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Everything posted by Rysz

  1. First make sure you use the "nutdrv_qx" driver and the port is set to "auto". If that doesn't work, can you try changing the backend in NUT Settings to "legacy (2.7.4)"? Some UPS don't play well with the newer backends.
  2. Thanks for the information, this is useful and interesting. I'll see if it's worth including in the default configuration and if so if there could be negative consequences.
  3. Hello Hans, In this case, unfortunately, there is currently no way to display your UPS power draw as a NUT chart because your UPS does not report it as an actual variable (ups.realpower). It is calculated from other available variables (ups.realpower.nominal * ups.load * 0,01) for displaying the missing information in the NUT dashboard. The NUT charts, however, at the moment can only display information which is actually existent in the form of a UPS-reported variable. But you can disable the unneeded chart or display another variable of your choosing instead with the "Variable Override" setting in NUT settings. Sorry for the inconvenience!
  4. Wouldn't it be easier/more secure to pass through a (e.g. external) sound card to a VM, rather than running this on your file server?
  5. Thanks - pull request merged and code included in today's update. โ˜บ๏ธ
  6. Hadn't seen it yet, that's really cool - I didn't know you could do that. Will test and merge when I get home - thanks a lot. ๐Ÿ™‚
  7. Thanks for reporting back - glad it works for you this way! Thanks a lot also for the donation offer but no need - always glad to help people with the plugin. ๐Ÿ™‚
  8. Hello, this seems to be a USB driver compatibility problem with your UPS series, see here: https://github.com/networkupstools/nut/issues/359 I'd suggest you have NUT connect to your UPS over SNMP (network connection) instead rather than USB (cable connection). SNMP would make NUT connect to the UPS' network card and that makes it easier for NUT to read these missing values from your UPS. In the NUT settings for SNMP you'll set: UPS Driver: snmp-ups UPS Driver Port: (ip address of your UPS here) SNMP Community: public If that doesn't work straight away your UPS needs to have SNMP activated/configured first: More information here: https://cdn.cnetcontent.com/b3/87/b387b23c-0e2c-49de-bbb1-74613618fb7f.pdf (page 53/54) https://support.auvik.com/hc/en-us/articles/205162620-How-to-enable-SNMP-on-APC-UPS-devices If you absolutely need to stay on USB and don't want to or can't connect over network (SNMP), then a last resort attempt would be switching the backend to "legacy" in NUT Settings (requires reboot). Please let me know what worked or didn't work for you!
  9. Hello, did this also happen on the old plugin or only on the new one now? You wrote it never disappeared changing to the new plugin, so I'm guessing it also happened before? If it also happened before - have you tried another USB port? Your UPS is listed as compatible with NUT, so this looks more like a USB port/cable/controller issue and I've read about other people with your UPS who had the same problem where it ended up being the USB port. If it did not happen before - change the backend in NUT settings to "legacy" (2.7.4) and you'll have the same NUT driver as with the old plugin.
  10. Yeah that looks like the problem you're experiencing, hopefully Jim will fix it at some point. ๐Ÿ™‚ Glad that the legacy backend works for you, in this case probably best to stick with that for now.
  11. Hello, this is not something that the plugin has any control over, unfortunately, it's either what your UPS reports or the NUT driver in the backend chooses to "see" from the values your UPS sends. It's possible your UPS isn't playing well with the newer NUT backend, so I suggest switching to the "legacy" backend in NUT settings - then it'll use the exact same backend (2.7.4) as Simon's version did. If the problem persists even after the backend switch then it's likely your UPS that's suddenly reporting wrong values for some reason because the backend would be the same and the plugin has no control over the values sent from the NUT driver.
  12. One example would be merging cloud drives (i.e. rclone mounts) with local files for use with Plex etc.
  13. Also leaving this here in case someone should need the latest mergerFS 2.37.1 for permanent installation on their UNRAID system without having to rely on the Docker image anymore:
  14. Feel free to test my new plugin with the latest mergerfs-2.37.1-x86_64:
  15. mergerFS for UNRAID (6.10+) A plugin that installs mergerFS, a featureful union filesystem, onto UNRAID systems. mergerfs is a union filesystem geared towards simplifying storage and management of files across numerous commodity storage devices. It is similar to mhddfs, unionfs, and aufs. For obvious reasons this plugin is still considered EXPERIMENTAL and is not officially endorsed by LimeTech. Please do report any issues or feedback you have in this topic, it'll help with the development of the plugin! How to install? https://raw.githubusercontent.com/desertwitch/mergerFS-unRAID/main/plugin/mergerfsp.plg (via UNRAID Web GUI: Plugins โž” Install Plugin โž” Enter URL โž” Install) ... also coming soon to Community Applications. ๐Ÿ™‚ How does it work? !!! PLEASE READ THE DOCUMENTATION BEFORE RUNNING ANY COMMANDS !!! mergerFS is a non-supported filesystem and you should know what you are doing. If you don't know what you are doing, you can easily wreak havoc on your system! https://github.com/trapexit/mergerfs#readme After installation the mergerFS binaries are available on your UNRAID system and will persist reboots: /usr/bin/mergerfs (i.e for mounting) /usr/bin/mergerfs-fusermount (i.e. for unmounting) You can now make use of them via shell scripting - see "mergerFS Settings" for array-status based scripts surviving reboots. If you do not want to use the inbuilt event hooks, you can also use the binaries through i.e. the "User Scripts" plugin! How to contribute? https://github.com/desertwitch/mergerFS-unRAID ... and of most importantly - please do test and report back here! Special Credits? @trapexit - creator of mergerFS ๐Ÿ†
  16. Good idea - BUT beware the typo ๐Ÿ™‚: return gmdate("H:i:s" ,$t ) ;
  17. To follow up on the second question, my latest version offers three branches to choose from (on 6.10+): default (recent master) release (2.8.0 stable) legacy (2.7.4. stable) So @ich777 choosing the "release" branch you could now theoretically stay on the year-old stable release 2.8.0 until the next stable release 2.8.1 is integrated into the "release" branch (when it becomes available). But I strongly recommend everyone else without UPS problems to stay on default (recent master) for the latest NUT bugfixes and UPS compatibility features unless you know what you are doing, what to expect from the switch and/or are desperate to get your non-functional UPS working by attempting an older version of NUT. PHP8 warnings have since also been fixed, thanks to @Squid and @SimonF.
  18. @Squid That's interesting, thanks, will have to be the same on @SimonF's fork because those files are 99% unchanged from his version. I'll get to fixing those PHP8 warnings right away - cheers.
  19. I think this is a mistake, if you uninstall it and reinstall it from Community Applications it shouldn't throw that alert anymore - in any case, you don't need to uninstall the plugin unless you're actually having problems on your server that you can't backtrace to anything else.
  20. I've never seen such an alert, besides the plugin is compatible with all UNRAID versions 6.1+. Are you sure you are using either SimonF's NUT plugin or mine (Rysz/desertwitch)? What UNRAID version are you on and where did you see this alert?
  21. Can you post the NUT diagnost ics file at a moment when this problem happens? Go to NUT settings and below the data table there's "Save Diagnost ics". It's possible your UPS cuts off the values when there's too little power being drawn so calculation fails.
  22. Thanks for the additional information, I'll take another look at the NUT backend code in question and will give it some more thought - I'll report back here as soon as I can. ๐Ÿ˜Š
  23. Sorry this is not really a bug but what your UPS actually reports, so it's probably always float-charging... so maybe that status is not so wrong here. Most users want to know when their UPS is charging, so I can't just override because battery is at 100%. But don't worry about the replacement notification icon, because that always takes priority over any other battery status, so you will see it and get the notification even if it is charging the battery at the same time - see example here: The VA should display correctly with the latest update, please try it and report back here.
  24. I just updated my post, I found out what is happening with the VA value - I'll update this with the next version, but this should've been the same in Simon's version because that code wasn't changed. Is there anything regarding the connection in the logs? I can't read the WinNUT logs so no clue what's happening there. Did this also happen with Simon's version before? If not, probably best to switch back if your UPS plays more nicely with the older NUT backend.
  25. The errors in the logs on the first screenshot are normal because the NUT driver either isn't able to read all values it expects from your UPS - seems your UPS doesn't support all those values the NUT driver is attempting to read - or USB connection wasn't 100% established yet at that point. Second screenshot is not an error but NUT diagnostic messages checking if another process is already running before starting up. Footer seems to be using value from ups.realpower correctly (305W), and 400VA is probably accounting for ups.power in combination with the power factor - but I'll check the code when I get home. EDIT: Okay I found what you mean, it's currently approximating the VA value by calculating it with the total nominal power and the current load. But it should use the ups.power value when it's available, I'll update this in the next version. This is already an "issue" in the older version and I didn't write that code, so might take me a while to update it.
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