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Everything posted by Squid

  1. What about tmpfs? Try this: cd /var/log du -h
  2. EDIT: It looks like all/most of the links within this post are not functional. However, they would all either link to another post within this thread or to a post within the Application Categorizer plugin support thread or to a post within CA. Reply to this thread if you have any questions about the optional tags. CA relies upon a third party parser and hosting of the template author's xml files that is out of the author of CAs control. Because of this, the only supported XML format is that which is generated by unRaid's docker tab when hitting SAVE on the template. Any manual editing of the XML files may present compatibility issues for CA and if they turn out to be incompatible, will result in the template being blacklisted within CA until brought into conformity with the dockerMan generated files. As an example, the extra spacing on the various Config element attributes is incompatible with the third party parser and will result in either errors or incorrect entries being made when adding the container through CA. dockerMan does not generate the extra spacing as listed below, and CA has no problem with dockerMan's generated files. With the changes to the docker template XML being introduced by the Community Repositories and Community Applications plugins, I figured that those changes should be documented somewhere rather than being buried in various threads. The official XML (as generated by dockerMan) is as follows: (probably described somewhere in this thread: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=33965.0 - TLDR <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Container> <Name>Pints</Name> <Description>Raspberry Pints, beer tap display app[br]IMPORTANT :- YOU MUST CHANGE THE HOST PORT BELOW</Description> <Registry>https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/sparklyballs/pints/</Registry> <Repository>sparklyballs/pints</Repository> <BindTime>true</BindTime> <Privileged>false</Privileged> <Environment/> <Networking> <Mode>bridge</Mode> <Publish> <Port> <HostPort>81</HostPort> <ContainerPort>80</ContainerPort> <Protocol>tcp</Protocol> </Port> </Publish> </Networking> <Data> <Volume> <HostDir>/mnt/cache/appdata/pints/www</HostDir> <ContainerDir>/var/www/Pints</ContainerDir> <Mode>rw</Mode> </Volume> <Volume> <HostDir>/mnt/cache/appdata/pints/config</HostDir> <ContainerDir>/config</ContainerDir> <Mode>rw</Mode> </Volume> </Data> <Version>05616fd2</Version> <WebUI>http://[iP]:[PORT:80]/</WebUI> <Banner>http://whatsmybeeragain.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Whats-My-Beer-Logo-Banner-2-01-e1318366883801.png</Banner> <Icon>http://fullersbarbeerfest.co.uk/files/6113/8705/6693/light-beer.png</Icon> <ExtraParams></ExtraParams> </Container> EDIT: the above is the v1 specification Unraid versions 6.2+ support v2 which have the ports and paths defined via <Config> entries and take precedence over v1. Unraid 6.10+ no longer will generate the legacy v1 entries (although when installing an app it will read them) Note that for CA / Apps Tab, either <Description> or <Overview> must be present and not empty. IE: Its required. Additionally, there are also some (currently) unofficial entries. <Support> Contains a link to a support thread for the container. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=39106.msg365627#msg365627 <Overview> This is the same thing as <Description> if <Overview> is present, then <Description> is completely ignored <Beta>, <Category> (Both optional but highly recommended). These entries are created by this plugin: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40111.0 <Date> This entry contains the date the container has been created and/or updated http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40111.msg381735#msg381735. If this tag is not present, but the <DateInstalled> tag is present, then the latter is used. <Changes> This entry contains a changelog for the container. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40111.msg379576#msg379576 <Project> The entry contains a url to the project page (home page) for the container (eg: https://plex.tv) http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40299.msg394762#msg394762 <Licence> or <License> Optionally displays licence information for the app http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40262.msg444243#msg444243 <Branch> (docker app only) will allow CA to ask the user which branch of the application to install. See here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40299.msg495429#msg495429 <ExtraSearchTerms> extra search terms to use for the app see https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38619-docker-template-xml-schema/page/3/?tab=comments#comment-941891 <Requires> any additional requirements on the user's system the app may require https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38619-docker-template-xml-schema/page/3/?tab=comments#comment-1015826 Unraid 6.10 includes this entry when editing / creating a template in authoring mode <ReadMe> https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38619-docker-template-xml-schema/page/4/?tab=comments#comment-1051557 Unraid 6.10-rc3+ includes this entry when editing / creating a template in authoring mode <Screenshot> https://forums.unraid.net/topic/38619-docker-template-xml-schema/page/4/?tab=comments#comment-1051850 This specifies a screenshot (or multiple screenshots) to include in the sidebar for the app Additionally, CA supports placing an optional donate button at the bottom of the popup changelogs and full descriptions. The tags associated with this are: <DonateText> A short blurb of why to donate (eg: Server's Cost Money, I'm paying for a divorce, I'm out of beer, etc <DonateLink> A link to take you to the actual website where the donations are handled 2/21/21 - Donation links within templates are now deprecated, in favour of the links being present in the profiles. This means that all you have to do is fill out the appropriate links within the CA profile and those links will get carried over to the templates automatically. NOTE that & are disallowed in entries. You will need to replace them with this: &amp; Failure to do this will result in your application not displaying within CA (And not being able to be installed via dockerMan <DonateText> is optional, but both <DonateLink> and <DonateImg> are mandatory for this to appear (One or the other missing will result in the button not appearing) NOTE: Because by and large any containers which CA deems to be "official" (eg: the official container of Plex -> created by Plex themselves, or the Official container of Mariadb created by them) are not actually published to CA by the template authors themselves, CA will automatically remove any donation links which are within a template pointing to an Official container. This is mainly because we do not want any confusion on donating as to where it might go (the devs or the guy who just happened to make a template for it). Side Note Only the tags which are listed in this thread (and the companion PluginXML thead)are official / semi-official / unofficial. If you happen to look at the XML's which are generated by CA and passed through to dockerMan at installation, there are many other tags that are contained within that are utilized only for CA's internal purposes. Do not utilize them.
  3. Agree with the no text (even if they were large enough to see). An Icon like that should be universally recognized whether you can read English or not. (And personally, I would like to see unRaid implement multiple languages at some point)
  4. Either the author has stated that their containers will be categorized shortly, or I have submitted github pull requests with categories for all of the remaining containers. Hopefully shouldn't be long now until we are close to 100% categorization EDIT: Now up to 76% I believe that the remaining authors are currently on vacation and/or in the middle of a move.
  5. Hey Pinion... If you get a couple minutes, do you think you could run your containers through the Categorization App? http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40111.0 Thanks in advance,
  6. Will be even better once all the maintainers categorize all the apps.
  7. Community Applications (aka CA) This thread is rather long, and it is NOT necessary to read it in order to utilize Community Applications (CA) Just install the plugin, go to the apps tab and enjoy the freedom. If you find an issue with CA, then don't bother searching for answers in this thread as all issues (when they have surfaced) are fixed generally the same day that they are found... (But at least read the preceding post or two on the last page of the thread) Simple interface and easy to use, you will be able to find and install any of the unRaid docker or plugin applications, and also optionally gain access to the entire library of applications available on dockerHub (~1.8 million) INSTALLATION Under 6.10.x+ to install CA, just go to the already existing Apps Tab in the Unraid UI and you'll be prompted to automatically install it. For older versions of Unraid, paste the following URL into the Plugins / Install Plugin section: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/community.applications/master/plugins/community.applications.plg After installation, a new tab called "Apps" will appear on your unRaid webGUI. To see what the various icons do, simply press Help or the (?) on unRaid's Tab Bar. Note All screenshots in this post are subject to change as Community Applications continues to evolve Easily search or browse applications Get full details on the application Easily reinstall previously installed applications Find out about your favourite authors And much, much more Multi-Language Installations When running on a supported version of Unraid that supports Multi-Language (6.9.0+), CA is the recommended way to install any of the Language Packs available. See this post for more detail Note that CA is always (and always will be) compatible with the latest Stable version of unRaid, and the Latest/Next version of unRaid. Intermediate versions of various Release Candidates may or may not be compatible (though they usually are - But, if you have made the decision to run unRaid Next, then you should also ensure that all plugins and unRaid itself (not just CA) are always up to date). Additionally, every attempt is made to keep CA compatible with older versions of unRaid. As of this writing, CA is compatible with all versions of unRaid from 6.12.0 onward. Require a proxy? See this post for CA to operate through a proxy Cookie Note: CA utilizes cookies in its regular operation. Some features of CA may not be available if cookies are not enabled in your browser. No personally identifiable information is ever collected, no cookies related to any software or media stored on your server are ever collected, and none of the cookies are ever transmitted anywhere. Cookies related to the "Look & Feel" of Community Applications will expire after a year. Any other cookies related to the operation of CA are automatically deleted after they are used. Multi-language Note: When running on a version of unRaid that supports multi-language, CA will operate in the language of your choice. However, translations of the descriptions of the applications themselves are outside the scope of the translations, and will always appear in whatever the author themselves has dictated (ie: English) Additionally, CA supports translations on the spotlighted apps "Reason". Translations can be submitted against https://github.com/Squidly271/Community-Applications-Moderators/blob/master/Recommended.json if you wish to contribute Contribute towards development (or simply buy me a beer) Credits Development Andrew Zawadzki Additional Contributions bonienl, eschultz GUI Layout Design Mex Application Feed Andrew Zawadzki, Kode, Limetech Additional Testing CHBMB, SpaceInvaderOne, Sparklyballs, wgstarks, DJoss, Zer0Nin3r, Mex, prostuff1, bonienl, ljm42, kizer, trurl, Jos, Limetech, SimonF, ich777, jimmy898, Alex.b, neruve, Eugeni_CAT, ChaseCares, TheEyeTGuy Moderation dockerPolice, pluginCop Additional Libraries Awesomeplete (Lea Verou), Chart.js (Various), XML2Array, Array2XML (Miles Johnson), chartjs-plugin-trendline (Marcus Alsterfjord), Magnific-Popup (Dmitry Semenov) Copyright © 2015-2023 Andrew Zawadzki For the details regarding the various policies that Community Applications has regarding applications, see here
  8. Am I doing something wrong? Under Data, the only device that I see is my thumbdrive. None of the hard drives are populating into it.
  9. I'll add you to the repository lists later on today, but you're also going to want to do this to the xml template: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40111.0
  10. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=36278.msg359686#msg359686
  11. For your syslog you could do tail -f /var/log/syslog >/boot/syslogtail.txt
  12. LOTS of information. Which info out of this command would be appropriate to understand the progress of a parity check? mdResync? mdState? sbSync? something else? If I do this: /root/mdcmd status | egrep "mdResync|mdState|sbSync" I get this: Is there anything that would give a percent complete? mdResync/mdResyncPos? Any way I could put that in division in a script and format it? Or is there a better, already done script I could download? Sticking with bash, you could do: A=$(/root/mdcmd status | egrep mdResyncPos= | sed -r 's/mdResyncPos=(\w+)/\1/') B=$(/root/mdcmd status | egrep mdResync= | sed -r 's/mdResync=(\w+)/\1/') RESULT=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\",${A}/${B}*100}") echo $RESULT Its not pretty but it works (bash doesn't support floating point, so the division winds up being done in awk)
  13. Can I recommend that since URBackup is currently not to be used (as I understand it), that the template file either be deleted from your repository or the description modified. It still shows up in the Community Repositories plugin, and on the repositories thread, and the only way a user knows not to use it is if they add the container, and happen to look at the URL which states "Do Not Use"
  14. Based upon gfjardim's original modifications (his 1st commit) to the Community Repositories plugin. i probably shouldn't mention about them being in reverse order alphabetically.... Since my last name starts with a "Z", I always felt that reverse alphabetical is the way to do things. That way I wind up on top of the list.
  15. Based upon gfjardim's original modifications (his 1st commit) to the Community Repositories plugin.
  16. Guess it must be a Canadian term. Pretty sure the post would be deleted if I expanded on it. BTW. SpongeBob Rocks!
  17. user0 is the contents of the array excluding any files which are currently residing on the cache drive user is the contents of the array including all files which are currently on the cache drive
  18. Doesn't matter to me at all. If you keep the URL the same and just change the contents everything picks it up the changes. If the URL changes then the thread will have the old icon (community repositories will get the new one). Its just more work on my end, and for something as minor as an icon change I may or may not get around to it - depending upon what my mood is at the time - as it is now I only check for new containers for each repo about once a month. New repositories get added all the time immediately, but new containers once a month - too much work to go through everyone's repo's and look for changes everyday. Half the reason why I started that plugin.
  19. It was just a heads up... I actually would never notice during my updates to the thread if the url for the icon changed as long as the original url still worked.
  20. As an aside, if you change the URL for the icon file, then the Popular Repositories Thread will also have to be updated . If you keep the same URL then nothing needs to be changed. Community Repositories won't have an issue either way. didn't you once say you'd be bored if everything worked as it should ? lol. yeah I did once say that sparklyballs... or should I say zzzzzzzzzzzsparklyballs
  21. As an aside, if you change the URL for the icon file, then the Popular Repositories Thread will also have to be updated . If you keep the same URL then nothing needs to be changed. Community Repositories won't have an issue either way.
  22. In your gitHub repo there seems to be missing the xml files for no-ip and mumble
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