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Everything posted by Squid

  1. While jonp has a very valid point about removing plugins to test for this kind of issue, I would suggest reinstalling fix common problems and putting it into troubleshooting mode, as additional things are logged every 10 minutes (available ram, free space on /, /var/log, tmpfs) ps -aux output, etc that may also help to shed some light on this.
  2. Personally I prefer dolphin but realistically they both are the same Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  3. Yeah that's correct. You should be able to adjust the perms that your dl client and or cp or sonarr uses but if you need to adjust the permissions within the array use the docker safe new perms (tools tab) Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  4. That is true. Why the fix common problems plugin has a "docker safe" new perms module which skips over appdata (and CA's backup of appdata) The only fix if you've messed up the perms is to redo the appdata from scratch (or spend a ton of time figuring out what the permissions should be for each and every file/folder and manually changing them)
  5. Looked at the appfeed, and there is only a single reference to macupdate.com, and that is the icon that PhAzE is using for PlexMediaServer. In itself, that's not an issue since it's only an icon that's being pulled, but to fix it, PhAzE has to adjust the plugin template to pull the icon from somewhere else I actualy didn't setup the original XML files for CA, not really sure who did. Anyways, that Plex icon is coming from macupdate.com. I've copied the image to my git repo and updated the XML link to point to there. I'll check all the other plugin xml files too and do the same but probably not until later today. The problem should be fixed now. I probably originally did, but since you forked them off of me (as instructed), I'm not able to correct it.
  6. In a nutshell: Set up a HTPC to work with and interface with MySQL / MariaDB properly (eg: set up advancedsettings.xml) The copy from the HTPC to the appdata/kodi/userdata for this app the following files: mediasources.xml passwords.xml sources.xml Then modify the advancedsettings.xml included with this app appropriately Point CP / Sonarr to talk to this app. Done NB: When setting up your HTPC, make sure that you use the default scraper with Kodi, otherwise this app will not be able to scrape the files correctly So in this case my Mac is my HTPC, would I go to kodi.tv download Jarvis 16.1 for OSX and then modify and copy the following files from OSX to unRAID? mediasources.xml passwords.xml sources.xml If so, that seems pretty straight forward. I just need to make sure my paths, etc. are correct. Yeah, once you verify that kodi works properly on the computer (interfacing and scanning correctly in conjunction with MariaDB/MySQL), then copy those files over, and modify advancedsettings.xml appropriately Hey Squid, I appreciate your help on this topic. I did have one last question if you know the answer. From what I gather using Kodi headless, the primary benefit is just having all of the metadata stored on unRAID, would that be correct? The primary reason why I wanted to set up Kodi was to use some of the addons such as acestream that aren't available on Plex, and won't run on a Mac without using Wine. Thanks again! The primary (and only benefit) to running Kodi Headless is so that CP / Sonarr have somewhere to tell to update the library with a new download. If one of your HTPC's is always on 24-7, then there is zero reason to run Kodi Headless. But if you turn off / sleep your HTPC's then running Kodi Headless will keep your library up to date.
  7. Looked at the appfeed, and there is only a single reference to macupdate.com, and that is the icon that PhAzE is using for PlexMediaServer. In itself, that's not an issue since it's only an icon that's being pulled, but to fix it, PhAzE has to adjust the plugin template to pull the icon from somewhere else http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=33341.msg478119#msg478119
  8. By error, did you mean that you hit "Update Applications" and then it stated that it cannot download the plugin repository? Normal -> happens to me all the time on that repository. I think its because of all the .png's etc that are in the same folder as the plugin templates, and the download routine times out before it completes the download But, there is generally zero reason (as the pop up states) to ever have to hit update applications (That button is there is specific reasons, and getting the up to date applications is not one of them, as the application feed is always up to date (within 2 hours)) On the other hand, if you got that error, along with "reverting to legacy mode", that means that for whatever reason, the routine was unable to download the application feed, and reverted to a legacy mode, and was unable to successfully download that repository (for the reasons above).
  9. Looked at the appfeed, and there is only a single reference to macupdate.com, and that is the icon that PhAzE is using for PlexMediaServer. In itself, that's not an issue since it's only an icon that's being pulled, but to fix it, PhAzE has to adjust the plugin template to pull the icon from somewhere else
  10. You should create a defect report, as the odds of LT noticing this post are slim to none
  11. https://github.com/docker/distribution/issues/1439
  12. Not that I use deluge, but are there any similar messages in the syslog. Seems to me to be more likely that the file system itself has been mounted as read-only
  13. Intermittent reports of Python and sab causing issues. What *may* have happened is that after sab failed to respond to the stop command, docker automatically forcibly killed the container, with a side effect of the problems you noticed. I always suggest to switch to NZBGet and never look back
  14. I call bull5#1+ on that one.... Fair enough. How about this: I was just too lazy to fix it Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  15. Was merely waiting to see how long it took anyone to notice. ? Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  16. Wow! It does sound so appealing! Tom et al may already subscribe to that theory. [emoji12] Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  17. Either give me the diagnostics or something like 20 lines before and after. That line by itself doesn't make sense to me Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  18. The disks will all come back in the same order as they were before. All your docker containers will run as if nothing ever changed. But it never hurts to make a note or print a screenshot. VMs I can't comment on Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  19. - Fix typos - Prevent appdata cleanup from deleting parent folders (due to severely misconfigured previously installed docker template) - Add support and project links back to table mode (not sure how / when they got removed) - More forgiving cacheonly appdata determination on backup module - Prevent a redundant download on popup changelogs and descriptions
  20. That looks like an unraid or docker hub issue. It can't successfully download the images. Are you perhaps running out of space in your docker img file? Quick search: https://github.com/docker/distribution/issues/1439
  21. I removed, and re-added, the emby docker. The dates/times of the xml files in templates/binhex have updated, but the problem is still present. The reported lineno refers to the DonateLink element in every case. How are you adding it? Just trying it now with no problems. Make a note of the mappings / ports / etc, then remove the container (don't need to remove the image), then add it back again via CA (NOT using the previous apps section)
  22. Hi Squid I just ran the clean appdata module. It found 2 appdata folders from old apps. So i selected them to delete. Unfortunately it deleted all my appdata folders. Looking at the module it still says i have one folder listed SABnzbd: /mnt/cache/appdata/ however that isnt there in my appdata? edit .. Just selected the above to be deleted again and message i get is Are you sure you want to delete these folders? /mnt/cache/appdata/ is it is deleting everything in my appadata. I let it then folder again. Then ran module again this time i said i have no orphaned appdata folders. I then started emby which created the emby appdata folder again. I checked the module again and it once again tells me i have one orpaned appdat SABnzbd: /mnt/cache/appdata/ Any idea why this is happening on my system? edit 2.... ok I remember. i guess at one time SABnzbd put its files in the root of my appdata folder. As i manually deleted these files with krusader your module thought they are still present and deletes all files in appdata :-( ok... There was a possibility I just never considered... The key here is that as you've recalled, SAB used to be pointed at /mnt/cache/appdata instead of /mnt/cache/appdata/sab CA went through, saw that sab is no longer installed (and the last installation of it had the incorrect mapping), so CA dutifully (after you said yes to the confirmation prompting to delete the entire appdata) deleted it. It winds up coming back prompting to delete it because other docker apps have recreated the appdata share. Sorry. I just never considered an app completely misconfigured like that as a possibility I'll add some checks to prevent this from happening again. In the meantime, I hope that you have a backup of the appdata folder, and I would suggest going to CA's previous apps section and clicking on the red-x next to sab to get rid of that template so that this cannot happen again.
  23. I'm sure its not the only typo... Thanks That drop down when you're in dated backups is to select which backup to restore from. In your case, since you've already been using non-dated backups, it's going to display all the folders available. On a nice clean fresh backup folder it would only display the dated ones. I'm displaying every folder because if you're not using the autodelete feature in conjunction with dated backups, then you are free to rename the folder as you choose (ie: the date followed by a comment)
  24. Probably fixed now. There was some template issues yeaterday. You may however have to remove and readd the app via CA Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  25. Next time there's a change to a monitored folder it will create everything within it Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
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