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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Since CHBMB already asked the question, I'll just point out that ALL repository URL's are in the All Application Repositories and Support Links thread
  2. Is it License or Licence? Good point... I'm Canadian, eh so I made it <Licence>. Guess that I can support both spellings as I'll probably take some heat for it.... Doesn't matter. Just let us know which one. I'm ok with either one. I'll support both. Down the road the question will come up more often as why CA isn't picking it up.
  3. Is it License or Licence? Good point... I'm Canadian, eh so I made it <Licence>. Guess that I can support both spellings as I'll probably take some heat for it.... What's Canadian? Is it some sort of extraterrestrial thing like Klingon? more like the Borg
  4. Is it License or Licence? Good point... I'm Canadian, eh so I made it <Licence>. Guess that I can support both spellings as I'll probably take some heat for it....
  5. Leaner, Meaner, Greener (and hopefully not buggier) - Big code clean up. - Don't display stars from dockerHub if app not starred - Hide search dockerHub if in previous / installed apps - Fix error in settings if a temp directory didn't exist - Add support for <Licence> in xml files
  6. Impeccable timing, I wanted to add a feature to your recycle.bin plugin to modify the default ".Recycle.Bin" path, so I forked it and am currently in the process of (possibly) adding a bunch more features I've thought up , Its because you loaded the general settings before you went into the apps section after a reboot. (Which is perfectly valid) There's just a directory being referenced that doesn't exist under that circumstance. Hard for me to hit every possibility of usage. Already fixed and will pump out the update this weekend sometime after I finish up with QC on my other update.
  7. More than PhAzE, is all the dynamix. But, there is no easy solution, and the situation is no different than if any particular organization or company or author for any piece of software for any platform closes up shop.
  8. your cache drive (sdb / 500GB) has corruption and been remounted as read-only you need to check the file system on it
  9. Is there anyway to read the IP of the unRAID server and default it to that and let users modify it if they only know what they're doing, i.e. "advanced view"? i had the exact same thought when i was coding this up, unfortunately this just isnt possible, the only way is to pass it through as an env var, i COULD do some clever stuff with the env var to try and grab the hosts ip and then make assumptions on that for the network, see below:- -e "DOCKER_HOST=$(ip -4 addr show docker0 | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+')" stolen from here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22944631/how-to-get-the-ip-address-of-the-docker-host-from-inside-a-docker-container not sure i like this approach overly though, firstly you have to know the bridge name, and secondly the ip of the host may not be the network you want to route to, unlikely but possible. Another method would be to add host mapping of /var/local/emhttp and then parse var.ini within the container, but then you'd have to jump through some hoops to determine if the user wants to use unRaid's IP or a user set one through an env
  10. IIRC all you have to do is download the ubooquity.js file and toss it into the appdata (overwrite the existing file) Not js, it's java but yes you can replace it yourself as in the link I gave to the support thread for the actual container. I see the support link in Community Applications actually points to this thread instead of the support thread for the docker though. Is that something the docker author needs to fix? I was close for off the top of my head As far as the link is concerned, I'd have to check. If hurricane never set up a separate link within the template to point to a more appropriate thread then that would have to be changed on his end. If there is no link present for support, then CA uses the repository announcement thread as the support link. I can only give them the tools
  11. IIRC all you have to do is download the ubooquity.js file and toss it into the appdata (overwrite the existing file)
  12. Post another set of diagnostics.... A drive somewhere is still being mounted as read-only to prevent corruption. And if its set as read-only, new perms won't do anything
  13. Thanks for the comments lishpy ! I'll take a look at the link opening code, to see if I can use ip address rather than hostname (probably, that's what's happening to huladaddy too). I'm a bit tied up until the end of next week, but I'll look into it. no idea what the webUI page is, but if you just have it as another .page file, then reference it as Settings/webUI and dynamix will handle everything for you... (turn on help, and look at the link for CA's manual, and look at caHelp.page Squid, in the settings page, when the app is started, there's a link to the app's user interface ... it's opens a new window/tab with the server's hostname, rather than ip address, I'm not sure if there's an env variable that holds the ip address can't you just do <a href="/settings/Unbalance.page" target="_blank"> and have unraid figure it out for itself? IIRC the browser will correctly go to either the IP or to the hostname depending upon how the originating page was loaded. I'll look tonight. don't remember why I was trying env variables, but your suggestion seems saner, will check it too ca uses href="Settings/caHelp", and unRaid adds either the hostname or the IP appropriately. However, caHelp is actually caHelp.page. If its not a .page file, then a reference like that isn't going to work. Since you're odds on not going to a .page file, my best suggestion would be to go to the IP address instead of the hostname since that should always work. You can get the IP from /var/local/emhttp/var.ini
  14. Thanks for the comments lishpy ! I'll take a look at the link opening code, to see if I can use ip address rather than hostname (probably, that's what's happening to huladaddy too). I'm a bit tied up until the end of next week, but I'll look into it. no idea what the webUI page is, but if you just have it as another .page file, then reference it as Settings/webUI and dynamix will handle everything for you... (turn on help, and look at the link for CA's manual, and look at caHelp.page Squid, in the settings page, when the app is started, there's a link to the app's user interface ... it's opens a new window/tab with the server's hostname, rather than ip address, I'm not sure if there's an env variable that holds the ip address can't you just do <a href="/settings/Unbalance.page" target="_blank"> and have unraid figure it out for itself? IIRC the browser will correctly go to either the IP or to the hostname depending upon how the originating page was loaded. I'll look tonight.
  15. No offense, but that comment is somewhat akin to Steve Jobs publicly announcing that Mac's were immune to viruses unlike Windows and then having to retract that statement a month later. The difference on Linux is that the source for the OS (and for much of the add ons) is all open-source and free for the world to see. But, that does not mean the OS is not vulnerable. But likely, the OP is more concerned with a virus being downloaded say through deluge and then being executed on a Windows / Mac platform vs being executed directly on unRaid. In that case, if you're using windows, then just mapping a share to a drive on through explorer should have your anti-virus automatically check if configured to do so.
  16. I don't see having "backup plans", etc being very viable for numerous reasons (most of which have already been stated). And in the eventuality of a similar situation to what happened with UD (copyright issues aside), I think the moderator comments / blacklist handled it ok. (As an aside, CA does have a backup plan in place with regards to getting the lists of applications. Should lsio ever up and close up shop (extremely unlikely) (they supply the hosting for the appFeed), CA automatically downgrades itself to a legacy mode and grabs the lists itself (far slower however) Licensing: If any / all of the template authors (plugin or docker) want to start adding to their templates <License>what ever suits here</License> then next week's update for CA will support it when displaying the full information on any particular app. Completely 100% optional field to populate. I however don't think that it should default to any particular value if not present, as its probably reasonable to conclude that what ever CA picks as a default will be wrong half the time.
  17. Makes sense to me. If the template maintainer is using a different container because his original one has more bugs. Less confusing for new users (and the only other template is from gfjardim). Not 100% sure what'll happen to existing users (if they'll get notifications for an update) however
  18. maybe you should update your template then to point to the official container
  19. I also see it on the console. Harmless message from when I removed the legacy code. Obviously I missed a reference somewhere in the code. Will get rid of it tonight
  20. Yet Another Yet Another UpdateTM So that I can make some time to help out a buddy, releasing this a couple of days early Fixed: Issue when going from dockerHub searches to installed / previously installed apps Fixed: Disallow dockerHub searches if docker not enabled Fixed: Disallow adding a previously installed docker app if docker not enabled Removed: Legacy Code Removed: dockerHub guess at Icons (api I was using seems to be broken, and the results at best were not the best. System will still use an existing icon from the community supported apps if searching for the same name) Fixed: Suppress an error message if error in template, and template was the only one in a repository Fixed: Remove some extra temp files once they were no longer needed Enhanced: A back-to-the-top that doesn't look like it was from the 80's
  21. There's plenty of putty apps available for phones and tablets. But you also have to keep in mind the keyboard not being released is a known limitation with Seabios and is documented in the manual
  22. How did you set it up in the first place?
  23. Your sacrifice is truly appreciated And wouldn't you know that an hour after posting that, I started actually playing around with CA, and found a few small but annoying little bugs that have been kicking around for a bit. Now just biding my time before releasing an update so that I don't look like a complete idiot. The Neverending Story.... I've tried other projects and they just don't have the same allure that CA has
  24. Will be added to Community Applications ~ 5pm EST
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