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Everything posted by Squid

  1. let me finish my coffee, and then finish up a CA update so I can give CHBMB a good laugh EDIT: You guys are killing me... Anyone know what the odds are of a PID being reused after the script is completed?
  2. This should work as a script then: echo "Starting the real script" echo "/path/to/the/actual/script.sh" | at NOW -M > /dev/null 2>&1
  3. no monitor or keyboard In other words, this app is designed to update your library with no interaction at all.
  4. The script file also supports some inline variables which will customize the GUI for the script in question description This is the description of the script - ie: what will show up on the UI for the plugin foregroundOnly Setting this to be true disallows background running (and scheduling) of the script backgroundOnly Setting this to be true disallows foreground running of the script arrayStarted Setting this to be true will only run the script (foreground or background or scheduled) if the array is up and running name this is the name of the script. Without this variable, the GUI will display the folder's name argumentDescription if present this will bring up a pop up asking the user for the argument list for the script. Note that currently arguments do not accept spaces contained within one argument (ie: quoting and escaping spaces does NOT work) argumentDefault this is the default arguments for the above clearLog Set to be true to have the log deleted prior to execution of the script (ie: logs are only for the last execution of the script) noParity Set to be try if the script is not allowed to run when a parity check / rebuild is in progress How to implement these variables: Immediately after the interpreter line (eg: immediately after the #!/bin/bash line), add these lines if you choose (you do not need to add all of them if you don't require them) #description=this is the description of the script #foregroundOnly=true #backgroundOnly=true #arrayStarted=true #name=blah blah blah #clearLog=true #argumentDescription=This is the description of the argument(s) #argumentDefault=defaultArg1 defaultArg2 etc #noParity=true After the first non comment line within any script, parsing for these variables stops. (IE: they have to be right at the top of the script file) Note that you do NOT have to have any or all of the lines contained within any particular script. (Also, if you do have the description file present, then its contents takes precedence over the description variable) *PHP scripters: You can also place these variable lines immediately after the <? or <?PHP line
  5. lol oh he's already laughing even louder....
  6. Exact same error that I saw going to a user share (which doesn't support symlinks) on my secondary server. There's no real way that I can determine where the error actually lies, since it's a non-fatal error. If you set the module to save the logs to the flash drive, then you can go through and determine what the actual file(s) are. But, odds are that its a symlink issue... Whether or not its important to the app, only you can determine. In my case, after a restore from the faulty backup, I couldn't tell if there was any issue caused by it. I would think that since you've got another backup of the appdata onto the array, to test it I would trash your appdata folder, then restore from your UD mount and see what happens. No guarantees... And thanks for the beer! (there are a couple of display anomalies that I need to fix with regards to UD mounts (didn't notice them until after the release - hard to test absolutely everything , but I'll look like a complete idiot and will never hear the end of it from CHBMB if I pump out 25l today... So I'll just wait for tomorrow)
  7. Updated to 2016.06.25k with additional text on how to handle UD mounts [emoji14] I'm saying nothing....... But I am laughing.... lol Well, as a beta tester I would have to say that you don't find too many issues... Maybe its time that I fire you...
  8. Just a simple little plugin to act as a front end for any little scripts that you may have that you may need to run every once in a while, and don't feel like dropping down to the command line to do it. (Or anything that I happen to run across here on the forum that will be of use to some people) Install it via Community Applications Only a couple included scripts: - Delete .DS_Store files from the array - Delete any dangling images from the docker.img file - Display the size of the docker container's log files (to see if a docker app is filling up the image file through excessive logging) Additional Scripts from myself (and hopefully other users) can be found here: To add your own scripts: Within the flash drive folder config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts create a new folder (each script is going to have its own folder) - The name doesn't matter but it can only contain the following characters: letters ([A-Za-z]), digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), periods ("."), and spaces (" ") Or, you can hit the button that says "Add Script", then give the script a name. Hovering over the script's name will then give you additional options. Including online editing... Create a file called description that contains the description of the script. Create a file called script this will be the actual script. Few notes: So as to make things easier for people: The script file can be created with any text editor you choose. DOS line endings will be automatically converted to Linux style endings prior to execution. #!bin/bash is automatically added to every script prior to execution to help out the noobies EDIT: This is only added if no interpreter is specified (ie: #!/bin/bash) If an interpreter is already specified (ie: #!/usr/bin/php), then line is not added Techie Notes: The scripts are actually copied and executed from /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/user.scripts/ /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts so if there are dependencies (other scripts, etc) stored in the same folder as the script file, you will need to specify the full path to them. Interactive (ie: answering yes/no to a question) scripts will not work.
  9. If you're not running the latest version, update it. If that doesn't fix it, what docker apps are you running?
  10. Away from computer for a couple of days but I believe that I included support of ud mounted shares but since I don't use the plugin never tested. If the share appears in the destination disk drop down then it should work. Let me know Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk Unfortunately the share doesnt appear in the list. When mounting the remote smb share using the unassigned plugin it creates the remote share as a mount point /mnt/disks/DSL-AC68U-83E8_ASUS I can select this as a disk in the app backup module but then when asking for which share i cant get any further. It would be great if you could make the module be able to backup appdata to shares off the server. It works as is. All you have to do is manually enter in the destination folder. (It'll take a big ass rewrite of the entire module to get the drop down share picker to reflect that you're using a UD mounted device - maybe at some point in the future). That being said, I make no guarantees about the ability to successfully complete a backup to a UD mounted device. If the destination does not properly handle symlinks, then the backup is going to be incomplete, and you will run into trouble on a restore. (You will know because errors will be returned on completion) On my test to my secondary server, it will return errors due to symlinks. Your mileage will vary. You didn't say WHICH Saturday. ;D Are you angling for a position at limetech? https://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/56525828.jpg[/img] Updated to 2016.06.25k with additional text on how to handle UD mounts
  11. If you think your boss is stupid, just remember that you wouldn't have a job if he was any smarter Added in Extended Tests (you have to manually run it as it probably will take awhile, especially if you have plex installed) - Checks for Permission issues on every file / folder (skipped on appdata / CA backup folders) - Checks for Duplicate Files (confuses user & unRaid) - Checks for invalid characters on files - Checks for folder names only differing by "case" (confuses SMB / Windows) And before you complain RobJ, user shares must be enabled (if only because dupe checks only make sense with user shares enabled)
  12. Because they were both named the same (my-rutorrent). Nothing I can do about that as that's a dockerMan thing. It keeps track of the last rutorent that you've loaded. If you were running multiple containers, you should have them named differently
  13. just wading in on this (hope you dont mind guys), deleting the container AND image, and then deleting the config folder for the app WILL result in a complete reset for the app, there is no benefit in blowing away your complete docker.img file (not to be confused with the docker image of the app), so yes it is easy to blow away your docker.img file and then start again using your already defined templates, i dont think it will get you any further forward, at least not in this case, anybody disagree? Unless something funky is going on within the docker.img (every have to reformat your Windows box because of weird little things happening?) The only other possibility I would suggest if problems still persist is the host volume mapping for /config -> if its set to /mnt/user/... or /mnt/cache/...
  14. Deleting the docker image does not mean you have to reconfigure everything. If you delete, recreate, then re-add the apps via CA's previous apps, everything will be back the exact same after the downloads. (They will have the exact same mappings, hosts, etc) Thanks for the tip. I wasn't aware CA had that feature. I still have to redo Jackett though. For some reason It breaks every time I re-add it and I have to go into the web-ui and reconfigure the sites. It's still going to be a pain in the butt to if I have to keep deleting the image. Hopefully I can figure out why this keeps happening and getting worse. Its actually built into dockerMan (Add template, then one of the my* templates) CA just presents the info in a way that actually makes sense to humans.
  15. Deleting the docker image does not mean you have to reconfigure everything. If you delete, recreate, then re-add the apps via CA's previous apps, everything will be back the exact same after the downloads. (They will have the exact same mappings, hosts, etc)
  16. Dockers use their own self contained OS's, they don't interact with the host OS like you are implying. see here. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg387520#msg387520 If your docker needs access to a particular program, it needs to be installed inside the docker container, typically by docker exec into the container and installing from there. Installing the binary in unraid isn't going to help. And if you install it yourself inside the docker, you will have to do it again each time you update the docker. Maybe you could get the author of the docker to include it for you. Although you probably could pass through the location as a new volume mapping, and then point CP to that location.
  17. Irrelevant. Parity Checks / Rebuilds always operate on the block level. IE: they read or write all sectors on the drive
  18. Except that the logs are stored within the docker image, and eventually the image will fill up due to the log spam if you don't add something like this to the extra parameters: --log-opt max-size=50m --log-opt max-file=1 to limit the size of the log files. Except that the above only works on 6.2+ Errors are only at the beginning and 10 lines at most. Sorry... was basing it from this:
  19. Not a VM expert, but from what I see at the logs is that while the memory used by the VM did increase, the last one prior to OOM was not fundamentally different from the previous ones (and certainly not any different from when memory started dropping precipitously). I'm just wondering if its a docker app doing this (something misconfigured and storing stuff into RAM?)
  20. Except that the logs are stored within the docker image, and eventually the image will fill up due to the log spam if you don't add something like this to the extra parameters: --log-opt max-size=50m --log-opt max-file=1 to limit the size of the log files. Except that the above only works on 6.2+
  21. Lol. But at least it got fixed. ? Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  22. Ok. You'll have it by Saturday Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  23. Away from computer for a couple of days but I believe that I included support of ud mounted shares but since I don't use the plugin never tested. If the share appears in the destination disk drop down then it should work. Let me know Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  24. FCP (and CA for that matter) have zero dependencies or extra packages installed that's not already included in the base OS. FCP in troubleshooting mode merely tails the syslog to the flash drive and adds extra diagnostic logging every 10 minutes to the syslog. Only downside is that if you leave it running in troubleshooting mode for a couple of months with out a reboot, your flash drive will fill with the logs / diagnostics. (which are easy to delete) But with it's logging of the free ram, and utilization of key RAM folders and the processes running, etc it is (IMO very useful to aid in diagnostics)
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