synology drives have separate file systems on each drive, yada yada yada.
  15. Mobile but there's some settings you can do with the tips and tweaks plugin that may help. Search for mover tips and tweaks Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  16. Out of all the components of CA, its the only one that I've hated since day 1.
  17. - Expanded the statistics to show what's been deprecated / blacklisted / incompatible - Big change is that the resource monitor is now removed Resource monitor was A pig on server resources A pig on browser resources A big kludge in getting it working within the replacement UI Looked like crap Installing the cAdvisor application will give the same information (except for appdata size) as CA's resource monitor, and suffers from none of the above problems. With cAdvisor, the template available in CA is 100% correct, and only requires you to select an appropriate host port. Don't touch any of the path mappings that are already present.
  18. Added in support for custom tabs when using 6.4 RC3+ and the Azure / Gray themes Dynamix utilizes font-awesome for the new themes. A new entry on each Custom Tab setting will allow you to enter in the appropriate font-awesome code for the icon. This is a list of the font-awesome codes: http://fontawesome.io/cheatsheet/ When looking at it, you'll see entries like: fa-envelope [] What you need to enter for this particular icon is f0e0 Entering in an invalid code may result in strange results from dynamix (but doesn't appear to cause any crashing of unRaid's UI)
  19. <Changes> [a href='link/to/project/changelog' target='_blank']Project Changelog[/a] Container Changelog: . . . </Changes>
  20. Needs to be done by the maintainer. And why lsio doesn't update them is because they do automated weekly updates. Hint hint maybe they could put a link to the projects changelogs
  21. Change the host port on sab. Simple and easy. Btw diagnostics are all anonymized. Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
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