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Everything posted by Perforator

  1. 1) how do you replace parity disk 2) how do you replace data disk 3) how do you shrink your array
  2. Does anyone know if there is a WireGuard client that runs on an oDroid-N2 running Coreelec?
  3. My transfers between my desktop and unRaid server were stuck around 150mb/s as well until I installed a PCIe SSD card in the unRaid server. Now I get a steady 350mb/s. I figure my 850 EVO in my desktop is the limiting factor. I plan on installing a PCIe SSD card there as well.
  4. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Intel-X540-T1-Single-Port-PCI-E-x8-Ethernet-Converged-Network-New-X540T1/311850892702?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D41375%26meid%3Dc127611bf03e43049bf7961772136a60%26pid%3D1 It was only 85 dollars when I bought them
  5. I'm using some Intel knock-offs I got off eBay. They work great, get consistent 350mb/s transfer rate between my desktop and unRaid server.
  6. There is a beta version of Kodi for Xbox One. The only networking it supports is NFS or FTP. I've tried enabling both on my UnRaid server and the Xbox can't see either. Has anyone gotten this working?
  7. Is there anyway to force the File Integrity plugin to reload? What I find happening is after the system is up for a while it ends up skipping disks in my schedule.
  8. I looked on the console and saw these messages, not sure what it means grep: /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.file.integrity/disks.ini no such file or directory grep: /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.file.integrity/disks.ini no such file or directory /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.file.integrity/scripts/bunker: line 347: 24875 Terminated $exec $argv "$file" > $tmpfile.0
  9. I have 17 disks and I setup the schedule for 1 task for each disk daily at 00:00. Yesterday disk5 ran fine. Today disk 6 should have run but i did not get a notification it started and I do not see the bunker script running. Is there any way to find out why it didn't run this morning?
  10. Check your syslog. Thank you. I was able to find the two files that were reported corrupt. They were .jpg files and seem fine. The next question would be will it recalculate the checksums for these two files or will they forever, be marked as corrupt and if the latter, how do I fix it? Hash keys are never regenerated for corrupted files. To force a new hash key you need to move or rename the original file. ok thanks, so rename, wait for it to run, then rename back right?
  11. Check your syslog. Thank you. I was able to find the two files that were reported corrupt. They were .jpg files and seem fine. The next question would be will it recalculate the checksums for these two files or will they forever, be marked as corrupt and if the latter, how do I fix it?
  12. Sorry if this is a stupid question. Say you have this setup to run on a nightly basis and one morning you get a report that two files are corrupt. How do you find out what files are being reported as being corrupt? I know what disk they are on but no clue on the file names. Thanks.
  13. I apologize if this was mentioned before, is it possible to turn off auto-update of the Community Application plugin itself?
  14. The parity check speed is calculated by dividing the size of your parity disk by how long the parity check takes so it's not a real transfer rate, more of a guideline.
  15. The amount of storage in the array doesn't matter => it's the size of the parity disk. Didn't know that, thanks. It makes sense now.
  16. I guess I'm confused by the reported speed then. If Danio has a 23TB array that took 19+ hours at 114 mb/s, how is my 49TB array that took 18 hours only running at 93 MB/s?
  17. Kind of off topic but does parity check speed depend on the amount of data in your array? The reason I ask is I have a 14 disk 49TB array and the last parity check I ran took a little less than 18 hours with a reported speed of 93.5 MB/s.
  18. Excellent analogy !!! Not really, if someone doesn't know how the engine in their car works then someone better know a good mechanic or they will be walking the first time the engine doesn't start. If almarma doesn't want to know how unraid works perhaps he can hire someone to set it up for him and pay him to fix it whenever it breaks.
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