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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Thought about that, started doing it, then remembered that you can't hover over anything on a mobile device. Hence the pop up. On long term we can think of a desktop and mobile version (with automatic detection). It is something I am looking into for Dynamix. It wasn't actually designed for mobile, but instead as a simpler interface much more akin to an actual appstore. But because there is no real way to display the description / overview section within the basic layout (although now that the framework exists, I still have some plans to play around some more), it had to be either a pop up or a hover. And since a hover would preclude users who use their tablets to manage their servers whilst their wives are making them watch a chick flick, I elected to go with the pop up. Still some more work to do (optimizations, further clean up of code, expansion of the information displayed with the description, add the help text for icon mode, etc), and then will revisit the actual display.
  2. Thought about that, started doing it, then remembered that you can't hover over anything on a mobile device. Hence the pop up.
  3. Updated to 2015.06.14 Added a user selected view mode (Icon Mode -> Original display is now referred to as Table Mode) This display mode is a little bit easier to work with, and is more "mobile" friendly than table mode. (For example, displaying the entire application list on my Nexus 7 (original) would crash Chrome). There are a couple of new entries in the plugin settings section: View Mode -> selects whether to use the new Icon Mode or Table Mode (defaults to Table Mode) Number Of Columns -> Selects how many columns of icons to display. Defaults to 5 which works great from a desktop browser, but when I use it from my tablet, I set it to to 4 to account for the slightly different rendering. Using the system in Icon mode is also slightly different. In table mode, to add a container or edit an existing container you would hit the icon or the wrench In icon mode, there will be two buttons displayed Add (or Default) and Edit. To bring up the description of the application, you will now hit the icon, which will display a pop up window. Everything else should be more or less the same.
  4. Everytime Tom does me a big favor for something or other, getting another badge is how I usually pay him back. Currently I've got 4 badges for 2 servers. I only have one server, but 2 badges. The other is stuck on the beer fridge where I put assorted souvenir stickers. It would be better if Tom put up those beer stein's they've got for sale (I know that jonP's posted up a picture at one point) how would i install a beer stein on my server ? Well if it has a DVD drive you could use it as a cup holder.
  5. Everytime Tom does me a big favor for something or other, getting another badge is how I usually pay him back. Currently I've got 4 badges for 2 servers. I only have one server, but 2 badges. The other is stuck on the beer fridge where I put assorted souvenir stickers. It would be better if Tom put up those beer stein's they've got for sale (I know that jonP's posted up a picture at one point)
  6. Everytime Tom does me a big favor for something or other, getting another badge is how I usually pay him back. Currently I've got 4 badges for 2 servers.
  7. The issue with the icon is probably a similar one which affects the Community Applications plugin. Gfjardim wrote the icon download section in CA, and I presume he also wrote the one in dockerMan (since its based upon the Extended Docker Configuration Manager) Basically, the system tries to locally store the images locally, and times out on slow downloads. In CA, I just switched gears from trying to fix the issue (which WILL eventually display the icon -> given enough resets / updates / etc), and gave the user an alternative fail-safe method of displaying the icons so that I could concentrate on other priorities.
  8. Updated to 2015.06.11 - Coding Optimizations - No longer allows you to select the category if its already displayed (pointless) - Added help text to assist the influx of new users to v6 when it goes final
  9. Thanks to gfjardim, we're now at 94.5% categorized. There's only a couple of stragglers from various authors (which were probably missed either by themselves or by myself when I issued pull requests), and Zuhkov / iancole whom I don't believe are that active around here anymore. Probably what I'll do is give it a bit more time and then if still nothing else happens will fork those remaining templates into a repo of mine just to categorize them. But in the meantime, hats off to all the authors for taking the time to help out the community with the categorization.
  10. Updated to 2015.06.08 Hopefully another useful update. Added in support for the <Date> tag as described here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40111.msg381735#msg381735, and expanded the settings section. The plugin now has the ability to show new / updated applications. Basically, if the template author adds in the <Date> tag when they create a new application, or update the date when they add features, changes, etc then Community Applications will flag the application with a http://pngimg.com/upload/star_PNG1580.png[/img]. In conjunction with this there is also a new "category" called new / updated which will only display those applications which are new or updated. The settings section has also now been expanded (and is also now dynamix compliant) Local server caching: This option set whether the plugin will try and pre-download all the icons, or just let your browser handle everything. If you have trouble with the icons displaying correctly, set it to disabled. Update reminder time: This setting sets the time period when you will be issued the friendly reminder (at bottom of the lists) to update the application lists. Time to display applications as new / updated: This setting sets the time period that a new / updated application will be displayed as a new/updated application. Note: After installing this update, you should Update the applications to bring in the latest information from the templates.
  11. I have the exact same complaint. There should be some text or something in the overview section of the template to let users know the differences. Or alternatively authors could use the change log / more information section for the same purposes
  12. That would be within the docker containers tab, which really isn't a part of this plugin, but I would think that your containers are not running after a reboot (not set to autostart).
  13. Updated to 2015.06.06 Most of the new upcoming features for this plugin are going to have user-configurable settings. There is now a new section in the Settings section of the webGUI (Community Application Settings) that will allow you to configure those up-coming settings as they are added. Currently, there is only one option in there - disable local caching of images for those with icon display problems.
  14. Good idea, but I don't think that's the issue. When I added it here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40262.msg380746#msg380746 it worked fine. It's think its some issue with dockerMan not updating the popup menu correctly when a change like that occurs in the template. From a fresh install with no traces of the old template anywhere on the flash drive it works fine. it needs to be in there still though, because otherwise nobody will be able to reassign the host port. You got me there.
  15. Good idea, but I don't think that's the issue. When I added it here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40262.msg380746#msg380746 it worked fine. It's think its some issue with dockerMan not updating the popup menu correctly when a change like that occurs in the template. From a fresh install with no traces of the old template anywhere on the flash drive it works fine.
  16. And that's one that I continually had problems with... From fresh it would usually show the top half of the elephant. Eventually it will show up, but its problems like this that prompted me to introduce the webicon setting detailed a couple of posts above. (You will actually see how slow that particular one loads) I am investigating other avenues for a solution, but for now the best solution is the webicon setting to let the browser handle everything itself (a hair more bandwidth, but the icons will always load correctly)
  17. What I would do is make a copy of the dockerMan folder on the flash drive. Then start deleting the references to it one at a time. Once you figure out which reference needed to be deleted to make the UI come up, post a defect report. I never went through those steps with sonaar, (and it didn't worry me much at the time), and I never ran your app prior to the UI change, so I'm of little help to you here unfortunately.
  18. So it works here and the UI does come up... Any chance that the name of the template changed? You may have to go through your flash drive (config/plugins/templates and templates-user) and delete all references to it and the old names). That might be messing up dockerMan
  19. All the Community Applications plugin does during an Add or Edit is pass the template over to dockerMan. Since the updated webUI is showing up under advanced settings, this plug is doing its job correctly. I remember however that I had a similar issue with I believe needo's Sonaar not too long ago. I had to remove the container and image and reinstall it. I figured that it had something to do with the name change of the container from NZBDrone to Sonaar. (Don't remember 100% as I very rarely use the UI button -> I've saved bookmarks on all my containers) Installing your app right now to see what happens here
  20. Updated to 2015.06.03a - Make local caching of application icons optional. Since one of the earliest updates to Community Repositories (2015.04.14) some users have had intermittent issues with the icons for the applications not displaying correctly (not displaying at all / only half the icon appearing). After a few "force updates", the icon would eventually get downloaded correctly. This was happening because of slow downloads on certain icons combined with the fact that they were being stored locally on the server. This update offers an optional work around to that issue for users who are affected. Instead of the server caching the icons, there is now the option for the server to not cache any icons, and rely on the web browser to do it instead. The up shot is that you're pretty much guaranteed that the icons will always display correctly, and "update applications" works faster. The downside is that rendering of the table is very slightly slower (1/10sec ish), and slightly higher bandwidth because your browser will now check to see if the icon has changed every time its displayed (it shouldn't re-download it if there are no changes) The default mode of operation for the plugin is to have the icons cached directly on the server. If you are having issues with the icons displaying properly to switch the mode all you have to do is create a file called webicon in the config/plugins/community.applications folder on your flash drive, and then update the applications. Nothing has to be in the file. The file just has to exist. This is just a temporary work around as other solutions are being investigated. EDIT: The option to enable / disable the server caching the icons is now selected within the settings module.
  21. Updated to 2015.06.03 On my system I'm seeing significantly faster response time not only in the initial load, but also during browsing from category to category. - The initial displayed screen is now blank instead of all applications. - Hitting the "All Categories" button from within a subcategory used to display the main categories AND switch the display to all applications. Now, it leaves the results displayed from the subcategory but switches the buttons to the main categories. Status updates: Thanks to pinion we are now at 80% categorized. gfjardim and pducharme I believe are both still unavailable. And, there are also a few change logs added into the applications now. Sparklyballs with pyNab (you can blame me for it) and Aptalca with Zoneminder.
  22. Yeah, that was something that I was thinking about doing anyways... (My tablet grinds to a halt trying to sort it all out). I'll look into it. While its completely your choice, in my testing I've found that IE is by far the worst, Chrome is excellent, and Safari is actually the best on my system
  23. Updated to 2015.06.02 Added in support for <Changes> (see here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40111.msg379576#msg379576) If the authors implement this tag on new containers going forward, then an will appear next to the application's name. Clicking on it will bring up a changelog / more information / etc. Also changed the way that the "Last update" at the bottom of the lists operates. Now if you haven't updated the containers in at least 2 weeks, the text will turn red with a reminder to update.
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