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Everything posted by mika91

  1. Hi, like others, I've the exact same issue I've set static DNS to and, without success. Looking at the logs, it seems downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/AppFeed/master/applicationFeed.json fail. If I try to download using CLI, it's very slow (40KB/sec) loki-diagnostics-20221016-1648.zip CA-Logging-20221016-1651.zip
  2. Hi, In my plex docker template, there is no path mapping for the transcode folder. Hardware transcoding works, and if I open a docker console, the folder "/transcode" exists and contains session data. My question is to know where is this /transcode folder: on RAM ? on disk ? Thanks
  3. Hi, Just noticed tonight that downloading with openvpn is very CPU intensive... The overall CPU load is around 40-50% for a 10 MB/s download speed. (my CPU is a Pentium G4560) I tested with qbitorrentvpn too, with same results. Do you think it's a normal ? I made some search, and some posts warn about putting download folder on the cache pool (2 drives btrfs) but use unassigned drive instead. Any feedback on this ? Thanks
  4. Ok, get it now. So if I want to be email notify about main unraid failures (disks, temp, ...), I only need to check the notification entity 'alerts' checkbox. Thanks
  5. I do not understand. This setting controll array notification frequency, isn’t it? You say that it will send notification regardless the status? So what the meaning of notification level settings ? What I need is to check array health once a day, and send email only for failure. How to achieve that?
  6. Hi, Since I upgraded to unraid 6.9, I received a notification email every day, with array healt report [PASS] In the notification tabs, email is checked only for 'alerts' Something has changed in the way unraid deal with notifications ? Thanks
  7. Just for curiosity: Is there any plan to extend swag container with native authelia and ldap server. It would be an all-in-one easy solution for unraid with global users management and reverse proxy authentication. I tried to achieve such a solution with swag + authelia + openldap + phpldapadmin, without success right now 😅
  8. Hello @mgutt, Nice work with this power consumption tweaking guide ! I use this script from many years on my nas (OMV then Unraid), without any problem. (6 sata HDD with spindown + 2 sata SSD, DVB-t tuner) It's basically setting pci/sata power management to auto. I'll try your undervolting guide as soon as I have free time. ^^
  9. Hi, My swag containers run on a custom bridge network. But some of my containers (JellyFin, Plex...) needs to run on 'Host' network (DLNA support) How can I configure the nginx conf files for those services ? I tried to edit: ''set $upstream_app;" but it doesn't work. Any way to communicate with the host ? Thanks
  10. Hi, Just installed the swag container yesterday, and all is working fine so far. Now I need to limit access to the services. Regarding access control, after reading documentation and config files, it seems choice are: basic auth, ldap, authelia or organizr auth. Except for jellyfin, all other services just need authorization (sonarr, radarr, jackett, qbitorrent, ...) I'd like to keep it as simple as possible, as well at configuration side but for user experience too. Ideally: login once, then access all services (except Jellyfin as it needs authentication and do not support OIDC) centralize unraid users with reverse proxy ones: active directory / ldap ? web ui to add/edit users Another point is to get access to my docker services both on external an local network. Is there a way, with some kind of DNS override, to access my services locally using the xxx.duckdns.org URL (when connected to my local network, xxx.duckdns.org will redirect to the unraid box IP) Maybe using a services dashboard like heimdall/organizr/ombi, will help to access service 'transparently' whatever local or external ? Thanks
  11. You're right: https://github.com/linuxserver/reverse-proxy-confs#ensure-you-have-a-custom-docker-network By the way, it explains that docker-compose create it's own bridge network, that's why DNS was working on my previous homelab. As I said earlier, maybe unRAID team should consider using a custom bridge network as default one
  12. Sure, nothing complex. Just run powertop -r powertop.html Then you move the file wherever you can open it with a web brower. Go to the 'tuning' tab, and copy/paste the tweaks you want to apply in the /etc/boot/go file My go file looks like #!/bin/bash # ------------------------------------------------- # Start the Management Utility # ------------------------------------------------- /usr/local/sbin/emhttp & # ------------------------------------------------- # enable jellyfin hardware transcoding on intel # ------------------------------------------------- modprobe i915 chown -R nobody:users /dev/dri chmod -R 777 /dev/dri # ------------------------------------------------- # fix seagate not stay spun-down # ------------------------------------------------- #hdparm -B 255 /dev/disks/by-id/ata-ST3000DM001-1CH166_Z1F59K90 # ------------------------------------------------- # powertop tweaks # ------------------------------------------------- # Enable SATA link power management for i in /sys/class/scsi_host/host*/link_power_management_policy #do echo 'min_power' > $i; do echo 'med_power_with_dipm' > $i; done # NMI watchdog should be turned off # echo '0' > '/proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog'; # VM writeback timeout echo '1500' > '/proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs'; # Runtime PM for I2C Adapter (i915 gmbus dpb) for i in /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-*/device/power/control do echo 'auto' > $i; done # Autosuspend for USB device for i in echo /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/power/control do echo 'auto' > $i; done # Runtime PM for disk for i in /sys/block/sd*/device/power/control do echo 'auto' > $i; done # Runtime PM for PCI devices for i in /sys/bus/pci/devices/????:??:??.?/power/control; do echo 'auto' > $i; done # Runtime PM for port ata od PCI devices for i in /sys/bus/pci/devices/????:??:??.?/ata*/power/control; do echo 'auto' > $i; done # Disable wake on lan ethtool -s eth0 wol d Finally, export another report and verify all tweaks are applied.
  13. ok, so I created a new 'my-bridge' network as suggested, and put all my containers in. And now it's working, I can ping containers using their name. I guess there is a good reason to explain why DNS it's not working on default bridge... But for anyone dealing with reverse proxy (or any containers interaction such as bazarr with sonarr/radarr), the feature is missing And because unRAID is docker/VM oriented, maybe a better documentation and/or UI (create network, use a default network with dns feature, ...) would be an improvement. Whatever, the community and forum are very responsive Thanks
  14. I use the default one. I'll try with a custom network (strange that it works with default bridge network, using docker-compose on OMW) Thanks
  15. Hello. I have a very simple usage of powertop I just extracted a report, then add the tweaks in go files. My idle power consumptions is now very low, as it was with OMV.
  16. Hi, I can't succed to ping container from another container using its name ! All my containers are in the same 'bridge' network. When I run 'docker inspect' command, I see all the containers (sonarr, radarr, bazarr, jellyfin...) But if I open a console on a container, a 'ping sonarr' returns 'Name does not resolve' The --name argument is set for all containers. Let's see dns files in a container: /etc/resolv.conf # Generated DNSv4 entries: nameserver # pi-hole docker adress nameserver nameserver /etc/hosts localhost ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback fe00::0 ip6-localnet ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters 7677bf67772b Any help ? Thanks
  17. Done some more tests tonight. All docker containers stopped. Manually spin-down the 'faulty' disk -> hdparm staus is 'standby' After 15 minutes exactly, the disk spin up (butunraid continue to mark it as spun-down) I checked 'file activity', it's clear: nothing on any disk. Could it be a firmware issue of the disk (seagate barracuda 7200 ST3000DM001), or a tweak needed ? However, it sounds unraid rely on the command it sends to the disks to determine their status (no 'real-time' status)
  18. Hello, Do you think it's possible to add [url=https://slackware.pkgs.org/14.2/slackware-x86_64/powertop-2.8-x86_64-1.txz.html]powertop[/url] package ? It would be usefull to reduce unraid box power consumptions. Thanks
  19. It's an empty data disk. If I press manually the spindown/up buttons in the GUI, it responds accordingly. (and hdparm -C command reflects it) But after a certain time, the disk spin up (hdparm confirm it) but stay 'standby' in the dashboard. No file activity. (excpect on /mnt/cache)
  20. Hi everyone, I have trouble with disk spinning down too, but only with one of them. The others go and stay spin down correctly. In the dashboard tab, the disk status is'standby', but it spins in reality. If I run a hdparm -C command, its state is active. So what command uses unraid/dashboard to say the disk is active/standby ?
  21. Hi, Just migrate from OMV to Unraid I have 3 data disks, one parity and 2 SSD cache disks. Now I wonder how parity works when moving data between disks, using CLI (mv /mnt/disk1/stuff/* /mnt/disk2/stuff/). Do I need to launch a job to re-compute the parity (as snapraid), or it's done automatically ?(even if I don't mv/copy through /mnt/user(0) folders)
  22. Hi, Just migrating from OMV to unraid. Now it's time to install TVHeadend, but I'm not sure if I should go with docker or plugin ? any advantages ? If I choose the docker way, I have to install the 'unraid DVB' plugin to have DVR support in unraid + the docker image, right ? Thanks
  23. Hi, Is there possible to disable the "login" popup ? I'm running deluge docker behind a reverse proxy and auth, so no need for this. Thanks
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