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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Docker FAQ is the closest we've been able to do. Mainly because explaining volume vs host paths isn't the easiest thing to diagram out in text http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.0
  2. Docker is being used in unRaid how it is intended. As an app platform. Docker authors set it up once, and it becomes portable to any system running docker on any OS. Where linuxserver's implementation of their containers differs from the docker ideal is that of the auto-updating. Different opinions on that score. From docker's homepage: And that is also the same reason why auto updates go against the ideal of docker. (But are not necessarily a bad thing depending upon the audience and environment)
  3. Actually, if something changes in those two files in the future (ie: users gets moved by default), give me a heads up so that I can head off any problems
  4. Right, also think about future updates to the system files, e.g. UserList.page, it may go out of sync with your backup version! But I was first The backup versions of users.page and userlist.page isn't part of the plugin, but rather created at time of plugin install (if they don't already exist). That way if they change due to a future update to unraid they get recreated with the updated version when the plugin reinstall during boot. I thought ahead... If that comes to pass, then if something breaks, I'll just blame you and LT. [emoji14] Very good thinking ... but in future it becomes possible again to do webGUI updates separately and without reboot!
  5. Yep. Not to rock the boat too much, but I'd personally like Plugins and Dockers to be merged into "Apps" on the header. Not necessarily pile them altogether on the page - maybe have two tabs with CA underneath. While we're there, Settings and Tools *could* be merged, since a lot of plugin tools end up being accessed from the Settings page. If / when CA gets integrated I'm sure something like that would happen (but not until 6.3 or 6.4 at the earliest) CA used to be happy within the docker tab but now it's combining a plugins and Dockers and isn't happy in either place. It's relatatively easy right now for ca to completely handle everything that the plugins tab can do but didn't want to replace any existing functionality - merely add some.
  6. Right, also think about future updates to the system files, e.g. UserList.page, it may go out of sync with your backup version! But I was first The backup versions of users.page and userlist.page isn't part of the plugin, but rather created at time of plugin install (if they don't already exist). That way if they change due to a future update to unraid they get recreated with the updated version when the plugin reinstall during boot. I thought ahead...
  7. Right now, I am the only one offering the option to move a tab to a different place to solve a problem. But, in the future a possibilty exists if two different plugins do it, what is the result going to be. If nothing else, at least dynamix buttons, stats, and now CA all have squatters rights on the main tabs
  8. Rather than allowing users to move pages around, I think it would be a good idea to just put Users under Settings and leave it there since it is seldom used. It's true that Users is initially used to create users, but afterwards doesn't require often visits. The mechanism I was thinking about is something for developers, they can create a list of 'places' where their page can be placed, not a random place chosen by the user. Again it's only thoughts at this moment... Random thought: Move users to settings, but on initial boot (virgin install), have a wizard to walk people through user setup, share setup, etc
  9. At the time my options were limited (but its also why I gave users the option to either move CA or move Users), and I really didn't want to have CA sitting in Settings. Maybe I'm heavily biased there too
  10. I am using System Stats. It would probably make sense to move it to Tools though. Of course I am heavily biased, using Stats frequently and finding its current spot the best I assume that you're going to check out my routine to move the Users tab and confirm that there is no ill effects. /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/scripts/moveUsers.php I tested and can add / modify / delete users no problems, but I'm not a big fan of modifying system files. And, even though I don't often use stats (and don't even have the power buttons installed), I think that they are suited to the main tabs.
  11. Up to bonienl. As far as I'm concerned the issue is solved with no ill effects. And i wouldn't be too surprised if users gets moved in 6.2
  12. System buttons, stats. I'm not the only one guilty of the same sin. But since i was last to the party I got holding the bag.
  13. Much slower if its on the array vs on the cache drive
  14. Now that CA supports plugins, there is a separate xml schema for them which is basically a trimmed down docker template. There is no naming convention for the actual template files, but you really should avoid any punctuation, quotation marks, etc that could mess up the appfeed. After creating the templates, you will need to create a new gitHub repository (a new one because if there are any other .xml files within an existing repository, the appfeed will wind up trying to parse them with unknown results on the appfeed / community applications), transfer the templates to them, and them let me know the url to the repository. The basic template is as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Containers> <PluginURL>https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/docker.categorize/master/plugins/docker.categorize.plg</PluginURL> <PluginAuthor>Squid</PluginAuthor> <Beta>False</Beta> <Category>Other:</Category> <Name>Application Categorizer</Name> <Description> This plugin is for application developers ONLY. It will create the category entries for application templates so that Community Applications can display the apps correctly. (Either docker apps or plugins) </Description> <Support>http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40111.0</Support> <Icon>http://www.graphicsfuel.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/folder-icon-512x512.png</Icon> <IconFA>refresh</IconFA> </Containers> <PluginURL> Mandatory. The full path to the .plg file <PluginAuthor> is technically optional, but without it, no one will know who created the plugin <Category> The entry for this tag is created by the Application Template Categorizer http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40111.0. Copy and paste into your template whatever that plugin tells you. The entry must match other wise your plugin will not display under the correct categories. Generally, this entry will be either Tools: or Tools:System <Beta>True or False will flag the plugin as being beta or not. If not present, it will default to false <Support>Full link to the forum thread where you want support requests handled * See below notes <Icon>Self explanatory. Note that unlike a .plg file, there is NO limitiations on size or dimensions. CA internally resizes everything to 96x96, but you can have any dimensions you like. Under ideal circumstances, you should save the image in one of your GitHub repositories and reference that. Images from random websites may change on occasion or be deleted by that website. <IconFA>Used in 6.7+ a font awesome or unRaid specific icon to display in CA in lieu of an image <Description>Self Explanatory Additionally, you can also have the following optional entries within the template: <Overview> Contains a condensed description for the container (basically the same thing as the description, but without any formatting or instructions (You should add this if you decide to add formatting to the description) http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=39106.msg365627#msg365627 <Project> The entry contains a url to the project page (home page) for the container (eg: https://plex.tv) http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40299.msg394762#msg394762 <MinVer> and <MaxVer> - Sets minimum and maximum unRaid versions that the plugin will be allowed to install on. Description here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40299.msg427252#msg427252 - Note that setting min or max in the .plg's attributes will override these settings <Licence> or <License> Optionally displays licence information for the app http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40262.msg444243#msg444243 Note: Do not include any references to any XML attributes if you are copying and pasting changelogs, descriptions, etc. (ie: edit out any &name;) They will mess up the appfeed parser. Additionally, CA supports placing an optional donate button at the bottom of the popup changelogs and full descriptions. The tags associated with this are: <DonateText> A short blurb of why to donate (eg: Server's Cost Money, I'm paying for a divorce, I'm out of beer, etc <DonateLink> A link to take you to the actual website where the donations are handled NOTE that & are disallowed in entries. You will need to replace them with this: & * If you set a support attribute in the .plg file, then it's entry will override the <Support> in the xml. Conversely, if the .plg does not have a support attribute, then when installing the plugin, CA will automatically add the attribute to the .plg based upon the <Support> in the xml Whether or not you publish the URL to manually install the plugin in your support thread is up to you, but it's not necessary and IMO just confuses people. Regarding "Developer Status": 1) You earn the status of Community Developer by not only creating containers/integrating them with CA, but by showing your commitment to providing support for them. 2) You can create a post for support for your container anywhere and then simply PM a moderator to move it to the docker containers forum. 3) After sufficient time contributing, you can request official Community Developer status by PMing Squid and I (jonp). If he approves, I will add you.
  15. Small typo in the .plg file. Updated to 2015.12.06b. If you wound up installing 2015.12.06a, then there is a backup file missing that may impact switching the menu's around. Easiest solution is to uninstall and reinstall (or install 2015.12.06b and reboot) If you didn't install 2015.12.06a, then none of this matters
  16. Updated to 2015.12.06a Fix: disable Update Applications button while an update is in progress. I believe that this will fix smdion's issue. But, again, there is generally zero reason to hit this button, because the plugin automatically downloads the latest list every single time you enter it. Fix: Allow user selectable positioning of where CA lives. It will default to the Main Menu Tabs, but if you are one of the users who is experiencing overlapping tabs and buttons, you have two other options: - Move the Users tab from the main menu and put it within settings ** - Or remove the appstore tab from the main menu and put it within settings. There is a new icon within Settings (Community Applications Section) called Menu Settings that accomplishes this. After you hit Apply, you won't see anything different on screen until you then hit Done ** This has only been tested with 6.1.6 I don't believe that the file's I'm changing have been modified at all throughout the 6.x series, but I can't guarantee that it will work on anything but 6.1.6
  17. Update will be released in ~an hour. Got it so that you have the option to move Users into Settings or Move CA into Settings or leave it the was it is. Just starting on having it persist through a reboot.
  18. Another possibility is that its because of the overlapping mappings. /downloads is overlapping with /config within sab. Try switching /downloads to be a completely separate share.
  19. Wait a bit and try it again... (or reboot and try it again) It does work (and another user had the same problem and just waited an hour)
  20. That is definitely the way to go. And have some thoughts on that, but would have to flesh it out. I also like moving users from the menu bar into settings. It is far and away the least used tab on the menus (in fact, I can't remember ever going into it beyond the initial setup of the systems) But in the meantime, my project for the day is to reconfigure CA to allow for user selectable positioning of whether its on the menu bar, or buried within settings.
  21. I'm using chrome on windows 7 and I get similar weird behavior. The Feedback, help, info and logs buttons overlap the search and update application buttons. I agree with Squid, his plugin deserves a spot in the top tabs but this behavior is annoying. I'll work on it tomorrow. But on my system using Chrome (win10), enabling VMs, dynamix Stats, and having the usage bar at the top, I only see weird results if I zoom the display past 150%. Without the usage bar I can hit 175% before anything overlaps. Not a real big deal to reconfigure the plugin to put itself where you want it. (Defaulting however to the menu bar)
  22. Thing is that it doesn't really belong within the docker tab anymore, and the only other place would be within Settings. I guess that with its new home (and if you also have a VM tab), then it could get quite crowded. I guess that I can add a setting that'll let you decide where to place it. I have always had issues on the iPad. When bonienl was first working on dynamic for v6, I did some testing for him and we had this problem when he had the fan and temps it the main menu bar. That's why he shifted them to the bottom. Would it make sense to have the AppStore to settings though? It really isn't an unRaid operation. It's more of an app manager. No, in my mind it doesn't particularily make sense to put it there, but I was talking about a user selectable position for situations like yours.
  23. Thing is that it doesn't really belong within the docker tab anymore, and the only other place would be within Settings. I guess that with its new home (and if you also have a VM tab), then it could get quite crowded. I guess that I can add a setting that'll let you decide where to place it. And the winner for the first bug found goes to smdion. Depending upon the circumstances, the plugins can either double up or disappear if you manually force an update. I'll investigate, but to reiterate, as a general rule there is ZERO reason to ever hit update applications. Its really only there if the appfeed goes down and you need access to the apps right away.
  24. You did hit save changes after switching it to /downloads?
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