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  1. Good point! Oh man, didn't realize I could do that, much easier! Appreciate you taking the time to explain.
  2. So I just figured out if you pass "anonymous" as the steam user id it downloads the game with out having to buy it. Sorry if you ended up buying it. I first tried to create an alternate account but the alternate account didn't own the game so steamcmd just failed. I found an article, drat I closed the window but it showed the user passing "anonymous" and it worked in the container you built. And since it uses the Customer and Provider keys to link everything together it connects correctly to my account on https://myrealm.lastoasis.gg. I am reviewing this article to see about multi server setup: Last Oasis Self Hosting Documentation which has a link to this document: Visual Guide for the Process. I'm trying to setup multiple servers using the persons Server1.sh file (renaming it serverlauncher.sh) but changing the code to loop over the setup to launch multiple servers. However, I think the contain would have to be changed to launch the serverlauncher.sh script instead. Also, all the properties would be in the file instead of the config. This way we only need one container possibly to run multiple servers instead of having multiple containers. But the ports would have to be configured in both places still: config for ports on the container itself and in the script. I haven't tested the script but shown as where I am so far. I just don't know where on the container to change the script to launch. #!/bin/sh ################### ## Set Variables ## ################### BLUE='\033[0;34m' RED='\033[0;31m' CYAN='\033[0;36m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color ## In the “identifier” field, you will name your server. It’s recommended to go for something simple that you can recognize, such as “neon_server1”, “neon_server2” and so on. ## Identifier[1]=apoc_server1 Identifier[2]=apoc_server2 Identifier[3]=apoc_server3 Identifier[4]=apoc_server4 Identifier[5]=apoc_server5 ## In the “port” field, you will need to type in any number to designate it as your port (it should look something like this -port=5555). ## ## Each server must have it’s own unique port number. Server1 can have 5555, Server2 can have 6666, etc. It has to be unique per server. ## Port[1]=5565 Port[2]=5567 Port[3]=5569 Port[4]=5571 Port[5]=5573 ## In the CustomerKey field, you have to grab your CustomerKey from MyRealm website and set it in the field (it will look something like this -CustomerKey=a54iesJ4Ga0MC1Pt). ## CustomerKey=JUNK ## In the ProviderKey field, you also have to grab it from the MyRealm website, and set it in the field (it will look something like this -ProviderKey=AM0hLmhwg75xIBdH). ## ProviderKey=JUNK ## In the “slots” field, you will determine how many slots that server will be able to support. It’s recommended that you do not go above 100. ## Slots[1]=20 Slots[2]=20 Slots[3]=20 Slots[4]=20 Slots[5]=20 ## In the “QueryPort” field you’ll need to type in a number in a similar fashion as with the port field (for example 27015, which is Steam’s default). ## ## QueryPort field is required only in cases where you are running multiple servers. Otherwise it’s not needed. ## QueryPort[1]=29015 QueryPort[2]=29017 QueryPort[3]=29019 QueryPort[4]=29021 QueryPort[5]=29023 ## Please add here your External IP Address or your Root Server IP ## OCA=YOUREXTERNALIP ## Remove the "#" when you will not play on the same Machine ## #set nosteam=-nosteam ########################################################## END OF CONFIG ########################################################################## echo "$BLUE##########################################$NC" echo "$BLUE#$NC $CYAN The CustomerKey is $RED$CustomerKey$NC" echo "$BLUE#$NC $CYAN The ProviderKey is $RED$ProviderKey$NC" echo "$BLUE#$NC $CYAN Your External IP is $RED$OCA$NC" echo "$BLUE##########################################$NC" for ((svr=1; svr <= 5; svr += 1)); do echo "$BLUE##########################################$NC" echo "$BLUE#$NC $CYAN Your Server Name is $RED$Identifier[$svr]$NC" echo "$BLUE#$NC $CYAN The Port is $RED$Port[$svr]$NC" echo "$BLUE#$NC $CYAN Maximum of Users from a Oasis is $RED$Slots[$svr]$NC" echo "$BLUE#$NC $CYAN The QueryPort is $RED$QueryPort[$svr]$NC" echo "$BLUE##########################################$NC" echo "... Moment Please, the Server $RED$Identifier$NC is starting in the background show it with$CYAN screen -x $Identifier[$svr]$NC ....." ## Start The Server in the Background with screen you can touch the screen with "screen -x Identifier Name" screen -S $Identifier[$svr] -d -m ./MistServer.sh -log -force_steamclient_link $nosteam -messaging -NoLiveServer -EnableCheats -backendapiurloverride="backend.last-oasis.com" -identifier=$Identifier[$svr] -port=$Port[$svr] -CustomerKey=$CustomerKey -ProviderKey=$ProviderKey -slots=$Slots[$svr] -QueryPort=$QueryPort[$svr] -OverrideConnectionAddress=$OCA done
  3. Wow! Thanks so much! I'll give it a shot!
  4. Always nervous to post to forums...I always tend to find what I need after I make a post...anyway! Are their any guides/posts/etc on how to use ich777's base steamcmd config repo to build our own server install? Just for sh** and giggles was going to try and see if I can setup multiple Last Oasis servers since you need one per tile. Still a noob when it comes to docker but I'm thinking I can use an existing docker image from ich777's Docker Templates to do it? I would then need to figure out how to get it on the application list or find a way to make it available. I saw another note in the forums about adding a private application repo but it was questionable about how long it would last when an unraid upgrade hits. This is the article Howto: Create Own Docker Containers is pretty close to what I want to do and maybe my starting point. Just looking for other pointers or anything else I might have missed.
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