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Everything posted by Goobaroo

  1. I'm assuming you mean Vault Hunters 3. There is nothing up on the discord about Release 10. It should get pushed up here when ever it becomes available on curseforge.
  2. It is permissions based. You can try setting the directory in appdata for the pack to 777, and try running. The fact that it can not create the eula.txt file points to permissions.
  3. Are you upgrading from a previous version? I'm running the latest myself and it is working. Mine was an upgrade from 8. Do you have the whole log from the beginning?
  4. @TheSleepyGamer it should be your server IP if you're using the default bridge mode. It needs to be running to have an IP.
  5. The docker container has to be built for that architecture. I'll take a look at multi-arch docker builds, I know it is possible. What are you running that is ARM for your Unraid server? Edit: @imben try changing the repository value to goobaroo/vaulthunters3:Update-8.0.3-multi that should be the latest with an arm64 image. Unfortunately, I can't test this.
  6. @hanmaan Seems like an upgrade problem, I'll look at fixing it, but to get you started up again. Delete everything except the world and journeymap directories and start the container new and it should re-install everything clean but keep your current game. Edit: the latest 9.1.3 should fix it too.
  7. Thanks, I've fixed it. Originally it wasn't showing up because the URL didn't work with spaces in it, I've encoded them properly.
  8. @Kokkim what is in your /mnt/user/appdata/allthemods8 directory? It looks like the install is not completing. I'd remove everything in that directory and start the container again. That should restart it. How much memory do you have available? I believe the default for ATM8 is 8Gb. If you could also provide the full log after trying the above.
  9. Sorry, I don't know enough about IPv6 to help in this instance.
  10. You can update the server.properties file with the `the_vault:sky_vaults` if that is all that is needed and possibly the world, so that it gets regenerated. Pack version isn't the only thing that goes into the container, there is no easy way to do that.
  11. I don't have much IPv6 experience, but some cursory Googling got me these points to check. Do you have a IPv6 public address from your ISP, that would be a requirement. You can add the parameter -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=false to the JVM_OPS and update the ip.address in the servers.properties file to blank, it may be That should force the Minecraft server to prefer IPv6. You'll also ned to enable IPv6 in your docker settings in Unraid - Reference
  12. Thanks, I'll add that. I thought it was generally known that modded Minecraft is Java only. But I guess this could be introducing others to modded Minecraft.
  13. No. You'll need to manually add the mods back each time. The upgrade process for all modpacks on servers is to delete the mods directory to clear out all the previous versions. You could keep a copy of them in another directory so it is easier to copy them back.
  14. @eebs If you add your player name to the OPS variable, you'll be an admin. You can then run any console commands in game.
  15. Do you have the correct client version of the mod pack installed on the machine you are connecting from?
  16. You need to use a launcher like from Curseforge or ATLauncher, they can install all the client files that you need. Modded servers need a modded client that has the same mods installed.
  17. You could try adding -Djava.net.preferIPv6Addresses=true to the JVM_OPTS and see if that resolves it.
  18. @ecogeek I'm not able to reproduce your issue with the latest enigmatica6 container. It downloaded forge from maven, from my logs [20:47:13] [INFO] Attempting to download installer from https://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.16.5-36.2.39/forge-1.16.5-36.2.39-installer.jar @AusNaminator Update-7H should be there now.
  19. @TySensei Can you try deleting the directory and reinstalling. That should reset default permissions. /mnt/user/appdata/skyfactoryone/
  20. @TySensei Permissions should all be fixed. If you go under advanced in your dockers, (top right switch) you should be able to force update the install and it will work fine on startup
  21. @Killersplace ATM8 is fixed. Just delete the server file that got downloaded, and force the docker to update (it's under advanced when looking at your dockers) and it will install and run. They changed their server pack, so it needed some new love.
  22. You can edit the docker and set the version as a tag on the repository, change goobaroo/allthemods8 to goobaroo/allthemods8:1.0.8
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