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Everything posted by Squid

  1. This would be great and VM's (I know VM's is not really a part of this but Flash backup would be great) In order to correctly backup the flash drive it is necessary to actually stop the array since the started/stopped status is part of the super.dat file and restoring a backup that shows the array was not stopped will result in an automatic correcting parity check due to unclean shutdown. Also, users need to be aware that restoring a flash backup that does not have the correct and current disk assignments can result in data loss. Which is why I don't really want to go there with this plugin, beyond the fact that: - Its nothing to actually back it up yourself as there are zero permission issues and it takes maybe 5 seconds - Has nothing to do with applications Don't want to go there either, as - I don't particularly run VMs - If the VM doesn't shut down correctly, then a force shutdown could possibly corrupt the VM That being said, VM's were what I actually originally had in mind when I put in the provisions for the Stop / Start scripts. Using those, you can create a script to stop any VM, copy its img file, and then restart it. The same can be done easily for the flash drive.
  2. I've made a feature req to have new perms not mess with appdata, and am considering creating a "docker safe" new perms tool in conjunction with fix common problems (but next on my plate is some changes to CA)
  3. Birthdays are good for your health. Studies have shown that people who have more birthdays live the longest - Fixed (better be) Crashplan webUI - Check for sharenames same as disknames - Check for cache only shares, but no cache drive - Fix NVMe drives showing HPA - Fix time of last scan aberration if not errors found Incorrect time issue - I think the website that is checked crashed temporarily (and still returned a valid albeit incorrect time) and then was reset some time later.
  4. Because I screwed up... It basically means that there was no errors/warnings at all found which is a situation that I don't ever have on my systems because I've got HPA on a drive. Will fix...
  5. Correct. I can't see anything wrong with the settings and their haven't been any recent changes. run a scan again and if it fails again, try this from a command prompt: echo $(expr $(date +%s) / 60) and compare it to this website: http://currentmillis.com/time/minutes-since-unix-epoch.php They should be within 1 minute of each other (due to rounding errors)
  6. So it just started and hasn't been giving warnings on that previously? Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  7. OK it's a false positive... I'll build an exception for it on tomorrow's build Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  8. Oh and what HPA is is where the motherboard has decided to shrink the size of the hard drive so that it can store BIOS backups on it. Really bad on the parity drive because at that point the parity drive may not be as large or larger than the data drives and your ability to rebuild is directly affected Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  9. if you can login and give me the output of hdparm -N /dev/sdX where X is the identifier of one of those disks. You can find it on the Main tab. I would actually think its more likely that it's because it's an NVMe
  10. I don't think of HPA being present on any drive as being an issue unless it's on the parity as it then directly can impact your ability to rebuild or expand your array (you might not be able to) hence why parity makes an error and any other drive is just an info an won't even notify you Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  11. After it was determined (not by myself - although admittedly I was neutral on the change) to deprecate the <Beta> tag CA supports both methods. dockerMan itself makes no use of the Category entry (and also doesn't implement it 100%), so it's irrelevant Othersl decided to deprecate the description tag and instead utilize (and unilaterally change the specification without any consultation and then try to tell me that they know the specifications of CA's tag's better than myself) of the <Overview> tag in 6.2 which was previously a CA specific tag (and designed for its needs) Net result is that the operation you are seeing is correct: Only the overview displays under 6.2 (and in CA)
  12. Today's update did nothing actually. But at least you're out of the way and only gubnutten to handle... 2016.05.27 was the fix, but since he's on 6.2 it makes absolutely no sense without seeing his xml
  13. It will tonight The webGUI won't allow the creation of a user share with a name of a disk share, but it is always good to make a check, better safe than sorry In retrospect (as remotevisitor pointed out) it's happened a fair amount with an improperly placed "/" on rsync commands when converting RFS to XFS. The check I've done allows diskX as a share as long as diskX is not present in the system
  14. Updated, rescanned, still get the warning. Running 6.2.0-beta21, CrashPlan probably added while running 6.1.9 if that matters. The syslog is much neater now in this version. Could be even neater if it handled special characters though, "unRaid&#39;s built in FTP server is running" looks a bit webby and out of place. Edit: To clarify, what is in the syslog is ampersand#39; You guysCrashplan is driving me nuts This is the history of the updates regarding it: webUI failed on the initial tests due to the & Updated FCP and it worked under 6.2 Discovered it failed under 6.1.9 Updated FCP and it works under 6.2 and 6.1.9 I have no clue what is up with your systems and the failing of the test. I've now got Crashplan installed on both my 6.2 and 6.1.9 and it passes the test with the default webUI (and fails if I change the entry) I've even copied the my-crashplan xml from the 6.1.9 to the 6.2 (they are different) and it still passes without re-editing the container. Can you post (as an attachment, not as a code block) your /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-Crashplan.xml -> you will have to copy it and change the extension to .txt Oh, and the &#39; appearing in the syslog with FTP was an oversight from when I fixed the ignore problem on that, and has also been fixed
  15. Really... I installed crashplan to test that... I'll look further Edit. Did you guys rescan? Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk Rescanned and even rebooted and rescanned. try it now. 6.2 returns the exact same url. 6.1.x on the other hand is the same url, but with a space preceding it.
  16. Yeah, you made that one up in your head. Next rev or two however I was already planning on changing the logging and making it less verbose
  17. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=39227.msg465301#msg465301
  18. Awesome! I really appreciate your work and your major contributions to the community I am now able to ignore the FTP Server warning, and the pop-up makes perfect sense, yay! The Docker webUI warning is still there, though (as noted by MyKroFt while typing this). From the syslog it looks like the differences lie in a leading space before http and two & uses (confirmed with template xmls): The webUI the author specified is http://[iP]:[PORT:4280]/vnc.html?autoconnect=true&host=[iP]&port=[PORT:4280] and the webUI you are using is http://[iP]:[PORT:4280]/vnc.html?autoconnect=true&host=[iP]&port=[PORT:4280]. Really... I installed crashplan to test that... I'll look further Edit. Did you guys rescan? Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  19. The server that's giving this error, was it previously running 6.2 (at any point)? Can you give me the contents of /boot/config/docker.cfg Yes, I did upgrade to 6.2 but then went back when I ran into some VM issues. /boot/confit/docker.cfg DOCKER_HOME="/mnt/cache/docker" DOCKER_OPTS="--storage-driver=btrfs" DOCKER_CONTAINERS="Couchpotato,RickRage,Transmission,SickRage" DOCKER_ENABLED="yes" DOCKER_IMAGE_SIZE="15" DOCKER_IMAGE_FILE="/mnt/cache/docker/docker.img" DOCKER_APP_CONFIG_PATH="/mnt/user/appdata/" DOCKER_AUTHORING_MODE="no" The docket containers listed above are not installed? Not sure if that's an issue. The problem is the config path that's there that I check as it's valid on 6.2 and on 6.1 shouldn't be there. Just edit that path to say /mnt/cache/appdata Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  20. If you google 4636228756 you'll see people putting their heads in washing machines Fix webUI changed detection if special characters present Downgrade fix common problems & CA not autoupdating to be warnings (the people (aka RobJ) have spoken) Fix not be able to ignore if ' present in description Fix some wording inconsistencies with ignore pop up More forgiving determination of cache only shares (with folders on array) * * Previously just checked if the share existed in /mnt/user0 Now checks the contents of /mnt/user0/share. If anything is present then its an error / warning (can't remember which) The mere fact of the share existing on the array will not trigger anything as unRaid won't actually write anything to it ever.
  21. If you can't fix the GitHub thing on the server, but can access from your laptop here's how you would manually install Download: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/fix.common.problems/master/plugins/fix.common.problems.plg and store it on the flash at config/plugins Make a directory on the flash called config/plugins/fix.common.problems Store this within that folder: https://github.com/Squidly271/fix.common.problems/raw/master/archive/fix.common.problems-2016.05.26-x86_64-1.txz Easiest way to install would be to then reboot, or you could installpkg /boot/config/plugins/fix.common.problems/fix.common.problems-2016.05.26-x86_64-1.txz Tests that you'll fail would be the connectivity test as it tries to ping GitHub.
  22. FCP basically comes up with those errors because the template specifies that it runs in bridge mode, but you've got it running in host. (Also why all of those errors are appearing regarding the ports). No clue if that is recommended or not for this app, but FCP is just pointing this out as an error, because you changed a fundamental setting for the app. The last error regarding /config is because many / most docker apps have issues and/or strange results when their /config folder is set to /mnt/user/.... instead of /mnt/cache/... The safe way to set up any docker app is to set it's /config to be /mnt/cache/appdata/... That being said, Plex for one (which does have some strange little bugs when setup as /mnt/user/...) doesn't like switching to /mnt/cache/... without starting the db over again.
  23. Ball park figures: how long does it take to load this page: http://tools.linuxserver.io/unraid-docker-templates.json Does your browser spend most of the time "looking up tools.linuxserver.io" or is it the actual download of the file (chrome IIRC shows that at the bottom when its trying to look stuff up, but its hard to replicate when I've got zero problems) Since CA is 100% dependent upon a valid downloads from either linuxserver or GitHub, I'll add a couple of "tunables" to the settings which will let you play around with the timeouts for negotiating a connection, and timeouts on the actual downloads. I was planning on pumping out another update to CA for some backup things this weekend, so I'll make a note and do that at the same time.
  24. The server that's giving this error, was it previously running 6.2 (at any point)? Can you give me the contents of /boot/config/docker.cfg
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