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Everything posted by Squid

  1. The difference is permissions. EG On my system, plex only has RO permissions (it doesn't need to write) to the media, and it does NOT have access to any of those "special" pictures of my wife (wouldn't want someone to accidentally view them now would we). SAB only has RW access to downloads. CP has RO permissions to media on one server, and RW to the other. The thing is that I would think that most users have gone to the trouble of securing their shares. User A only has access to certain shares. User B can read some shares, write to others, User C we just don't trust at all and can only read and write his own personal share. Setting up /mnt with something like plex for instance will automatically grant the docker container (and by extension the user using plex at the HTPC) full RW access to all of your shares (including the "special" pictures folder). What sparkly and I are saying is that individual mappings with appropriate permissions is the correct way to do things (in my FAQ posting above I refer to this as "best-practice". However, I am in agreement with you that /mnt is the easiest way to accomplish this for new users. But I will always cringe when I see it -> even though lately I've been advocating it for the new user. But it is definitely not the "right" way to accomplish things. It may sound like I'm arguing both sides of the coin, and I guess that I am.
  2. if an author messes up a script, and it deletes data, it would delete data in whatever got mapped, so it would still be a pretty big disaster, right? Difference being is that passing /mnt you're always going to pass it with read-write permissions. /TV you wouldn't necessarily have to do that. Not that its directly relevant, but just a few months ago a moderator here accidentally deleted his entire movie collection by making a simple typo in an rm command. And you're the one we trust to make docker apps??!? But all kidding aside, while I agree that ideally passing through only TV or Movies, etc is the best way to accomplish folder mappings, when push comes to shove /mnt to /mnt is far and away the easiest way to map folders over to containers. I did my best to try and explain how this works a couple of posts above, but it is a confusing subject. Its one of those subjects that "you're not going to be able to understand it until you understand it" Like I said, some one needs to make a video with a whiteboard, hand gestures, and an English accent. Until we can come up with a easy to understand method of explaining this concept, /mnt is the easiest way to do things. Yes there are some risks. Are they likely? Probably not. Are they possible? Yes In my case, I didn't want any of the plex users in the house to be able to delete any media from the collection. So I made the collection read-only.
  3. Question: if im writing a file does it execute the script when the file starts writing or when its finished?
  4. Yeah you did it right. All the relevant information is already filled out. You just have to set your host paths and hit create.
  5. Glad to hear that our rambling did not (quite) make you miss this issue. I was bored at the time and skimmed it, but that issue caught my attention I thought it was a no brainer also which was why I was so surprised at 3 pages of comments about it. I'll let you and RobJ handle any polling, etc. Presumably RobJ could modify the done button thread into a poll. This is your guy's baby...
  6. I saw that. I was wondering how many of those commenting had actually tried out your change? It seemed a very simple and intuitive change but maybe that is just my perspective. That is not to say that a bigger discussion is not merited. Since you know what change you made in this plugin I was wondering if you could point out the detail? I was thinking of looking at whether a similar change could be manually 'patched' into the generic support libraries so I could see what it felt like on other screens. That is assuming it could be done at the generic level and will not need change in every screen? Bonienl's dynamix code tends to handle to majority (if not all) of the plugins and core OS components. Initially, I noticed that dynamix no longer included the unapplied changes message at the bottom of the screen (which I absolutely hated the positioning of, but liked the message.) So I already had a function that was called every time a dropdown changed that brought up the unapplied changes message (next to the apply button). After seeing your (and RobJ) comments about the Cancel / Done button it was a simple one line added into the unapplied changes function to change the name of the Done button to be cancel. Ultimately however what I've done is basically a "patch" on dynamix for this plugin. The dynamix code has the ability to manage this all automatically for every plugin out there (include core OS) So now its a bit of a pain for me because now with future updates to the OS I have to undo my changes to see if the dynamix code handles it. I asked RobJ to split the thread because it was 3 pages (all OT), and since I started the conversation (and was a little bit surprised at the number of responses) I felt I had the right, and that it was deserving of its own thread to further debate this seemingly minor change. That being said, I highly encourage anyone to try out the settings section of this plugin, see how they feel about the operation of the Done / Cancel button (With such a small number of settings I don't see the point of adding a "Default" button or a "Reset" Button (which I totally disagree with Tom's assessment of its operation) and post their thoughts on it here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40850.0 since this potential change will affect all users of unRaid. And congrats to both you and RobJ. Your little debate about the wiki which was almost TLDR convinced me (who isn't tied down by LT rules on changes) to make a little change which started all of this.
  7. You could use Docker Search and XML conversion plugin to create an xml template, and then add it via Add Container on the docker tab. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=38879.0 Note that this tool creates an XML file from the information which it can scrape from dockerhub. You may have to add in additional environment variables, etc from the instructions listed on the container's page
  8. Yes, inside /config folder, for example. A user asked me why his ssmtp script was failing, and I wrote this for him. got it, so for transmission, you'd call this say torrent-done.sh , make it executable and then in the transmission webui call it as an action when torrent is completed. Exactly that. Obviously, you can adapt it to Deluge, NZBGet etc... cool, now to think of ways of using it in containers on the drawing board. would be handy if UNRAID_ADDR was an environment variable could pass directly to container bit like time info. We figured that out before... Map /usr/local/emhttp/state through to the container and you can scrap var.ini for the IP address blah blah blah, i can't be expected to remember stuff, i'm old. You're like 2 minutes older than I am dude....
  9. Yes, inside /config folder, for example. A user asked me why his ssmtp script was failing, and I wrote this for him. got it, so for transmission, you'd call this say torrent-done.sh , make it executable and then in the transmission webui call it as an action when torrent is completed. Exactly that. Obviously, you can adapt it to Deluge, NZBGet etc... cool, now to think of ways of using it in containers on the drawing board. would be handy if UNRAID_ADDR was an environment variable could pass directly to container bit like time info. We figured that out before... Map /usr/local/emhttp/state through to the container and you can scrap var.ini for the IP address
  10. After reading this, I changed the operation of my CA's Done button http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40262.msg385445#msg385445
  11. Makes me wonder why I got married
  12. Hey thanks, man. If you hadn't rewritten my original concept we wouldn't have been at this stage for another couple of months.
  13. Proof: From ~beta 14 Feb 27 19:28:33 Server_A emhttp: wrong GUID: /boot/config/Pro (7).key (125F-C81A-0065-F5088500F479) Feb 27 19:28:33 Server_A emhttp: Pro key detected, GUID: 0930-6544-71B3-CCA0392724BD FILE: /boot/config/Pro (4).key It looks like as of v6 final however the system no longer logs failed GUIDs however.
  14. I'm hearing multiple conflicting opinions on whether the key file must be the only one. Pretty sure I saw somewhere in the V6 development that you could put all your owned keys in the config folder, and unraid would find and use the one that matched the current flash GUID. I haven't tried it, but it would be good to find out for sure. What do you call them though? Currently I have two files both called pro.key. I actually keep backups on both USB files so I have on each disk pro.key Unraid1-Pro Unraid2-Pro and both my USB flash drives are labelled 1 & 2. Plus keep a backup of each key in dropbox and on my array. I thought that the key would only get recognised if it was called pro.key but prepared to be wrong on that one. Somewhere along the line in the 6 beta series (probably around beta 7), the system was reorganized to allow multiple instances of .key files stored in your config folder. It doesn't matter what they are called as long as their extension is .key unRaid will go through them one by one looking for a match for your flashdrive.
  15. Your existing licence will still be valid. No extra cost at all.
  16. Updated to 2015.06.17 - Fixed some inconsistencies in default settings between modules - Fixed table header occasionally showing up in Icon mode - Added Icon mode help text - Icon mode now default view.
  17. What would you do with a filter? You can already see which ones are downloaded (they have the edit button or a wrench) To manage them (start / stop) you would use the containers tab. Well if you have a lot of dockers installed it would remove those you already have from the list. But yeah, was just a thought... Ok... i can add a setting for that. Won't cost any cpu cycles. Have an update when i get home from work anyways (system not flagging apps within beta repositories correctly) Thought about that filter (not displaying installed apps) and decided against it. Would be confusing for some users as to why the count of applications are different from one user to another. The plugin already differentiates between installed and not installed, so unless I hear more requests for that filter, I'm going to leave well enough alone
  18. Not sure about LT's app or binhex's, but gfjardim/needos will automatically update plex to the latest version when it starts up which means it might take a bit while its downloading. FWIW I use gfjardim / needo And thank you...
  19. What would you do with a filter? You can already see which ones are downloaded (they have the edit button or a wrench) To manage them (start / stop) you would use the containers tab. Well if you have a lot of dockers installed it would remove those you already have from the list. But yeah, was just a thought... Ok... i can add a setting for that. Won't cost any cpu cycles. Have an update when i get home from work anyways (system not flagging apps within beta repositories correctly)
  20. What would you do with a filter? You can already see which ones are downloaded (they have the edit button or a wrench) To manage them (start / stop) you would use the containers tab.
  21. Tried that, no change. What you're probably going to want to do is delete the image and container, delete all references to the template on the flash drive /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates and templates-user Reboot, then add the container again. There's another possible issue with dockerMan not picking up all of the changes in a template under certain circumstances. Very rare, affected me once and aptalca once. Never been documented enough to post a defect report.
  22. Just try changing the icon in advanced settings. Simple and easy fix
  23. it's not the docker download that times out, it's the images for the icons in the community apps plugin..... And on rare occasions icons in dockerMan.
  24. "bug" in question (if it is a bug) might affect dockerMan since it and CA may share similar code in that respect (although to be honest I haven't looked). If it is the same issue, its a very minor issue with dockerMan. You'd probably be able to get around it but changing the icon in advanced settings to one of your own. (just download it, then upload it to photobucket and point the container to it) And in my experience, its a pain to solve since the issue eventually fixes itself -> can't tell if your changes worked or not (at least in CA). Hence why I gave the user an optional workaround.
  25. Thought about that, started doing it, then remembered that you can't hover over anything on a mobile device. Hence the pop up. Can you switch to "finger clicky" cursor when over the icon/image if there is a popup available? I found it entirely by accident. Should be fixed in 14a. My bad... I know its there so I don't even think about it (it also wasn't showing on the information icon either) Also as an aside starting with 14, every update to the plugin now also forces the system to update the applications to ensure that any changes which the update requires are there.
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