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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Yeah I saw that too on a system without docker running. It still works however. Was going to wait until the next update to suppress the error. I'll let chbmb off the hook for this one and take the blame
  2. Thanks for this insight! So this basically replaces the SNAP plugin functionality? In that case what i dont understand is that i didn't found out about this in one of the many (now deprecated) SNAP plugin threads. From the OP of the SNAP thread That link takes you to the OP for Unassigned Devices. As an aside, this is why the forums were also reorganized to separate v6 (& v5) plugins from v6.1 and why CA will not allow you to install / reinstall a plugin that is not compatible with v6.1.x
  3. I think you're right.... It is all your fault
  4. It was weird. Because of the big changes done, this was the first version in a while that actually went out to the beta testers, and no one (including myself) caught it (except for one time with myself that only happened once)
  5. Did you go to NerdPack settings and then pick and choose which packages to install?
  6. Actually, hold off on installing the update. I can now force the issue and am working on a proper solution. Sorry for the inconvenience
  7. k Updated to 2016.02.01a to force a fix (The same thing happened once to me during development, but I couldn't replicate it, but now within the plg itself its forcing creation of the folder in question)
  8. Updated to 2016.02.01 Starting with this version, Community Applications is only compatible with unRaid 6.1+ (Not that this is 6.1 FINAL Release candidates are also incompatible). This is enforced during plugin install, and CA will not install on any version prior to 6.1.0 While I have endeavored to keep this plugin compatible with all of the 6.x series (including all the betas and release candidates), with today's update it finally just became too much of a major effort to support anything prior to 6.1.0 New Features Favourite Repositories On any of the category lists, if you have selected a favourite repository, then that repository will display prior to all the others regardless of the sorting method chosen. To set a favourite repository, look in the settings. Ability To Uninstall Applications (either Docker or Plugin) Directly within CA You can do this directly from within CA by clicking the https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/42/Stop_x_nuvola.svg[/img] next to the application when displaying the Installed Applications. This is handled in (I believe) a safer and more user friendly method than dockerMan. dockerMan uninstalls an application by forcing a removal of the container (docker rm -f). I think that doing a force stop could potentially cause corruption within appdata. CA issues a regular removal (docker rm) which tries to gracefully stop the running container and if it fails will then force a stop. Also, CA will always uninstall both the container and image for an application (How many user's here actually understand the difference? CA is all about making docker easier) After CA is done uninstalling an application, it tries and determines the appdata folder for the application. If it can successfully determine the appdata folder, then it will prompt you if you want to delete that folder also. CA will NEVER automatically delete any folder for you on its own. Determination of the appdata folder is handled like this: - Within Settings, there is an option to select the appdata share. (If you're not sure, then don't set anything here. I will not be responsible for anything bad that might happen - If you set that, then after uninstallation, CA will look at the volume mappings for the app and when it runs across either: /mnt/user/appdata share name/appname or, /mnt/cache/appdata share name/appname or, /mnt/disk1/appdata share name/appname Then it will PROMPT you if you want to delete that folder. Answer "yeah, go ahead and delete it" will then run a background process to delete the folder in question (background process because some of the appdata generated by various applications can be huge and take awhile to delete. A notification is generated when the process begins, and when it finishes. Deleting appdata within CA is useful, due to the fact that because of varying permissions, it is not always possible to delete the folder unless you ssh into your server. Astute readers will note that if you are silly enough to set the appdata folder within CA to be something like /mnt/user/Movies, then CA will do what you told it to do and prompt you to delete your Movie collection. Hence why the option is disabled by default, with the big red warning in settings, and within the manual to not touch it if you don't understand what you're doing. Once 6.2 is released, then if CA is running on that version, the option will disappear and only allow you to delete appdata from the share that 6.2's dockerMan is going to attempt to enforce. Delete Old (uninstalled) templates and plugins If you're like me, then you've probably installed / removed a number of plugins / docker apps over time. All of these old, templates show up in various parts of the unRaid UI (notably docker - Add Template - User Templates). CA allows you to either reinstall those applications (in the case of a docker App, with the exact same volume and port mappings as before) or delete those templates from the historical list. Just click the https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/42/Stop_x_nuvola.svg[/img] when within the Previous Applications tab to delete the application from history. Other Fixes / Changes Previously, CA could get confused when there were two identically named containers as to which one was installed and which one was not. (I believe that this error has existed all the way back to the CR days and nobody noticed until yesterday) CA now has support within the installed / previously installed sections for two identical applications running concurently (eg: two instances of the same dropbox container named differently) Previously, updated moderator comments were being downloaded every time you changed from one category to another. Now they will properly only download once when entering CA Deprecated support for "local caching of icons". This option was introduced by gfjardim on the original release of Community Repositories and has never made any sense to me. Why have unRaid cache the icon AND have your browser do the same thing. It makes tons more sense (at least to me) and takes less memory to simply have your browser do what its designed to do - cache the images itself without unRaid interfering with it. Probably other fixes, but just can't remember anything else at the moment.
  9. I have a 700w PSU. Question should have been "What is the exact model of your power supply." Details, details. My bad
  10. Real time updates enabled in display settings?
  11. Just because no one else has asked the question, what power supply are you using
  12. That's actually an easy question. Its the disk temperature / array status script. Why its failing I have no idea since there is no line reference in the log, but to begin with, I'd look at disk settings - Poll Attributes. Since the entries are happening every minute, I'd hazard a guess that the attribute is set to 60. After that, I'd check your notification settings and initially try disabling all notifications, and then re-set up your smtp settings / push settings.
  13. It does of the actual application (if the author in question supplies the md5 within the .plg file) In the case of an md5 mismatch, you'll see an error message to that effect during installation. Personally, I'd love to see something other than all those simple_xml errors which are rather confusing to users when the download of the plg is corrupted. So wouldn't a bad download trigger the hash failure scenario? I guess I'm not sure if I got a bad download or some other problem. Dynamix never properly downloaded the .plg file (regardless of the fact that it says it did), which is why you got all the simple_xml errors. If it downloaded it right, then contained within the .plg file is an MD5 for all further downloads, and a failure of that would bring an appropriate error message. Generally, the only time I've seen all those simplexml errors are if your tempfs is full (possible since you're being spammed by error messages in the log), or DNS addresses need to be actually set. In your case, a restart is probably going to fix all your problems
  14. It does of the actual application (if the author in question supplies the md5 within the .plg file) In the case of an md5 mismatch, you'll see an error message to that effect during installation. Personally, I'd love to see something other than all those simple_xml errors which are rather confusing to users when the download of the plg is corrupted.
  15. docker has a problem where if the mount points aren't available when the service starts up, no container can see what's inside them Stop and start the docker service, and hopefully everything will be ok. (This problem is why I manually issue the mount commands for smb shares in my go file - so that on a restart they work)
  16. That almost sounds like soonTM might become today/tomorrowTM
  17. I'm going to remove the LT plugin repository from CA altogether. While CA doesn't have an issue with blacklisting the LT version and preventing it from displaying if its not already installed, CA is having trouble distinguishing between the two versions under the Previously Installed and Installed sections (and that will become more important during the next update of CA) Should LT create another plugin in the future, then the plugin for the nonGUI version will either have to be renamed to something else (and blacklisted again), or deleted altogether from the repository. Thanks.
  18. Updated to 2016.01.30 Since I was flattered (although not receptive) to CHBMB's advances, I've now fully incorporated his feature request. Currently running / installed apps, will now no longer appear within the Category lists. Instead, they are separated under "Installed Apps" Previously installed apps now appear separately under "Previous Apps" (and they will also appear within the Category lists) Plugins for both installed and previously installed will now appear. - Because of the potential for a user to install a plugin which is incompatible with your version of unRaid, only plugins which are currently managed by CA will be displayed under either Installed / Previously Installed sections (to prevent a user from installing Community Repositories) Because of this, some plugins which you may have installed may not appear if the author in question has chosen to ignore my PM's regarding creating templates for their plugins. (This is a significant minority of the 6.1 compatible plugins) Also note that regardless of which version you had installed (plugin or docker), reinstalling a "Previous App" will always grab the latest version available. A nice little side benefit to this is if the user had previously installed LT's NerdPack or gfjardim's Unassigned Devices, then a reinstall will automatically pull the replacement versions (once dlandon's version of UD is out of beta).
  19. My program that does it is crashing at the moment. Have to figure out why this weekend
  20. And you're adding Limetech's version again. Don't select anything with the dropdown select template and install the linuxserver version through CA
  21. Haven't particularily been following your problems, but if it WAS working and now its not and something's buggered along the way what I would do is Delete the container and image Delete the appdata folder Restart the server just for good measure Add the linuxserver.io version through CA (do NOT select a template via the drop down) - (If nothing else, this will give you a container that is better supported than LT's) On the template page fill in your volume mapping again Once you can get to the webUI (it'll take awhile after it downloads due to updates, etc), make sure that Plex says that its accessible to the outside world) You'll be back to square one, but its a fresh start.
  22. So I'm in the wrong thread? Technically, yes... But no one from lsio would refuse you assistance. They're just that good a bunch of guys (well, most of them at least)
  23. As an aside, you're running Plex from Limetech's repository, not from LinuxServer's
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