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Everything posted by dmacias

  1. Try refreshing your browser's cache first. If that doesn't work. Remove then reinstall. Some old files might not have been removed. I'll update update later if that's the case. But either way a remove and reinstall will fix it.
  2. I too have the same result after install I figured out the problem. I'll fix it. If you make a directory named "packages" on your flash drive in /boot/config/plugins/NerdPack it'll work.
  3. Try refreshing your browser and browser cache. Also check your flash drive for /boot/config/plugins/NerdPack/packages.json It should download a list of all available packages when the browser is refreshed.
  4. Yes. I set-up the plugin to use unRAID's settings for date and time format.
  5. I'll add the speedtest host into the table. It'll only work for new tests though. The date and time is formatted based on your display settings for dynamix. Thanks. As for the date time, my format is current this: Current date and time: Tue 29 Dec 2015 02:30:26 PM HKT. Which is quite different than the one shown above. Anyone knows where can I adjust the settings? If you go to Settings/Display what is your Date Format set to?
  6. I'll add the speedtest host into the table. It'll only work for new tests though. The date and time is formatted based on your display settings for dynamix.
  7. Your welcome. That's why I made it since I usually have unRAID open in the browser. You can also setup event notifications on the settings page, so if you go stick your finger in a fan it will send a notification.
  8. If the motherboard in your sig is what you're using, it doesn't have ipmi. I'd recommend one of the dynamix extra plugins for temp and fans.
  9. I could do it a couple of ways. I could easily just filter the results page with a drop down to select 3 days, week, 2 weeks, month, all or a setting to remove those older than a certain time. Or maybe both. I think the first method would work well because even after a year at 24x7x52x120 bytes per line you're only looking at a 1Mb xml file.
  10. I made another update and now you can just run speedtest-xml. I added the script /usr/sbin/ and added logging to speedtest.php Thanks. Just finished running from command line and the results showed up in the page so looks like it works. Now to create .cron I went ahead and added a settings page for creating cron jobs under Settings/Scheduler/Speetest Settings and moved the Test and Results page to Tools/Speedtest
  11. I made another update and now you can just add /usr/sbin/speedtest-xml to a cron job. You can also just run speedtest-xml from the command line. The script will run in the background, logging start and completion.
  12. They are great. I like the last one best. it fits in more with the unRAIDs' 3d icons and drop shadows. I resized it and copied it over to the plugin directory. It looks great. Much better than the original.
  13. Thanks, I like that one better too. Unless I can find one of their new logo, I'll use it.
  14. That's a good idea! I know that my ISP has oversold the fibre in my area, but my downloads are still plenty good enough - I'd be interested to see how upload speeds fluctuate though. There is a docker that does that SmokePing http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=43602.msg416088#msg416088 I'll have to check that out.
  15. As it's written it won't work because it's mostly javascript. But I can move some functions to php and have it create and save the xml file. Basically make it a stand alone function that you could call from a cron job.
  16. On second thought, with the GUI present, would it be more prudent for me to remove the LT plugin from CA once dmacias accepts the PR's I've got on his template? Maybe... It'd be nice to just have one plugin for this (I don't mind where the plg lives - either my repo or dmacias') but I'm trying to figure out the best way to upgrade everyone that currently has Nerdpack installed. I figured a majority of folks installed my plugin outside of community apps (since you just added plugin support). If you wanna merge it into your repo after you look through it. I could then push an updated plg file pointing to the plg file in yours. Then any subsequent updates would come from your repo.
  17. Fantastic! I wanted to build something like that eventually since our list of packages keeps growing. Nice work! Are you open to collaboration and merging your work in to the existing Nerdpack repo/plugin? I open to whatever you wanna do. Let me know what you think is best.
  18. No. Just install this right on top or you can remove the other one first. This plugin doesn't install any packages when installed. You do that from the settings page when you select them and Apply. Also you can turn on uninstall and delete then toggle a package on then off (that's so the Apply button will be enabled) then click Apply. All unwanted packages will be uninstalled and deleted. Also on reboot only selected packages will be installed And any new packages added to the repo will be displayed. When the settings page is loaded or refreshed it queries the repo and saves a json array of the packages available.
  19. I created a frontend for the NerdPack repo. Your presented with a table of the packages in the repo. It allows you to download, install, uninstall and remove the packages individually and all together. There's a couple of switches up top for uninstall and delete. So when a package is deselected and the Apply is clicked it will be uninstalled and/or deleted if selected. I haven't fully tested the update functions if a package is updated in the repo. Also if screen is selected then utempter is selected also same for iotop and python. Let me know if there are any other packages that depend on each other. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins/master/plugins/NerdPack.plg
  20. Sorry. I'm moving everything to a new repo and changing install method. Had a few missing "/"s. Should be good now.
  21. Usually means a bad plg file download or bad plg file url, Try removing the plugin then reinstall and make sure to use this url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins/master/plugins/speedtest.plg
  22. Sorry about that. I thought I caught the error fast enough to not push a new version. I just went ahead and pushed a new version.
  23. Date and Time was already saved in order to provide a unique name for each table row. I updated the plugin to show it in the table based on your unRAID display preferences for date and time. Also updated packages and layout some. You will have to refresh your browser or its cache.
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