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Everything posted by dmacias

  1. I know it's a little ambiguous. Maybe I could label the switch Backup on Clear or Save on Clear and the lable the 'dellete all' 'clear all' With backup on it sets the ipmi-sel option to --post-clear instead of just --clear. This clears the SEL after displaying all the SEL records. The output is then stored in a gzip like this ipmi_event_log-2016-03-12-214431.gz in /boot/config/plugins/ipmi/logs.
  2. Added all the above. No need for ipmitool. I added a button to the settings page that randomly rotates through 5 different test events both warning and alert.
  3. Thanks for this dmacias! It looks like it is working well on 6.1.9 I like that there are two temps and two fans in the footer. The temps don't show the units © though, is that to save space? Is it important to show the ID in the basic view? Not sure how I would use that in day-to-day operation The event log loads *much* faster now, wow! Would it make sense to reverse the default sorting of the event log, so that the newest is on top? Is it possible to test notifications without sticking your finger in a fan? The instructions reference ipmitool, which is no longer installed Thanks again! Thanks for the feedback 1. The missing temp unit is a bug. Freeipmi was giving values to 2 decimal places. I applied the float value to the temp after adding the units which strips them. Needs to be before. 2. I will move the id to advanced 3. I moved some code around because the sensor and event reads were causing a race condition 4. I added a link ipmitool package in the op for now. Freeipmi doesnt have a test command but I will try to use raw commands if I can. If not I may add the ipmitool package back to the plugin. Either way I'll add a button for testing on the settings page. Also I still plan to add a backup option for event clearing that will save/append a tar file in the config directory. Edit: I'll fix the initial event sort to show latest at top. However once you select a sort order it will be remembered for that browser.
  4. For those trying 6.2 some packages aren't compatible with 6.1 and 6.2 like python, apr and apr-util. e.g python 2.7.9 works on 6.1 but not on 6.2. And likewise python 2.7.11 works only on 6.2. I'm working on a fix to show only compatible packages for each version.
  5. I changed the plugin name and updated it to be compatible with 6.2. You will need to uninstall the old and reinstall the new from the link in the op or here. All settings and backups will be transfered automatically. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins/master/plugins/cmdline.plg
  6. I updated the plugin to use freeipmi. You will need to uninstall the old ipmitool-plugin and install the new ipmi plugin from the link here or in the op. I tested it to work fine with unRAID 6.2 beta 18 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins/master/plugins/ipmi.plg
  7. Have you actually gone to Settings->Nerd Pack and checked that screen has been selected for install? Earlier versions of the plugin installed all the options, but a while ago it was upgraded to only install the selected options. Very strange. When I went to Settings > Nerd Pack, all the tools were Off. I turned them on... and hit Apply. Not all turned on. At least screen which is the one I most need is On. Thank you guys for pointing me in the right direction. H. I just had this issue too. Exactly the same. I went to run a script in a screen session and the command wasn't found. Checked the Plugin Status, Installed. Checked my Backup Server and the same thing happened. I start to think it must be the Plugin given screen wasn't available on 2 different servers. Only when I saw your post did I think to check on the settings page... Same as you ALL of the packages were set to OFF on both the Main and Backup Systems. I have enabled them now and, like you, I now have screen running. Not sure how long my server has been running with these off or what caused the issue. However given it happened on 2 seperate servers I can only guess the issue is systemic. Interestingly there are also 2 packages which won't enable: - cksfv-1.3.14-x86_64-1_slack.txz - fdupes-1.51-x86_64-3_slack.txz Only thing I can think of is if you had the original version of the plugin which installed everything. If you don't need all the packages the newer versions of the plugin install as needed. Only selected packages will be installed after selecting them then clicking apply. They have to be selected to be installed on reboot. Any newly added packages like cksfv, fdupes, virtualenv won't be installed either. Check for updates will get new packages and any updates.
  8. That's if you want to test freeipmi out. You download that link to your flash drive and use installpkg from the command line. Then run ipmi-sensors to check the output. I'm almost done converting the plugin to use freeipmi but it's not all done yet. You can still install the plugin from the first page of the thread. And when I finish I'll update the op and push an update for the old plugin.
  9. What are you trying to do? That looks like you were trying to install the freeipmi package through the plugin page.
  10. Yes. The plugin will update like normal from the plugin page. The plugin will be called ipmi instead of ipmitool-plugin. So you can remove the old plugin directory on your flash. You'll have to enter your settings again though due name changes and variable changes. Just to make sure I'm understanding correctly??? I need to uninstall ipmitool manually and then install ipmi in the plugins page? No, you shouldn't have to do anything manually other than delete the ipmitool-plugin config directory from your flash if you want. I don't like adding that into plugins. I prefer to keep the config directory during uninstall/reinstall. If you upgrade the plugin the slackware ipmitool package would still be installed. It works along side freeipmi fine. I still use it to send ipmi test events. You could also uninstall from the plugins page and reinstall. That would uninstall the ipmitool package and plugin package and remove them from the flash drive. The ipmitool-plugin config directory and file would still be left. Hope that made sense.
  11. Yes. The plugin will update like normal from the plugin page. The plugin will be called ipmi instead of ipmitool-plugin. So you can remove the old plugin directory on your flash. You'll have to enter your settings again though due name changes and variable changes.
  12. I'm moving away from ipmitool to freeipmi. It has a better uniform output for scripting, multiple servers and a lot more configurable options. https://github.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins/raw/master/source/packages/freeipmi-1.4.11-x86_64-3.txz Install that package and run ipmi-sensors or ipmi-sel for events. Here's the current command I'm using for sensors. You can add a -h hostname -u username -p password for network connections. hostname can be a list like this also for multiple servers -h 'ipaddress1, ipaddress2, ipaddress3' /usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors --output-sensor-thresholds --comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --ignore-not-available-sensors --non-abbreviated-units --no-header-output --interpret-oem-data --always-prefix I should have a stable version later this week.
  13. Your welcome even though I had to create a vm of El Capitan.[emoji33] I haven't tried the beta that page3 was using though.
  14. It just allows you to scan your network and create a table of devices you can wake from the unRAID webGui. I have plans to add cron jobs to wake devices on the network at certain times. So for your situation it wouldn't help. Unless you wanted to wake your Mac book from unRAID. Thanks for the quick reply! You wouldn't be able to nudge me in the right direction? I've been searching for a couple days now for a solution. Sorry until the other day when I installed an OSX virtual machine I have had zero experience with it. The forum search can be unhelpful at times. Try a google search with unRAID added or of the forums.
  15. It just allows you to scan your network and create a table of devices you can wake from the unRAID webGui. I have plans to add cron jobs to wake devices on the network at certain times. So for your situation it wouldn't help. Unless you wanted to wake your Mac book from unRAID.
  16. I tried your xml and other than the blank tests it didn't cause a manual test to not work. You could uninstall and just delete the speedtest directory since there's not much in there. Then reinstall. Which browser did you try? Try Ctrl-F5 and clear the browser cache. If that doesn't work try clearing cookies and cache. Then you can try these from the command line and let me know if they work. speedtest-xml /usr/bin/python /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/speedtest/scripts/speedtest.py
  17. If you still have the old speedtest.xml file. Send it to me or post as a txt file. Most likely that was the problem and it was corrupted somehow or had a bad node. I used this tool once on Feb 7th. Went to try today and I get the same thing in this post. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it using the plugin manager and still doesn't work. I guess I'll try to move the entire plugin folder and reinstall. Also if you want to rename your /boot/config/plugins/speedtest/speedtest.xml to a txt file and post or pm me.
  18. I used this tool once on Feb 7th. Went to try today and I get the same thing in this post. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it using the plugin manager and still doesn't work. I guess I'll try to move the entire plugin folder and reinstall. I updated the plugin. Let me know if it is fixed or what did.
  19. I noticed you board has the Supermicro OEM temp sensor for the CPU. Try adding --interpret-oem-data to the command. It would be nice if that works so I don't have to add individual sensor ids. If that doesn't work, try --interpret-oem-data --record-ids=71. Just curious, does 'ipmitool sdr' show a value for cpu temp?
  20. Make sure you're on the latest version. Do Ctrl-F5 to clear the browser cache. And try deleting cookies if that doesn't work. Try running speedtest-xml from the command line. You can also try reinstalling the plugin. If all else fails you can backup /boot/config/plugins/speedtest and reinstall from scratch.
  21. I don't know what safari doesn't like about the click on table row function. I'll try to get an osx vm going or computer with safari on it. Until then I'll try and add a fix for safari.
  22. No problem. Thanks for helping me figure it out.
  23. With latest update or when did it stop working? Latest update - either did it today or late last night - dont remember - 2016.02.24 is installed version Thanks Myk I updated the plugin. Should fix it. Ctrl-F5 to be sure. The plugin uses cookies to save the chart data type and chart type if that helps. There is also a reset table filter button at the bottom of the page.
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