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Posts posted by RealActorRob

  1. On 5/19/2022 at 1:17 PM, ljm42 said:

    This should do it:

    /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx reload


    FYI - Unraid 6.10 is a bit more strict with making sure your certificate matches your settings. I'd recommend running the Fix Common Problems plugin, it will warn you if your certificate is actually valid or not before you upgrade.


    Also worked for me, boom. 


    What things should I look for to stop from crashing tho?


  2. If anyone is running a storj node, it likes to leave open files even with docker stopped.



    Use the "Open Files" plugin to see what it's not closing and kill that process after making sure the Docker is stopped. This happens fairly often.


    In this case, CLI from web works if this plugin doesn't....window popped up blank so :


    kill 41524




  3. Yeah, I'm looking for a good price on a drive...might get a lightly used datacenter large drive then replace it with one of the 4TB parity drives.


    Worst case if it fails I have a 4TB SMR or just swap them back...plus i can tolerate 2 fails. :)


    Note @JorgeB that I also changed the CPU governeor to 'on demand' and it's a bit faster tho it wasn't being pushed before anyway.


  4. image.thumb.png.8f462afea9dff581c93b81d2865a8f04.png


    Still slow, but still don't see how they should be this slow.


    Only one bench didn't have a steady curve from Diskspeed, one of the parities. 


    I watched it for a bit and never saw it peak over maybe 30 on one for a few seconds.




    Here's total throughput and something weird on reads:


    Obviously this isn't correct but maybe a clue?


    And I don't see how disk speed benches ok and then the parity check crawls, haven't had a fast one since March.




    And that's across the board slow not just sections of some disk.


    Real head scratcher.


  5. 12 hours ago, ljm42 said:

    Jumbo frames (especially on eth0) can cause many issues, reverting the MTU to 1500 is likely what solved the problem.


    BTW, the Fix Common Problems plugin is great for detecting configuration issues like this, it would have sent you here:




    It was blank so 1500 was the default. I just input 1500, applied, erased 1500, applied so it would go to auto.



    • Like 1
  6. Ok, this might be solved.

    Upgraded to 6.12.5 which seemed to help a tiny bit.


    Discovered errors in my Network settings though.


    1. Somehow port 2 on my 4 port Dell R720xd Ethernet was 'Up' but there's no cable...perhaps all the DHCP requests etc. it was probably doing?

    2. ipv6 was enabled so I changed it to ipV4 only.

    3. Rearranged DNS to first and second and as third. Shuffled.

    4. Put 1500 in as MYU, applied, erased and applied smaking sure it's Auto.




    As of this moment, GUI is alo faster. Fingers crossed.

  7. I'll attach diags when I can get them.


    Think it's this process at over 100% CPU?


    For instance, backing up USB drive takes forever. I wonder if the USB drive is failing. 

    Or, perhaps one of the disks is failing but there have been no SMART issues. Diskspeed seems to have trouble. 


    Real head scratcher. No errors just slow operation. Also at one point nginx wasn't running but nginx start started it.


    Next time, I've got the USB to SATA key that gives me a GUID instead of a USB stick. I've had more problems with those...


    Unraid, please just let us use a small SSD soon for boot. They're cheap.



  8. Still having this issue. 


    One Clue?  Web GUI said it was still unmounting but it shut down clean fine via GUI when I pressed that button in the GUI after about 10 mins. 


    Shut down so I could add an NVME.


    root@BlackTower:~# losetup
    /dev/loop1         0      0         1  1 /boot/bzfirmware   0     512
    /dev/loop0         0      0         1  1 /boot/bzmodules    0     512
    root@BlackTower:~# umount /var/lib/docker
    umount: /var/lib/docker: not mounted.


  9. From Intel Doc "Intel® Omni-Path Performance Tuning"


    Avoid acpi_pad Consuming CPU Resources

    acpi_pad is a module ACPI Processor Aggregator Driver. It is supposed to handle high core count processor power management. Unfortunately, the driver can cause a system to run acpi_pad and consume 100% of each core.

    A simple workaround is to blacklist acpi_pad by adding the following line to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf:

    blacklist acpi_pad

    This will keep the acpi_pad driver from loading at boot time.

    If you need to remove acpi_pad without a reboot you can use:

    modprobe –r acpi_pad

    This removes the driver. However, note that the driver will restart upon a reboot.

    --end quote--


    modprobe –r acpi_pad worked. 

    modprobe acpi_pad if you want to reload it.


    IMHO, this is an old Linux bug. 


    CPU E2697v2 



  10. Edit: Finally unounted and was able to stop the array. Restarted to 'fix' acpi_pad multiple processes consuming all of the CPU resources.


    Waiting on other disk share unmounts but it did unmount the docker image finally. 


    The acpi_pad sucking up all CPUs is perhaps why THAT is taking so long.


    Still mounted: 


    /dev/loop1         0      0         1  1 /boot/bzfirmware   0     512

    /dev/loop0         0      0         1  1 /boot/bzmodules    0     512


  11. Specs:

    Unraid 6.12.4

    Cheap 120GB SSD Cache Disk

    SMB User Shares

    OS X 12.6.8

    1Gb Ethernet


    10GB Single File in about 2 mins. 


    Filled the RAM first of course, file is on the cache SATA SSD.




    Used these from the Samba Wiki https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Configure_Samba_to_Work_Better_with_Mac_OS_X

    #Changes by Rob
    server min protocol = SMB2
    ea support = yes
    #Fruit Settings
    vfs objects = fruit streams_xattr  
    fruit:metadata = stream
    fruit:model = MacSamba
    fruit:posix_rename = yes 
    fruit:veto_appledouble = no
    fruit:nfs_aces = no
    fruit:wipe_intentionally_left_blank_rfork = yes 
    fruit:delete_empty_adfiles = yes 

    fruit:time machine = yes
    #End changes by Rob


  12. 2.10.6


    Some drives don't appear to bench.


    Stats plugin doesn't show activity, but drive is online, smart green etc. and hdparm works.


     Timing cached reads:   14826 MB in  1.99 seconds = 7443.88 MB/sec
     Timing buffered disk reads: 500 MB in  3.01 seconds = 166.26 MB/sec
    root@BlackTower:/mnt/disk5# sudo hdparm -Tt /dev/sdm

     Timing cached reads:   18884 MB in  1.99 seconds = 9490.98 MB/sec
     Timing buffered disk reads: 552 MB in  3.00 seconds = 183.74 MB/sec

    But on those drives the Diskspeed webgui sits there. 


    WD40EFZX drives


    Clicking Abort just also sits there.


    /sdh works as expected. All drives are data drives in the array.


    Nothing in logs. Over 30 mins old and last log entries:


    WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
    WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
    10-Jul-2023 18:00:42.061 INFO [main] org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.start Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8888"]
    10-Jul-2023 18:00:42.075 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in [14279] milliseconds



    Also rescanned controller, devs hadn't changed.

  13. Similar.


    06-07-2023 22:17Unraid Parity-CheckNotice [BLACKTOWER] - Parity-Check finished (0 errors)Canceledwarning


    I didn't cancel it but my server locked (no hardware issues noted yet, but my usb stick was corrupted a couple of weeks ago)


    Dirty bit set 'some corruption' warnings etc.


    It appears to me, yet AGAIN that the USB stick is the weak link in Unraid.


    For God's sake, please add some sort of redundancy at least to this weak link, say, it checks the USB stick against 2 other mirror files of it on the disk as a boot stick check.



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