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Everything posted by Squid

  1. It is easily available to all plugins. Here's the HTML code for a button within Dynamix <input type='button' value='This is a Button'></input> Here's the HTML code for a button that also has Dynamix Help Text <input type='button' value='This is a Button'></input> > This is a sample help text I really don't think that it can get much easier than that. The problem is that adding the help is almost an after thought for most plugin authors. And that is something that LT cannot enforce. (Although that I can speak from experience that jonp does try and get the plugin authors to add the help text in) CA ( and its predecessor CR ) had an additional problem however with the help system in that it is only designed to display static content (this option does this, that option does something else, etc) whereas CA deals with dynamic displays. CR experimented with "context aware" help in that the content displayed would adjust itself according to what was currently being displayed on the screen, and additionally included fully functional buttons, etc within the help to try and make things even easier. But, that was merely an experiment just to see what could be done. CA however had to completely ditch unRaid's help system altogether simply because of the range of options available and the ever changing content displayed. I instead went with an online manual for the system (a link displays for it if you hit help). TBH, while the little question marks may be useful, I do feel that the current system suffices in most cases. Additionally, tooltips can be added to anything in HTML (admittedly not useful for mobile devices). The only thing which I am still rather surprised that is missing from unRaid is a local version of the manual. jonp went to alot of time and effort to write up a rather decent manual for unRaid 6, and there's not a single place within unRaid itself where you can actually access it from without first going to LT's website. I believe that whenever a good suggestion is made in the forums regarding the UI as a whole the powers that be do take notice. The operation of the DONE button comes immediately to mind.
  2. Since you did a mock-up, I figured that I would do the same for how I would envision CA being integrated. No more plugins / Docker tabs at all. A single tab called Apps. Within that only CA, Docker Containers and Installed Plugins. No need to have Docker Repositories anymore at all, and the Install Plugin section is now also redundant (although cmd-line would still be available) I think its a cleaner display, and since CA is working towards a more unified UI between the two delivery methods, it only makes sense.
  3. I need a clarification on this... Are you imagining RobJ having teary eyes, or are you having teary eyes while you're imagining him? You post isn't quite specific on this point.
  4. I do keep posting the same advice in this thread to be fair.... It was a dumb joke that may have been only funny to myself. Don't worry about it
  5. Suspicious at one point I may have been
  6. Weird. Net seems to be working fine for everything else. rebooted everything cant seem to find a problem Your system on a VPN?
  7. I don't use this container at all, but this sounds like what you're looking for: http://wiki.cubecoders.com/wiki/3/mcmyadmin-settings-reference#JavaMemory
  8. Updated to 2015.12.18 One of the problems with CA handling plugins (BTW, all 6.1 compatible plugins are now listed within CA), is the fact that certain plugins (and TBH certain docker applications) may not be compatible with your current version of unRaid. For example, CA is only displaying plugins that are compatible with 6.1+, and yet CA itself is compatible with 6.0 (and there are still users operating 6.0) Those plugins, I have no idea if they actually work or not on 6.0 (I know that bonienl has recently stopped supporting 6.0) So, now CA will by default NOT display any application (plugin or docker) that is not compatible with whatever version of unRaid you might be using. (You are able to override this behavior within CA's settings however) Docker and Plugin Authors (and CA's own Moderators) can implement this via the <MinVer> and <MaxVer> tags within the application's templates. (See https://github.com/Squidly271/plugin-repository/blob/master/usefullinks.xml) for an example. Note that until a version of unRaid comes out that you are not going to be supporting, and the docker app / plugin will not correctly operate on (eg: the 6.2b series), there is no reason to add the <MaxVer> tag. <MinVer> For Docker Applications, this tag will default to 6.0 (ie: docker applications will run on the 6.0 and later, but will not run on any of the 6.0 betas or release candidates) For Plugins, this tag defaults to 6.1. (for further reading, see here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40299.msg427252#msg427252) Net result is that if you're currently using 6.1.6 you won't see any differences until possibly 6.2 is released. If you're on 6.0, just about every plugin will no longer be displayed (a couple still display that are known by me to be compatible will still display) TLDR: In theory, every thing that you install with CA should always work and not cause any problems. Next up will be some sort of "sanity check" package with CA that will check what's currently installed against what's known incompatible and gently spank you if need be. Techie Note: I'm using version_compare() to check everything, so the system will correctly handle Betas, Release Candidates, Final Versions, suffixed versions, etc.
  9. I just tried install both the stable and the -dev version with no problems. Definitely sounds like a blip in your internet
  10. With an eye towards the future, I've implemented a couple new tags for both docker containers and plugin templates for CA <MinVer> and <MaxVer> These specify the minimum unRaid version and the maximum unRaid version that the container / plugin will work with If these tags are not present in the template, they will default to MinVer of 6.0 for containers (6.1 for plugins) and MaxVer will be whatever the current version of unRaid is. If in the future a template incorporates these tags and the version of unRaid which the user is using lies outside of the specified range, then that particular app will not be allowed to be installed. (Additionally, CA moderators also have the ability to set these values for any particular template if the author goes MIA) Note that currently there is NO reason for any template author to update their templates to include these new tags, as the default values already cover what all current items in CA are capable of, and I'm probably not going to release the update to CA until 6.2 get released Update Released
  11. Install Community Applications and forget about repositories altogether http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40262.0
  12. Thanks again, Squid. Will leave configuration as is and monitor for any more anomalies with network traffic. Really appreciate your quick responses! My boss is on vacation so it's one of my more productive days at work. [emoji12]
  13. Won't really matter if everything's connected to a switch or directly to the router. IMHO I'd rather save that watt or so that the extra switch uses until you really need it and then move everything over to it
  14. lspci Basically, anything other than an Intel would mean that the CPU is actually handling all of the ethernet traffic (Intel chips are hardware instead of software based) But, with that CPU it still should be fine.
  15. Not exactly, but you can get the proper support thread for any container either via the All Applications sticky here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=37958.0 or via the Support Link on each container within Community Applications.
  16. On second thought, with the GUI present, would it be more prudent for me to remove the LT plugin from CA once dmacias accepts the PR's I've got on his template?
  17. Awesome idea. I'll add a moderator comment within CA to LT's NerdPack pointing them towards to using this one to fine tune what is actually installed.
  18. Best guess is slow processor combined with realtek nic combined with a high load
  19. Its working. What happens if you hit Update Applications?
  20. That does help, and addresses how Par2 works. What I am still a little confused about is the amount of overhead for Checksumming (assuming you use both Par2 and something else to checksum) A Checksum hash file will take up ~150 bytes per file hashed
  21. Probably immaterial to your issue, but --cpuset has been deprecated. The proper option to use is --cpuset-cpus
  22. Here's the link to the AppFeed for reference: http://tools.linuxserver.io/unraid-docker-templates.json
  23. Here's the link for reference. http://tools.linuxserver.io/unraid-docker-templates.json
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