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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Your sacrifice is truly appreciated And wouldn't you know that an hour after posting that, I started actually playing around with CA, and found a few small but annoying little bugs that have been kicking around for a bit. Now just biding my time before releasing an update so that I don't look like a complete idiot.
  2. Try setting both your file chmod mask and folder chmod mask within sonarr to be 0777 Would not guest be able to write to the folder/file then also? I don't want that to happend. That would be decided by your share settings
  3. Try setting both your file chmod mask and folder chmod mask within sonarr to be 0777
  4. You can try playing around with the number of connections. Lowering the connections tends to speed it up due to less overhead http://wiki.sabnzbd.org/highspeed-downloading
  5. The odd part is that i didn't even have the LAN_RANGE network variable in my config. I had to ADD LAN_NETWORK rather. It would not start properly without this added variable. Working for me too! Is it not possible to update the container description (which still describes LAN_RANGE)? If not, Lime Tech really needs to fix that... This has already been done, and here is the problem with the template system for unraid, it doesn't update if the author makes a change to the template, so once you have downloaded the template then thats it, you are stuck at thar point in time with that revision of the template, if i make a change you wont see it, unless you deleted any "user defined template" and (maybe) also deleted the template from your flash drive. It's quite a frustrating part of unraid for developers, i wish there could be some way of pushing changes out, but right now its just not possible :-(. p.s.i have nothing to do with lime-tech directly, so any changes made would all come from myself, this isnt an official LT Docker image. What someone (ie: a template author) needs to do is actually document this in a defect report and list the steps required to do it (and how to work around it) by using Repositories (IE: add the repository, add the container via add-container, then change and upload the template, etc). Unfortunately, LT may not even be aware that this is an ongoing (albeit rare) issue.
  6. Yet Another UpdateTM Should hopefully be the last for a while (but on this my track record is extremely poor) Fixed: Display Abnormality with Firefox Enhanced: Better D/L count determination Enhanced: Table Mode Enhanced: Location of extra information display icons Added: Option to display installed Apps within Available Apps As an aside, I got a little retrospective with the question about CR a couple of posts back and started tearing through the ancient versions of the plugin. What started out on Mar 22, 2015 as a concept of 500 lines (300 in bash, 200 in php), has now grown to almost 4000 (3200 php and 800 html/javascript) (Not including the coding for the appFeed) And I still wonder why my wife gets annoyed when I'm in front of the computer
  7. See this post by Squid. It might not be what is going on with you... but it can't hurt to look into it. Thanks. I'll run the command to test later. the path isn't going to be the same as what I posted
  8. What process did you kill? Also, I have to highly recommend that you reboot your server because there has to be remnants of Community Repositories still kicking around that are causing issues. Also, I recommend that you enable notifications on your server so that you can tell when updates are available. IIRC I pumped out an update for CR that basically told you to uninstall it and switch to CA.
  9. Two step because: 1 - I don't want everyone randomly installing any container off of dockerHub because I (and the community here at large) do not have the ability to support why doesn't it work, why won't it install, why doesn't it always create a template correctly. Purely an advanced feature 2- To force the user to pick and choose from a community supported app before going to dockerHub at large, and to make it obvious that that's what happening. If it wasn't a two step procedure, then the following could happen: Search for couch potato. The community apps appear and also the dockerHub results appear. ok. There's CP from linuxserver. I think I'll install that. User chooses the lsio version from dockerHub instead of from the community apps. Now there's going to be a whack of permission issues, etc because the environment variables in the template are going to be missing. I don't see this operation changing unless I get more requests, because I just don't want to have to deal with the potential issues that could result in the forums.
  10. I would reboot the server and see what happens. There's something else going on
  11. Post screen shot of what appears when you try and install it
  12. What version of unRaid. What is the date of the CA plugin? Looks like you're running an ancient version of CA, but recently updated unRaid. Upgrade CA to the latest version
  13. It's out of beta, so I reinstalled. Still see two versions in my 'Installed Apps' list. Any cache clearing to be done? Edit: By the way, I updated CA before reinstalling. I don't live next to the computer gfjardim is now blacklisted and will not appear within CA. Had to do a minor update to CA to get rid of it still showing gfjardim within the installed / previous. If gfjardim is installed, then uninstalled, if you go to previous apps and reinstall unassigned devices from there, it will pull dlandon's version Didn't realize CA could manage user instances (Didn't know we could have instances either) (Yeah I know out of context...) blacklists (and moderator comments [basically my own comments]) within CA have existed for a while now. Takes me off the hook. In this case, since both plugins are named identically, CA is smart enough to force the user if they uninstall gfjardim's version and then try to reinstall it via the previous apps section to instead pull dlandon's. As an aside, all blacklists / moderator comments are free for anyone to look at and/or contribute to. https://github.com/Squidly271/Community-Applications-Moderators
  14. Thanks for the comments lishpy ! I'll take a look at the link opening code, to see if I can use ip address rather than hostname (probably, that's what's happening to huladaddy too). I'm a bit tied up until the end of next week, but I'll look into it. no idea what the webUI page is, but if you just have it as another .page file, then reference it as Settings/webUI and dynamix will handle everything for you... (turn on help, and look at the link for CA's manual, and look at caHelp.page
  15. It's out of beta, so I reinstalled. Still see two versions in my 'Installed Apps' list. Any cache clearing to be done? Edit: By the way, I updated CA before reinstalling. I don't live next to the computer gfjardim is now blacklisted and will not appear within CA. Had to do a minor update to CA to get rid of it still showing gfjardim within the installed / previous. If gfjardim is installed, then uninstalled, if you go to previous apps and reinstall unassigned devices from there, it will pull dlandon's version
  16. By and large, most docker containers and plugins have that when viewed through CA (which makes the whole docker and plugin experience far more user friendly)
  17. Until this version is taken out of beta status, CA has trouble distinguishing between the two on it's installed section due the identical names (unfortunately not at the top of my list to fix this) Once this is out of beta, gfjardim version will disappear from CA completely and that problem will disappear
  18. Cut off time is selectable in settings up to I think 3 months I personally have zero need to run multiple instances, but CHBMB insisted that it had to work and work right. (The debugging of that part took quite a while as my normal method debugging routine of yelling and swearing at the computer when it didn't work right wasn't doing the trick)
  19. updated how's that for service? The new/updated section now operates the same way as before, and will list all apps regardless of whether they are installed or not. The previous apps section displays apps which are NOT currently installed but have been earlier. Within the Previous Apps section, you can still hit the blue i to see the change logs, and the yellow star to see the date it was last updated (according to the author) BUT, the previously installed section only displays that information if the docker app in question has the same docker repository and name as what appears within your repository. IE: If you've got an app showing in previous apps that was loaded from DigiKam, but you renamed it as "DigiKam-Test" when you installed it, then the extra information associated with "DigiKam Test" (changelogs, date updated, etc) will not appear because dockerMan itself doesn't support the extra tags, so those aren't present in templates-user/my-digikam-test.xml On the other hand, if you installed DigiKam over a year ago (and didn't change the name when installing it) decided that you didn't like it and uninstalled it then the previous apps section will show all of the updated information for Digikam because that name is present under your current repository. Does that make sense? Basically, if you don't change the name of the template when installing it (and you generally only would so that you can run multiple copies at the same time) you'll see everything. EDIT: I'm getting lost trying to understand what I even wrote... lol...
  20. New / Updated (or for that matter anything under Available Apps) lists apps which are not installed (Not never installed) (I think that's what you meant, and just typed it wrong) But, I can see you point - New & Updated should actually show everything regardless if its installed or not.
  21. Updated to 2016.02.03 Fixed: Suppress docker error messages if docker service is not available Added: Ability to dismiss warning if docker not running Added: Displaying full information for an application now displays total downloads* Added: Sort By Downloads Added: Favourite repository logo's (if the repository author supplies one) Enhancement: Selecting Sort By Downloads or Sort By Date now will automatically switch to direction Descending (I was forever always clicking descending in conjunction with date * Plugins will not display a total download count Downloads are based on the docker community as a whole, not just unRaid A few docker applications will not display a download count - This does not mean that there have been zero downloads If anyone has any good ideas of what else to incorporate into CA, the floor is now open to the peanut gallery...
  22. kk.. Next update... I'm actually rather pleased that someone is using CA without docker installed... Wasn't too sure if anyone would take the bait.
  23. You think I should put a dismiss button on that warning or leave it as is?
  24. I think we're going to have to amend our contract stipulating that: a: You must uninstall all plugins and docker apps. b: You must completely delete all of your appdata c: You must take responsibility for all of my mistakes (and character flaws) Once this is done, then I can be a happy camper again...
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