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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Nice page, thanks! I'm going to point to it. Added also to the useful links plugin
  2. You earlier post says you have four cores. You are trying to assign core 5. Cores start their numbering at 0
  3. You can set them however you like eg for plex you could --cpuset=3 (assigns core # 3) mediabrowser --cpuset=2 (assigns core # 2)
  4. the name dockerMan is a hold-over from a plugin before it was integrated into the UI. It's just the "Docker" tab now, but old habits die hard and a number of people (myself included) still refer to the docker tab as dockerMan
  5. Isn't that just a side effect of the poll_attributes tunable? http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=38409.msg356665#msg356665
  6. I believe thats any new packages. Pre-existing ones in the packages folder will still attempt to run
  7. You can change the user name either by manually modifying the config.xml file as per the OP, or you can also load the windows software, then in the advanced mode have it connect to the unRaid software and change it there. Not at home so can't give real good instructions
  8. You may be right, I'm going to have to think about that. It was my feeling that many veteran unRAID users would balk at reformatting. I'd like to hear more views, from both fresh users and veterans. From what I can determine, almost nothing (plugin wise) from version 5 works in version6. You are basically starting over. The things that do carry across are the basic settings such as the server name, IP address, network configuration, shares and their settings, password and a few others. If the guide can get all of those copied over so that the server when it comes up is running as a simple server that behaves the same way as the ver 5 server, that will be an excellent starting pointing for installing the balance of the desired Docker containers. Then the guide can be a straight forward guide sections to explain the ins-and-outs of Docker containers, vm machines, etc. With all of the bastardization that was required with ver 5 for (and by) some users to get ver 5 to do what they wanted it to do, writing an comprehensive update guide starting with the ver 5 software setup will be a thankless task. And then it will be almost incomprehensible for those who are not unRAID experts. Making a backup of the version 5 Flash drive will allow anyone who is not happy with what they get with version 6 to simply revert back to ver 5 with a minimum of hassle. (Of course, you had better put a note in explaining that if you ever think you might want to do this don't change the disk format from reiserfs!) A simple dos script could accomplish just about everything. - Backup your v5 stick - Format & set the stick to v6 - Copy relevant config information back on (network, disk, shares, go, etc) No matter how easy you make the directions, someone is always going to miss a step somewhere along the line.
  9. The go file should also be reverted back to stock, and the packages folder if it exists should be deleted. (Mainly if unMenu was installed)
  10. Have you tried any of the ones on docker hub with my plugin? http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=38879.0
  11. Try SNAP http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=31594.0
  12. Looks really interesting. Have to sit down over a weekend and play with it some time
  13. I agree, and has the advantage of being able to be checked through windows. I have a cron job running this script daily. It walks through all the disks and creates a md5 for every file that doesn't already have one, and if the file has been modified (ie - streams removed, etc) since the md5 was created, it will recreate it. I used disk shares to guarantee the .md5 winds up on the same disk as the file regardless of the split settings. Unfortunately, I never made it to handle every file - didn't care. It's only looking for video files. (I really don't care and don't want the clutter from it making md5s for every .nfo), and it takes no parameters - extensions looked for are coded in. #!/bin/sh # Script to create MD5 hashes for only video files # Get All disks installed in system ALLDISK=$(ls /mnt --color="never" | grep "disk") logger "Scanning disks for media files without .md5" # Loop through the disks for DISK in $ALLDISK do DIR="/mnt/$DISK" # Loop throough all the video files on the disk find $DIR -type f -iname "*.mkv" -o -iname "*.ts" -o -iname "*.avi" -o -iname "*.vob" -o -iname "*.mt2s" -o -iname "*.mp4" -o -iname "*.mpg" -o -iname "*.mpeg" -o -iname "*.3gp" -o -iname "*.wmv" | while read FILENAME do MD5FILE="$FILENAME.md5" # Does the MD5 already exist? if [ -e "$MD5FILE" ]; then if [ $(date +%s -r "$FILENAME") -gt $(date +%s -r "$MD5FILE") ]; then cd "${FILENAME%/*}" logger "$FILENAME changed... Updating MD5" md5sum -b "$(basename "$FILENAME")" > /tmp/md5file.md5 mv /tmp/md5file.md5 "$MD5FILE" fi else # CD to the path of the file cd "${FILENAME%/*}" logger "Creating MD5 for $FILENAME" md5sum -b "$(basename "$FILENAME")" > /tmp/md5file.md5 mv /tmp/md5file.md5 "$MD5FILE" fi done done logger "Finished Scanning"
  14. Just ran into a *possible* issue with running this script. If you set the tunables to be unthrottled, you may run into cpu stall issues (not 100% proven, but on my system I can repeat the issues at will by using unthrottled settings). I've adjusted my settings to be around 5MB/s less than unthrottled and my stall issues went away http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=38469.0 Fixed as of beta 15
  15. Can you put a picture of your dashboard page, it isn't clear to me what exactly is missing. Sure - it's just not populating statistics for anything. I suspect there is some conflict situation preventing the dashboard to display properly. I advice you to do the following: 1. Make a copy of the content of your flash drive, in case you need to preserve the content 2. Delete the following directories (if existing): - /boot/config/plugins - /boot/plugins - /boot/extra 3. Remove extra installations - if any - from the go file, just have emhttp started. 4. Reboot your system, and it will come up with no plugins 5. Make checks 6. Install optional plugins one-by-one and verify afterwards Done - no change. and clear your browser cache. Thanks, but still no dice. Just to confirm, after you did step #3 and rebooted (at that point, there was no plugins or anything else running), the dashboard still wasn't populated with the drive status? As a stupid step, next to System Status, switch the drop down from General to Errors and see what happens
  16. Not all routers have that function Oh well then this would be very nice to have then. In not going to lie, my mind is sort of blown that some routers don't have WOL! I would go out on a limb and say that the majority of routers which people actually use (the built-in ones with the cable/DSL modems) don't support it. Not one of my DSL modems or Cable modems have ever had that option built-in. Any of the cheapie routers I've ever bought never had it. My Asus RT-N66U does however. You get what you pay for.
  17. For beta 13 you have to install the band aid plugin. Its in the announcement thread. On my phone right now so its a pain to search but there's also a patch for beta 12. I think there's a thread named gui not sending notifications that has the patch in it. I will look for it tonight
  18. Post a screenshot of your XML screen (ie - click on the words PlexMediaServer). Also, where it says either "up for xxx hours" or "Exited xx ago," Click on that and post what it says.
  19. lol C'mon... We're are in 8,906th place
  20. ok Run it with --rebuild-tree instead of --check. It will take a while to complete
  21. DON'T You're running reiserfsck wrong. follow these directions: http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php/Check_Disk_Filesystems
  22. PERFECT!! Thanks. with the passwords XML file, everything works perfectly (even with host names) To summarize the last whack of posts: Use the scrapers that come with Kodi (The TVDB, The MovieDB, and whatever the one is for music) If you are using a different scraper than the default, then you are going to either: change your scraper to be the default, and rescan your libraries install that particular scraper into kodi-headless (just copy over the appropriate folders??? - Not tried) If you only have a single unRaid box for sources for Kodi AND the shares are set to either Public or Secure then you are done. If however you have multiple unRaid boxes and are referring to them via Hostnames in the sources for Kodi or, the shares are set to Private then you will have to create the passwords.xml file and store it in /appdata/kodi/userdata <passwords> <path> <from pathversion="1">smb://SERVER_A/</from> <to pathversion="1">smb://username:password@SERVER_A/</to> </path> <path> <from pathversion="1">smb://SERVER_B/</from> <to pathversion="1">smb://username:password@SERVER_B/</to> </path> </passwords> Note that in passwords.xml there is no reference at all to any particular share. Only to the servers
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