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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Any chance you've done this: updated the plugin in one tab, and then went back to another tab that already had CA open in it and searched within it? Try closing all the open tabs containing CA and then relaunch it. If that wasn't it, then there was an error downloading the appFeed, and a subsequent error when CA tried to revert back to legacy mode. If it continues, try hitting Update Applications (and see if it says Download failed after the pop up disappears).
  2. Cut off by the wife - Remove option to relocate Users menu (and relocate Apps Tab) Use webUI's display settings instead (it's had this option since 6.1.7) - Remove option to set appdata share. CA now always prompts to delete appdata if it sees a /config container path when deleting an application - Resource Monitor supports appdata's stored anywhere on your system (and within multiple folders) - Fixed: Display aberration introduced by unRaid 6.2 beta 18 - Fixed: If a calculation of appdata size was in progress you could not stop the array
  3. Just a quick note that beyond a relatively minor display aberration in the resource monitor (memory and network values are not displaying correctly) CA looks like its working perfectly with 6.2. The display aberration is caused by the bump in docker versions. Haven't yet decided if I'm going to be participating in the early beta releases of 6.2 (as both my servers are production servers), so this might not get fixed right away. But, at the very least, I will be at least installing the 6.2 series if only to verify basic compatibility with CA.
  4. Can you post up the logs that show that. Its probably a mapping issue where the paths don't match between NZBGet and Sonarr
  5. Those are the raw values reported by the Docker engine, and on quick tests from du'ing into an image they were roughly the same. There's complaints all over the net about the hard drive usage of docker as a whole, and I believe that its related to the COW features and unused sub-images that aren't reported or deleted by containers. It's also why I don't think I'm going to add in deletion of log files, as realistically they are not the prime suspect in the disk usage. At least if nothing else, if you've properly set up your appdata, its no problems to kill the image and re-download the apps
  6. And, while I'm thinking about it, is there any real need out there to be able to pause (not stop) and unpause a running container?
  7. Outside array (or more to the point - outside unRaid's control) - I don't use (or have) unassigned devices, so didn't think about it. will add (or a custom) 2 different locations - more complicated instead of searching for a particular path, now I would have to assume that a container path of /config (or the like) is appdata. Will investigate
  8. Wife is out of town Enhanced the resource monitor - Added display of the virtual size of the app's image within docker.img - Added options to calculate the size of the appData folders* - As before, a link is present to install cAdvisor for more resource details. Additionally, clicking the app's icon within the resource monitor will take you directly to cAdvisor's details page for that container. - Other minor stuff along the way, and a big reorganization of the files within to make my life easier. * This option requires that you set the appData share within CA's settings. As per an update a month or so ago, if this option is set, then if you ever use CA to uninstall an application, you will also be prompted to delete the appropriate appdata for that application. If you do choose to take advantage of this feature (and I do recommend it - if only because of permission issues, you pretty much have to be logged in through the console / putty to delete unused appdata's) make sure to select it to the correct share.
  9. He won't give you the authorisation or you can't get hold of him!? Haven't you incorporated both scripts (Original and Faster) into the Plugin already? Have you been asked to remove them? If it is a matter of contact I am SURE someone can help facilitate that. If it is the latter then I would be SHOCKED. Your Plugin has added much needed front end to an almost ESSENTIAL task. I won't speculate further until you confirm. Is there perhaps another reason WHY you are re-writing it too? Are you looking to add further functionality? If so what is this functionality? If at all possible (if you really don't have to) I think given the exposure your plugin gets via Community Applications - not to mention how well you have done at making a CLI exercise task so easy and user friendly via the GUI - I think it should only use one of the two very well tested scripts. Although it is officially unsupported by LT, a preclear is a task that almost every user of unRAID does. All new users of unRAID are advised to do it by Staff, Mod's and Experienced Users alike. At the moment the ability to do it is STABLE. Your Plugin is great as all it does is add a front end to those stable scripts whose (once executed) outcomes are very assured. My issue is that by introducing an untested scripts into the mix does a few things: - Removes confidence in the preclear script; - Introduces possibilities for error / bugs etc; - Add's confusion etc Now, like I said above, IF you are being told you can't use the scripts then I guess you have no choice BUT I think that would be a big step back from where we are today. If it isn't broken don't fix it. Can you add some more context to your decision? Possibly related to this: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=26121.msg228146#msg228146
  10. I thought about that (and for the appdata), but realistically the only way of doing it is to exec into the container and issue a du command. Not an issue by itself, however the time that it takes to run could however be significant during which nothing else can happen on the system. Log files I didn't think about. Guess I'll have to read the threads to see if there are any caveats (or if you have to actually think about what you're doing at any point) Hmmm, I know I read about it somewhere. I'll hunt it down tomorrow. Log files aren't the big issue with massively growing docker.img files (and the issue isn't relegated to unRaid either - complaints all over the web about the disk space that docker uses). But, I have added another section to the resource monitor for the image's virtual disk size, and options to calculate the appdata size. Will get to a release version shortly
  11. IIRC CP says that full library scan is useful when the paths are different. Almost by definition the paths are going to be different because Kodi's library are going to be something of the order of smb://tower/movies/etc, whereas the local paths merely going to be /movies (which doesn't exist within Kodi's library)
  12. I thought about that (and for the appdata), but realistically the only way of doing it is to exec into the container and issue a du command. Not an issue by itself, however the time that it takes to run could however be significant during which nothing else can happen on the system. Log files I didn't think about. Guess I'll have to read the threads to see if there are any caveats (or if you have to actually think about what you're doing at any point)
  13. Boring Weekend Fixed: Private Repositories stored on the flash drive (/boot/config/community.applications/private/repo name/xxxxx.xml's are now updated every session (btw, while I will still support adding private repositories through a github repository, this is the recommended way of handling any private templates) Added: Resource monitor for docker apps. The resource monitor is just a basic display of CPU usage, Memory Usage, and Network Usage per container. I am not going to recreate cAdvisor as a plugin for any more detailed information. (There is a link on the resource usage page that will either take you to cAdvisor's GUI (if its installed and running) or to search results if it's not running) The display is updated every ~1 second ish. It will be interesting to see how many posts now show up in the forum's about the memory usage of each container (eg: Plex on my machine runs around 700MB from a fresh boot. After a transcode, it jumps up to ~1.5Gig, and docker shows that memory is still in use even after the transcode is finished. (But, when another app requires the memory, then docker releases the memory)
  14. Less of your lip or your dinner will be in the dog.... Dog's getting filet mignon tonight while I'm getting leftover pizza
  15. Long standing bug in dockerMan where after the container is created, any changes to the webUI do not take effect on the drop downs Which is why I stated... Never change the port via the webui inside the container, just remap the port via the docker setup on the host side only. Working for me Wow... Shades of Mrs Squid again pointing out how I don't pay attention
  16. Long standing bug in dockerMan where after the container is created, any changes to the webUI do not take effect on the drop downs
  17. ok... I've thought about this for a bit, and had a epiphany. For those few users who are running a docker app twice (with differing names) this is basically another way of setting up a private repository. But, that private repository is unknown to CA and therefore throws my system for a loop, and it can't properly handle the pop-ups. To get around this, just create a private repository. On your flash drive, create a folder called private in config/plugins/community.applications. Within that, create another folder called something like My Private Apps. Within that folder, copy into it the user-template for the duplicated app from config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user. And, the pop-ups will now work for those duplicated apps. But first, you're going to have to either Update Applications or rm /tmp/community.applications/tempFiles/templates.json (I'll be issuing an update that will address this) EDIT: If you have no clue about what I'm talking about here, then you can ignore this as only a very few users run duplicated applications
  18. As soon as inotifywait "sees" a new/modified file completed it will call bunker to do the hashing, this will run in parallel with the copying process when more files are being copied. I understand your observation, but not sure how to change/improve that. Will have a look at it though! When I was doing Checksum Suite, I found that inotifywait could miss the odd new / modified file if it was being bombarded with files. My solution was to send its output to a FIFO pipe and have another script check the pipe. Wasn't that elegant, but it never missed a notification
  19. While I almost feel like saying "get over it", the author of zap2xml has made his wishes clear, and zap2xml and zap2xml-2lineups are now blacklisted within CA. If / when the licencing issues get sorted out or the container is reconfigured to avoid them altogether, drop me a line and I will whitelist them (or issue a pull request on https://github.com/Squidly271/Community-Applications-Moderators/blob/master/Moderation.json)
  20. As of 6.1.7 you should be moving the Users tab around via Dynamix Display Settings. At some point in the future, I'll be removing that option altogether from CA
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