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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Has to be a "b" flick. I mean they went all out making a very realistic looking octopus hat...
  2. Now I'm tearing up.... :'( :'( That has to be the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to me :'(
  3. Fixed. The issue that I found with needo's sonarr is actually a malformed xml file. Issued a pull request on it. As an aside, if anyone thinks that the QC on this latest version sucked, then they're probably right. The changes in the underlying code to support on-the-fly changing of view modes had a number of compatibility issues with various browsers at various times in their evolution (eg. Original code crashed IE. The code that fixed IE worked on everything, but then crashed safari.) Certain things like the settings not working on 6.01, and this search issue, however is just my poor final QC, as I was concentrating on the browser compatibility issues and didn't recheck very closely the coding the should have still worked (at least in my mind) -> namely search and Plugin settings. My apologies to all... :'(
  4. Yeah.... I messed up Its fixed now, but looking at an issue with sonarr from needo (not picking up the overview properly). Will pump out an update shortly. I guess that eventually I was going to have a release that was buggy....
  5. Works for me in IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari (PC). Have you actually made a change? It's disabled until a change takes place (The operation of Apply changed in 6.1rc-1) Yes made changes. Changed all fields nothing enabled Apply. I'm on 6.0.1, not 6.1rc1. EDIT: Works on 6.1rc1 but not 6.0.1. My bad!. The changes in 6.1 overwrote some settings that I had in PluginSettings to operate, but 6.01 never overwrote them. Guess that I should leave one of my servers on the latest stable from here on it. Anyways, updated to 25d. (if anyone's curious, 2015.07.25->2015.07.25b were internal builds to fix compatibility with IE & Safari on a Mac)
  6. Works for me in IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari (PC). Have you actually made a change? It's disabled until a change takes place (The operation of Apply changed in 6.1rc-1)
  7. Regardless of where the files are physically stored, any operating system (Linux, windows, OS X, etc) looks at where it *thinks* they are and then decides to read / write the file to a new location, or to merely rename it to the location. In this case, the mount points are different for the input and the output. Linux (and windows / OS X) doesn't realize that the source and destination are actually on the same physical hard drive. Hence why it does the read / write instead of a rename. Its just how all operating systems operate. I'm not familiar with filebot, so I can't tell you if you set the same mount point for your input and your output if it will work (ie: use different folders within the mount points)
  8. Updated to 2015.07.25c (if it wasn't for the IE issue, I would have held off for a few more days ) - Fixed issue with this plugin crashing Internet Explorer - Added view mode Icon Details - Revamped some of the default settings. You MUST allow popups from your server to use this plugin The app feed provided by Kode now seems to be stable, and as such it is now the default mode of using this plugin. (If you have already installed this plugin and adjusted any of its settings, then you will have to go to the settings for CA, and enable Application Feed, and also enable automatic updates) This feed downloads super quick (usually by the time you select the Community Applications tab or scroll down, the update will have finished.) Using this feed also means that you no longer have to hit Update Applications. The application feed is pretty much updated 1 per hour from Kode, and every time you enter this plugin, it will download the latest and greatest. In addition, template maintainers can setup a "webhook" (http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=41413.msg392752#msg392752) for their templates so that if / when they add a new application, the feed will recognize it immediately instead of waiting for the next full scan of templates (every hour). However, in the event the maintainers do not utilize the webhook, and you KNOW that a new template is available, pressing Update Applications will manually download all the templates (same operation as before the application feed went into effect). Note however, that the list returned by Update Applications is temporary if you are using the application feed. The next time you exit and enter this plugin, any changes returned by Update Applications will have been lost if Kode's application feed scan has not yet run (hourly). Also, if for whatever reason, the appfeed is unavailable, then the system will automatically revert to downloading the templates.
  9. Internet explorer most likely. I noticed it yesterday (it actually sneaked through on 2015.07.22) Having been bouncing around fresh builds with sparklyballs since yesterday to fix it (and maintain compatibility with Safari). Update will be released later on today, along with another viewmode. Sorry for the inconvenience... In the meantime, you can switch to Chrome. Its also a lot faster at rendering the results. (in my testing, IE is by far the slowest of all the browsers)
  10. &codes are indispensible. Similar to html " " ' ' < < > > & & Yeah, except that putting "This & That" within HTML won't cause a fatal error. <Whatever>"This & That"</Whatever> Understood. Point being is that its a common mistake that brings the system down.
  11. Are you using Community Applications? If yes, can you post a screenshot of the Add Container screen?
  12. &codes are indispensible. Similar to html " " ' ' < < > > & & Yeah, except that putting "This & That" within HTML won't cause a fatal error.
  13. Almost forgot also. Never bothered to actually lookup valid characters in XML, but "&" can't be in there unless its within a CDATA section. Bit a couple of the template authors, and myself more than once. Not sure about using &codes, but & by itself and in <Sample>this & that</Sample> Throws the system for a loop.
  14. Updated to 2015.07.23 (see I slowed down - only second update this week ) - Big overhaul under the hood. - Now allows you to switch between icon and table mode on the fly - Unified interface between icon and table mode - Faster sorting within icon mode - Added sort by date - Turning app feed on now also forces auto updates regardless of the setting of auto update (useless without it) - Icon / Table mode in settings now selects the initial display mode - Added highlighting of search results to icon mode - Search results now sortable within icon mode Note: When using appfeed mode, Adding / Defaulting a container results in a popup. You should tell your browser to always allow popups from your server. The appfeed provided by Kode is becoming more stable daily. Its still has the odd issue which looks like it fixes itself within an hour or two, so I'm hoping to make this the default mode of CA shortly. But, for the time being it is staying as an opt-in option.
  15. Correct. Shouldn't actually be that big a job to come up with script to do the same thing
  16. Me too. Wonder why it wasn't blocking it before. Not quite sure. The routine that opened the new tab in appFeed mode didn't actually change -> it only moved from one section of the code to another. At least its a super easy fix -> always allow popups from your server within your browser (And it only affects appFeed mode, since it has to open tabs differently than in template mode)
  17. Yeah I saw that happen on the latest update as well. I wasn't sure if it was just my browser or not.
  18. The 'unWife' support group? With the amount of time I spend at the computer, she's threatened that she'll be an unWife soon lol
  19. And for that same reason is why I also try and avoid them (or at the very least make sure that they are optional). Even the categories tag was optional, but so highly recommended and error prone if they had to be manually updated, I had to create a plugin to create the specific line (which btw could also modify the appropriate xml file). Content wise, your description field field fits the fact that it would be optional, and also of a huge benefit. Realistically, all it requires is a small change to dockerMan to implement. Unfortunately because the tag must be implemented within a core OS component, it is up to LT to designate and implement (which btw I have received a PM from one of their team members asking what I thought about that very proposal a few months ago) so it is on their radar, but probably at the present time not the biggest priority that they have. A similar item would be some sort of automatic host volume path filling out. I briefly tried having an experimental feature within CA to accomplish this, but ultimately decided to drop it because it also requires a tag change in order to accomplish it correctly, and ultimately the implementation once again has to be within dockerMan. This snippet of a post from jonp however fills me with confidence: Since docker is overwhelmingly the favorite new feature of 6.x (according to LT's poll), and arguably has a big learning curve for new users due to missing tags (your description, and I would propose a tag to assist in automatic host volume populating), I wouldn't be surprised if this gets implemented shortly. It also has the benefit of being IMHO far less labour intensive for LT to implement and test than the current emphasis on VM's. Especially since docker is being "sold" as turn-key applications to new users, and yet the threads are filled with questions about just getting them installed. PS Also changed the OP to better organize all the optional tags.
  20. When I was young I wanted to be a soccer hooligan when I grew up lol
  21. If nothing else at least he's interesting. Not quite as interesting as Sid, but still a rather unique individual. http://www.independent.co.uk/migration_catalog/article5292307.ece/alternates/w620/pg-6-sid-rex.jpeg[/img] (sid was innocent)
  22. Presumably the same as Ozzy Osbourne at the Alamo. (Being a CDN, I found the whole thing humorous)
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