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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Was not thinking of a general backup solution - I just thought it might be easier for a user to grab their flash backup from a FTP location if they have it, vs installing a trial version 1st to get access to the array to get at the flash backup off of..... I will just make a cron then and send it to a btsync or dropbox folder so it gets to my desktop and/or laptop Maybe I came off a bit wrong then... The whole "not a general purpose backup thingy" is my standard defence against things. In this case, I do see the positives involved, but to be quite honest, while I can use filezilla, the underlying protocol involved I know less than nothing about and just don't want to start something like that. Future (prob week or so -> or as CHBMB would state it'll be tomorrow), separate destinations for flash backups are forthcoming. Piggy-backing accomplished two things: #1 - dirt easy to accomplish, and fixes what I think of the biggest problem with restores -> the plugins folder (in particular dockerMan). Like everything else, CA / FCP / Scripts does what I want it to do first, and everything else comes after.... #2 - (primary reason) it justified another update to CA without having CHBMB laugh his head off at me over the 25k vs 25l thing
  2. Not a Linux guy but I don't think sudo is ever needed with unraid since you're always running as root Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  3. Image is already installed. Probably you hit update and there was nothing to update. Updates on some apps always show available. Nobody is 100% sure if it's unraid or docker hub that's causing that Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  4. So that I don't get too much feature creep on this would hourly, daily, weekly, monthly suffice set via dynamix scheduled suffice? Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  5. No problems. (Although I believe that the single biggest PITA in redoing a flash from scratch is the plugin configs (especially dockerMan templates) Already thought about that after the previous post Next week or so, although that pretty much requires that you would have a UD mounted volume / smb share somewhere, as any destination to the array is as good as the share for appdata backups already chosen. Piggy backing onto the appdata backup was an easy solution to the main problems that I see on recreation -> docker templates, although restoring is a multistep process due to the need to do a trial key and initial drive setup prior to restoring. And, there's going to not be any sort of remote backup (ie: FTP). CA Backup is and will remain a specialized backup solution for a specific problem, and its not going to evolve into a general backup system. (Why its part of the CA banner - Although you could use it to keep 2 servers in sync by manually editing its configuration file. -> hint hint)
  6. Yeah it would stop the command. You would need to run it in the background. Aborts on background tasks will kill the running script, but if the script called a long running command at the time of abort (something like find) then that command will run to completion. Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  7. More things without vowels... lmao I like this guy!!!
  8. Did some research, and due to how I handle the enabling / disabling of the buttons when running in the background, there is a limitation on what characters are allowed in the name of the folder Only letters ([A-Za-z]), digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), periods ("."), and spaces (" ") are allowed. Anything else will mess up the background running (but will probably work in the foreground) Technically, other characters would be valid, but due to the massive amount of escaping, you're best to just keep it simple. In particular, avoid single and double quotes. This is because of the HTML, not passing the command to bash. An update will be released tomorrow which will handle spaces in the folder names (oversight on my part), after further testing.
  9. My thoughts exactly Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  10. Fine. I'll get you to do all the html/css for me then as that's one thing I just have a bitch of a time wrapping my head around Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  11. Man, I never hit the linux command line (beyond very very basic stuff - I'm a DOS guy) prior to just before CR was released (or wrote a line of code since I was a teenager). Look how far you've come with the dvb plugin Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  12. Pretty much. Now I have no idea what to do on Sunday for the next 10 months Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  13. As was I. Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  14. I saw a post the other day about unmenu and it popped back into my head about what it did (although iirc this is easier to add your own) Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  15. When on dated backups you can select delete after x number of days and it will do it automatically. I only keep 2 days worth. (I'm on the server every day and if I haven't noticed an issue with the cache drive within 2 days then I'm probably dead) The existing non dated backup you will have to delete manually through mc or the command line or dolphin My entire appdata size is only around 12gig. But I don't have downloads (incomplete or otherwise) stored within it. If you do then maybe you would want to exclude that folder I guess that I can add a button to nuke the backup folder if need be because it is a pain to do without dropping to a command line or running a docker app due to the permissions Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  16. No. But additional folders (the dated ones) will be stored in there. Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  17. It actually was saving the value correctly. It just wasn't displaying the saved value in the settings. Small typo from a couple weeks ago Fixed
  18. It was still running the checks appropriately. Just a little PHP warning that popped up on the rare apps that run in bridge mode, but with no ports defined (get_iPlayer) Updated...
  19. Just for the hell of it I counted up all of the "official" releases I've made to CA (ie: the ones that actually made it into a change log) and it totals 93. (TBH I'm a little surprised I haven't broken 100 yet) At least it keeps moving forward lol I hear that unraid 6.2 series won't enter RC phase until CA has at least 135 releases. Give me more ideas then Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  20. Very nice. You want me to redirect the output of the script to a log file with the option to display it? Hmm. Yes, I like that idea. Couple of days... GoT night Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  21. Very nice. You want me to redirect the output of the script to a log file with the option to display it?
  22. Just for the hell of it I counted up all of the "official" releases I've made to CA (ie: the ones that actually made it into a change log) and it totals 93. (TBH I'm a little surprised I haven't broken 100 yet) At least it keeps moving forward lol
  23. Updated with ability to run the script as a background process, and monitoring of whether its running or not, along with the option to abort the script. BTW, if you want to format the output on any script, you would use standard HTML.
  24. https://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/42943177.jpg[/img] - Fixed up some minor little things - Added in automatic boot flash drive backup Due to its minimal size, flash drive backup is automatic not optional. A new folder will created (and updated every time) the backup process runs called Community_Applications_USB_Backup, without the config/super.dat file. What this means is that in the event of a flash drive failure, you would recreate the flash drive (register it as a trial), set up all of your drives, and then copy the backed up files from either your appdata share, or your backup of appdata share. After a reboot, unRaid will walk you through transferring your .key file to a new flash drive, and all of your plugins, docker templates, etc etc etc will be back the exact same as they were prior to the crash. I'm specifically excluding the super.dat file due to the risks involved in restoring it should the drive configuration change in between backups. If you want the system to keep track of super.dat, then back it up yourself, because CA is not going to put itself into a position that can potentially cause major data loss by backing up a super.dat (and having you restore it yourself). Also on restores of appdata, the flash drive will NOT be restored onto the flashdrive (but it will get restored back into appdata) Last time I checked, a was a vowel
  25. Doesn't matter now. Adding a background button, along with status monitoring of background task, and an abort button
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