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  1. Yes I know but they don’t work for me, that’s why I asked if it’s possible to completely remove MariaDB reverting to an older version didn’t do anything.
  2. Hey guys it seems like my docker container got nuked with the latest update. I think it’s related to my Mariadb. My Mariadb log gets spammed with the same message over and over in the named file its just this message over and over again: can I just delete my Mariadb docker and reinstall it without completely destroying my Nextcloud installation?
  3. Tut mir Leid dass ich den Thread hier nochmal ausgrabe aber ich habe ein sehr ähnliches Problem, zu dem ich die Lösung leider noch nicht finden konnte. Ich hab heute meine Docker Images geupdatet und danach hat leider gar nichts mehr funktioniert. In meinem Docker Log sehe ich immer wieder nur das hier, was sich unendlich wiederholt: In der Dort erwähnten Datei findet man leider nur das, woraus ich aber nicht wirklich schlau werde: Ich hab schon paar Lösungsansätze probiert aber es hat nichts geklappt. Ein Backup meiner Daten habe ich (dummerweise) nicht gemacht, mir war nicht klar, dass dies nötig ist.
  4. Hey guys it seems like my docker container got nuked with the latest update. The method of reverting to an older version and updating doesn’t work for me. My log gets spammed with the same message over and over So I had a look into the file that’s named and there’s just this message that’s repeating a few times I tried a few things I read but it didn’t get me anywhere, I hope you can help me sadly I have no backup of my databases as I didn’t even realize that that’s something you should do
  5. Ok, thank you very much! another thing I noticed was that whenever I restarted my server all my lights in HomeKit were gone, I had to restart my container so it updates. After that I had to reconfigure my whole setup. Is there an error on my end?
  6. Hi there! I'm a big fan of your homebridge with gui docker container. It worked really well for me until I restarted today. Suddenly I get this error: "npm ERR! code ENOVERSIONS npm ERR! No valid versions available for homebridge-wemo npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2020-05-14T18_42_19_131Z-debug.log" when I check the log I see this: The container stops right after the error, I can't to anything via terminal. Removing the image and reinstalling it didn't help.