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Everything posted by Squid

  1. OK. Then there's no problem. The drives aren't formatted. On the Main Tab, Array Operations you're presented with a Format Button (and check mark). Do it. But, since they are refurbs, I would have instead precleared them to test before adding them to the array.
  2. Same argument goes for unRaid
  3. So these are brand new (to you) drives with nothing on them that you've never formatted?
  4. No You're looking for this https://wiki.lime-technology.com/Check_Disk_Filesystems Diagnostics never hurt also.
  5. I always thought its more of having two different file systems (fuse & xfs/btrfs) both referencing the same data. eg: if in linux you do a mount -o bind /tmp/test /tmp/test2 and then copy a file from test to test2 it will return an error that the file is in use.
  6. Probably the same thing would work for the other versions. If in doubt, I tend to go for official versions
  7. Squid

    Docker FAQ

    I closed the transfer window on Krusader. How do I get it back? This tip from @Lev will probably work for any of the applications that utilize Guacamole as the application's UI https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/59722-krusader-transfer-window/?tab=comments#comment-604814
  8. Wow. Never even knew about the Guac menu. Now, what do we do with this post as this question comes up a fair amount of time?
  9. you would also have to log in blindly. Too bad you don't have a GPU you can plug a monitor into. Without IPMI, IMHO you should have *something* just in case. Even a $5 PCI video card 20 years old is better than nothing, as certain errors only get displayed on the local display. root whatever_password_you_chose powerdown Should work #1 & #2 should work if the server isn't actually locked up. #3 would be doubtful to happen if it hasn't already #4 will definitely work If this problem repeats itself on a regular / semi regular basis, then install Fix Common Problems plugin, put it into troubleshooting mode and do what it says.
  10. They're so that the permissions on files get created properly within the appdata. Don't change unless you know exactly what you're doing and/or you have a very good reason for it. IE: They are the proper values If linuxserver ever gets around to publishing v2 templates, then they would probably hide or lock those variables
  11. There's usually two things you need to enable in the BIOS VT-d (if you want to use passthrough of hardware) and VT-x (or Virtualization) which is required to run any VM
  12. Have you run memtest? What kind of power supply do you have? Have you checked for BIOS updates? Install Fix Common Problems, put it into troubleshooting mode and then do what it says.
  13. In the apps tab, under settings enable dockerHub searches Search for iobroker (and click the dockerhub button to get more results) On the list that'll appear, add the official version (author: iobroker) that comes up CA will convert the dockerfile and then give you the template. Remove the path entry for /opt/..... (if you don't do this, the container won't start) Change the webUI entry to be http://[IP]:[PORT:8081] ( need to hit advanced in the top right for this) Install it and you should be done (it at least brought up the UI for me) This is the resulting XML: after doing the above <?xml version="1.0"?> <Container version="2"> <Name>iobroker</Name> <Repository>iobroker/iobroker</Repository> <Registry>https://hub.docker.com/r/iobroker/iobroker/~/dockerfile/</Registry> <Network>bridge</Network> <MyIP/> <Privileged>false</Privileged> <Support>https://hub.docker.com/r/iobroker/iobroker/</Support> <Overview>This is docker version of ioBroker Home-Automation platform. [b]Converted By Community Applications[/b]</Overview> <Category/> <WebUI>http://[IP]:[PORT:8081]</WebUI> <TemplateURL/> <Icon>https://github.com/Squidly271/community.applications/raw/master/source/community.applications/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/images/question.png</Icon> <ExtraParams/> <PostArgs/> <DateInstalled>1511631460</DateInstalled> <Description>This is docker version of ioBroker Home-Automation platform. [b]Converted By Community Applications[/b]</Description> <Networking> <Mode>bridge</Mode> <Publish> <Port> <HostPort>8081</HostPort> <ContainerPort>8081</ContainerPort> <Protocol>tcp</Protocol> </Port> <Port> <HostPort>8082</HostPort> <ContainerPort>8082</ContainerPort> <Protocol>tcp</Protocol> </Port> <Port> <HostPort>8083</HostPort> <ContainerPort>8083</ContainerPort> <Protocol>tcp</Protocol> </Port> <Port> <HostPort>8084</HostPort> <ContainerPort>8084</ContainerPort> <Protocol>tcp</Protocol> </Port> </Publish> </Networking> <Data/> <Environment/> <Config Name="Host Port 1" Target="8081" Default="8081" Mode="tcp" Description="Container Port: 8081" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">8081</Config> <Config Name="Host Port 2" Target="8082" Default="8082" Mode="tcp" Description="Container Port: 8082" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">8082</Config> <Config Name="Host Port 3" Target="8083" Default="8083" Mode="tcp" Description="Container Port: 8083" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">8083</Config> <Config Name="Host Port 4" Target="8084" Default="8084" Mode="tcp" Description="Container Port: 8084" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false">8084</Config> </Container>
  14. Since you had previously mentioned Sonarr / Radarr, did either of those originally create the file? In the settings for both of those there's an option to set the permissions on new files. Set it to be 0777. Old already written files you can fix via Tools - Docker Safe New Permissions or Tools - New Permissions (only run this against the share having problems) TBH, split levels always confuse me so I don't use them ever. But, that also corresponds with my theory that *if* I ever suffer data loss from say having 3 disks drop dead simultaneously I'd rather lose some of the episodes of a tv show stored on those disks than all episodes of the tv show if it was confined to those disks.
  15. issue As to everything else, you're correct but I did have to read it twice as all the fine-tuning unRaid allows can really mess with your head sometimes.
  16. Sometimes its easier to exclude 1 disk rather than include all but one disk. As to which one winds in case of a conflict, there are apparently rules in place but the rules have never been published publicly. But you're correct - use one or the other and you'll never have a conflict. When reading the contents of a share, it doesn't matter if the disk is included / excluded. All files on all disks are part of the share. Included / Excluded prevent new files from being writting to that disk
  17. Going to disagree (although I have to admit I always do want to type bug instead of issue), but I'm coming from a different perspective than you. And I'm sure we would both agree that thinking about what's actually going on it makes sense that the corruption happens.
  18. Extremely unlikely you would ever do this, even accidentally. You would have to be going out of your way to try and force the user share copy issue (it's not a bug) on Sonarr/Radarr To clarify what @SSD said what he means is copying from /mnt/disk1/Movies/moviefile.mkv to /mnt/user/Movies/moviefile.mkv Ultimately, many many people mix user shares and disk shares all the time when utilizing downloaders. But the copy that happens will be /mnt/cache/Downloads/moviefile.mkv to /mnt/user/Movies/moviefile.mkv and there is no problem ever with doing that as the share name is different.
  19. "root" has no access to shares Problem endemic to Windows basically since day 1. Microsoft problem. So much easier to just add a quick access shortcut to the server (by using the IP address). https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/bd0af6aa-51ec-477a-8c81-888a4e60bd94/master-browser-service-broken-after-creator-update?forum=win10itpronetworking So far as I've been able to gather, the bulk of problems like these result from credential caching within windows. Clear the stored credentials in Credential manager. Beyond that, Microsoft's decision a while back to try and force people to use their MSN account to log in to Windows, instead of local accounts has caused no end of problems across the board for access to all NAS's. I can't help you out because I have never had any problem ever accessing my shares, be they private, secure, or public but I've also never in my life took Microsoft's force feeding me a MSN account.
  20. No you are correct. I really did not look that close at the command.
  21. You're going to want to run it via screen (install via the NerdPack plugin), or locally on the attached monitor. If you don't, and you close your putty session (or the computer its on sleeps / whatnot), then the command will be aborted. Personally, I would just use MC and copy using the interface rather than the command.
  22. Just for the heck of it, pull out two of the memory sticks. As a general rule when running 4 sticks (especially double sided ones), they should be a match set and should also be on the manufacturer's QVL list. Since I can't find the QVL on MSI's website, downgrade temporarily and see if there's any difference.
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