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Everything posted by Squid

  1. If anyone is having problems with this can you email me /tmp/community.applications/tempFiles/templates.json PM me for my email address as I cannot replicate this at all
  2. ok... I'm very confused as to what's happening, as none of this happened for me. Restart the server or enter this from the console and try again. rm -rf /tmp/community.applications
  3. Nope. all PHP errors. Server side
  4. As always a pertinent question is "What version of Unraid are you using?" I took a quick look at the code in question, and it makes absolutely no sense. As an example, one of the lines in question was supposed to do an operation on an array. But the error was from it trying to do the operation on a string. However, the line previous checked if the variable was an array before doing anything. Net result is that I would think that its either a completely corrupt download that somehow managed to pass the md5 checks or there's weird memory issues in his system.
  5. When is it too late to begin to start shopping for the wife's birthday present? Security Fix: Prevent arbitrary execution of code from malicious templates Fix: Sanitize all Overview out of specification Fix: Resource monitor not recognizing cAdvisor installed if name changed Fix: Renamed apps will not display usage stats in popup Added: option to show change log for CA when updating itself Changed: default Host port for cAdvisor to 9243 (something oddball that probably won't conflict with anything else) Added: if cAdvisor installed, but not running, abilty to start it within CA Updated: Manual
  6. Hit advanced in the top right and change the Name
  7. Its not the space in path issue (which isn't present in 6.2beta 20 anyways) What it is is a difference in how dockerMan operates between 6.1.9 and 6.2 *Technically*, the xml template for Air Video HD is incorrect. Spaces are not allowed within the name of the container. dockerMan running on 6.1.x would automatically get rid of the spaces. dockerMan on 6.2 is taking the name as is. Until this gets fixed, just don't include spaces in the name when adding it
  8. works for me without messing with the user or group, and just using it as default. You will have to navigate to ROOT within dolphin to see your /mnt
  9. Fixed. If you rename cAdvisor when adding it, the resource monitor (and pop ups) will recognized it Aha! I figured out what was going on... if cadvisor is running, it works as you said (and is really cool!) If cadvisor is stopped then it prompts you to install even if it is already installed. Could CA detect that cadvisor is stopped and offer to start it? I tend to stop the dockers I'm not actively using, which is why I ran into this. I'll debate it with myself. I don't want to get into the realm of stopping / starting apps, as that is really the function of dockerMan and the plugin manager, not an app store. But, I think in the case of cadvisor (since CA isn't even installing smdion's version, but rather includes its own template for it I think an exception could be made. And it is a really amazing app. Can't recommend it enough to anyone running docker.
  10. Fixed. If you rename cAdvisor when adding it, the resource monitor (and pop ups) will recognized it Fixed This is a problem. Its doable, but ultimately it requires a *major* rewrite of a ton of sections of code to have this happen. It will display in the installed applications section, but as far as CA is concerned, the app that's available on the feed is not installed -> and in a way its not because you customized it. The only places CA displays customized apps is in the installed or previously installed section. Like I said, its a big problem for me to fix, and by far the easiest solution is to ask lsio to name their apps to be something more "natural" Next update will contain these fixes
  11. Did you uninstall via CA or via the dockerTab? appdata will only be offered to be deleted if doing it from CA (reason I ask is because you mention image + container which is a dockerMan thing - CA always removes the image and container without mentioning it - simpler for a user to understand )
  12. Depends upon the app. I'm following 6.2 guidelines and only offering to delete appdata if the container volume is /config. But, prior to yesterday's update it wouldn't offer to delete /Config or /CONFIG or /CoNfIG. Now it does.
  13. Just woke up, but it does do that on my system. (Along with clicking on each app's icon takes you directly to cAdvisor's page for that app). I think that you may have changed the name of cadvisor to something else like Cadvisor, which is messing up the detection. Next update I'll fix I have the LS.IO "plex" app, but I named it "PlexMediaServer". When I click the icon in CA, it shows a lot of useful information, but not "% CPU" or "Memory". Would it be possible to show those even though I renamed the app? The information is shown on the actual Resource Monitor page. Also, when I search for Plex-related apps, CA doesn't seem to know that I already have the LS.IO docker installed. I'm sure this is because I renamed it, and if it isn't fixable that is fine, but I thought I'd mention it. Yeah, it's going to because of the naming. The pop up is a completely separate module, and obviously missed making the same / similar changes that I did to the monitor. As far as searching is concerned, I see what you're talking about. On a renamed app, it doesn't think that it's installed when looking at the appfeed. This is a bit more complicated, as that's related to the handling of duplicate containers running concurrently. I'll think about it. But everything's fixable
  14. Haven't looked àt the docker hub page for this container, but a lot of times you can append a tag to the repository like (in this case :9.0.0)
  15. How about this from LT's official unRaid manual: http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php/UnRAID_6_2/Docker_Management#Community_Applications
  16. They stickied the thread at least CA (or as Sparklyballs refers to it: Check Always) is still a moving target. For all I know, they might be leaving it alone until I run out of steam on it. But in the meantime, I'm still having fun with it, so I don't really mind, because at that point, I'd really have nothing to do (although my wife might like that) Didn't want to suggest they should take it away from you. That's why I suggested a button as an alternative so that you can change it however you like for as long as you like. Basically somewhat like Dynamix except not installed automatically but still easily available for install. Another thought is to list it but not install it on the plugins page listed as update available. Then there is no special button to install just an update message that the user can ignore if they want to. Sorry just thinking of other options to make installing this easier. Don't get me wrong... I would like to see inclusion in the baseOS (for various reasons) (but I don't foresee them adding a button to install it however). Just at this moment, I'm still enjoying playing around with it.
  17. They stickied the thread at least CA (or as Sparklyballs refers to it: Check Always) is still a moving target. For all I know, they might be leaving it alone until I run out of steam on it. But in the meantime, I'm still having fun with it, so I don't really mind, because at that point, I'd really have nothing to do (although my wife might like that)
  18. If you try to fail and succeed, which have you done? - Coding Optimizations - Fixed: Don't display a support link if no support link available - Added: Web page link if the repository authors maintain a web page - Added: Ability to install updates for plugins - Fixed: Resource Monitor not displaying icons for customized appFeed apps - Fixed: Determination of appdata is now case insensitive when looking for /config - Fixed: dockerHub conversions now follow settings for new tab or same tab - Changed: Default value for new tab or same tab is now same tab Next up: ability to update docker apps - have to tear through the dockerMan code for how it saves its settings for updates / script to update / etc
  19. How are you trying to install it? Through Community Applications or via Select Template? NEVER MIND! The path I was using for one of the directories included a space... Thanks anyway! There's an update to the webgui that will fix that. Plugins. Check for updates. Dynamix webui. Install
  20. How are you trying to install it? Through Community Applications or via Select Template?
  21. Not that I have anyclue about these apps, but did you install filebot UI? (both it and filebot available in CA) FWIW, neither app (filebot or filebot-ui) has a webUI entry in the template defined, the drop down from dynamix will never display a webUI item - probably just an oversight by coppit
  22. makes sense because you're mounting onto the cache drive, which means that the cache drive won't be able to unmount (and you can't stop the array) because its busy / in use as long as that mount exists. mount it instead into /tmp and you won't have the problem
  23. Probably delete the container and image and then add it again. Should pull :latest
  24. Go to Settings - Docker and restart the Docker service. Dockers cannot see anything that was mounted after the docker service starts. 6.2 Beta 19+ includes a fix for this, but in lieu of that you either have to stop / restart the service as trurl suggested or manually mount the drives via commands in "go". By far the easiest solution is to stop / restart.
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