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Everything posted by dmacias

  1. If someone wants to compile it I will. If not I will when I have time.
  2. Actually that is not true. Attached is a graphic of a mount on unRAID to the C$ share that Windows automatically creates. But I can certainly create a windows share without the $ in the name. As I said, doesn't work for me. Username and password triple checked. mount -t cifs -o rw,nounix,iocharset=utf8,_netdev,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,username=***,password=********* '//HANDYMAN/C$' '/mnt/disks/DiskC' mount error(13): Permission denied Refer to the mount.cifs( manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) I don't know how it works for you. I can mount shares without $ in the names. Bottom line is that with this situation and the fact that the $ character is a reserved character in php, it is not worth the effort to pursue it further since you have an alternative. You might be able to use a string replace of $ with %24. Also I glad to see you move the packages to your repo. I would suggest not using any from slackware current (14.2) for 6.1.9 which is slackware 14.1. While some make work they were compiled for 14.2. Many packages compiled for slackware current just won't work on 14.1. I had to create separate repos for NerdPack.
  3. What's your setup? I have a Mythbuntu VM with 2 cable card network tuners. And run NUC's with Openelec at all the TV's.
  4. I ran some tests starting up a Ubuntu and Windows 7 VM using the WOL android app, my wol plugin and Asus router. I tried both ip of the unRAID server and broadcast on the same network. All worked as expected and tke VM's started up each time.
  5. That command is ASRock specific. You'd have to try some of the supermicro commands. I edited the previous post and converted them to freeipmi ipmi-raw commands. Not sure if it would work with non pwm but it might.
  6. ipmitool isn't included in the plugin since it uses freeipmi. However the package is listed in the OP. I'll edit the Supermicro post and change the commands to use ipmi-raw. But basically you can convert them from ipmitool to ipmi-raw by just removing all the 0x and adding a 00 in place of raw like below. Also make sure there are two bytes for single digits. 1 = 01 ipmitool raw 0x3a 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ipmi-raw 00 3a 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Also, the last couple Supermicro commands look most promising and the three from the script excerpt. Edit: What are the names of you ASRock fans?
  7. Yes set the threshold rpms to something like that. So it's lower than your lowest fan rpm. I set mine to 0 for certain fans and set deassertion to no. Then they can turn off with the fan control. You might check that the values persist next time you reboot. Don't bmc don't save them.
  8. Here's some super micro commands I compiled if anyone wants to test and report back. Fan Speed CLI ATEN X9 ipmi-raw 00 30 91 5A 03 00 00 ipmi-raw 00 30 91 5A 03 01 00 ipmi-raw 00 30 91 5A 03 02 00 ipmi-raw 00 30 91 5A 03 03 00 One is for Write and one is for Read. // for full speed ipmi-raw 00 30 91 5A 03 10 ff ipmi-raw 00 30 91 5A 03 11 ff //for half speed ipmi-raw 00 30 91 5A 03 10 7f ipmi-raw 00 30 91 5A 03 11 7f Set/Get Fan speed mode Input : NetFn 30 Cmd 45 Data1 Get/Set ->[0/1] Data2 Fan Speed Mode, standard/full/optimal -> [0/1/2] // for Set only Output: Completion Code 00 Example: Set fans to full speed would be #ipmi-raw 00 30 45 01 01 if ($max_temp > 39) { # at least one hard drive is 40 deg C or higher # set fan speed control to Full `ipmi-raw 00 30 45 01 01` } elsif ($max_temp == 39 ){ # maximum drive temperature is 39 deg C # set fan speed to 50% duty cycle `ipmi-raw 00 30 70 66 01 00 32` } else { # all hard drive temperatures are 38 deg C or cooler # set fan speed control to Optimal `ipmi-raw 00 30 45 01 02` } 30 70 66 Fan Control Manually (X10) #100% duty cycle ipmi-raw 00 30 70 66 01 00 64 #50% duty cycle ipmi-raw 00 30 70 66 01 00 32 The last value is the duty cycle, with max = 64, and minimum = 0. You can set the duty cycle in 64 steps, between minimum and full speed.
  9. I'm currently testing the fan control but it will only work with ASRock boards. I have compiled a list of some Supermicro commands I will post if others want to test. The threshold values for your fan is set too low. That's the reason for the errors. You can use the following commands to output your ipmi config to a file. Edit the file with a linux compatible text editor. Then save and commit the changes. #output ipmi config ipmi-sensors-config --filename=/boot/config/plugins/ipmi/ipmi.config --checkout #save ipmi config ipmi-sensors-config --filename=/boot/config/plugins/ipmi/ipmi.config --commit I'm in the process of adding this to the plugin similar to editing a vm's xml
  10. Everything works in the unRAID webgui?
  11. Try ipmi-sensors from the command line. What does it show? "-bash: ipmi-sensors: command not found" I didn't have the ipmi plugin installed, but when I do install it I get this message repeating constantly: "-u: ipmi-fru: invalid hostname" Did you set up networking? You only need that for remote ipmi monitoring e.g. another machine on the network.
  12. Try ipmi-sensors from the command line. What does it show? "-bash: ipmi-sensors: command not found" I didn't have the ipmi plugin installed, but when I do install it I get this message repeating constantly: "-u: ipmi-fru: invalid hostname" Did the plugin show any errors when you installed it? Also what version of unRAID? Here's the link https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins/master/plugins/ipmi.plg
  13. That sucks. I haven't had a chance to test anything yet. Let me know what you try again. I would try other apps and point it to your unRAID ip also.
  14. Try ipmi-sensors from the command line. What does it show?
  15. I'm on my phone through vpn but the wake on lan app by mike webb didn't work when it used to also. It maybe because of the vpn. So in the app, I changed the wake on lan settings for my ubuntu vm from x.x.x.255 broadcast to x.x.x.1 which is my server and it worked. But you said you had tried that. I noticed to that the default in domain.cfg is vibr0. Maybe double check your vm is still br0. Also I don't have spanning tree protocol on. Don't know if that matters. The interface should be listening on the bridge but you could try the script with eth0 instead of br0. See if it works and see if what did work still works also. I will try some more tests when I'm at home. Maybe there are some changes between the different versions of libpcap or libvirt.
  16. It's possible if your were not on the latest version or upgraded after updating to 6.2 you have the wrong version of libpcap installed. 6.1 needs 1.4.0 and 6.2 has 1.7.4 included so the plugin doesn't install libpcap for 6.2. But if you have the latest and have rebooted since you should be fine. For further testing you can stop the service from the vm manager settings page then go to the command line. Run this command where br0 is your bridge name. Then try sending a wake on lan. Try from different apps if you can. I have a plugin for wol too or try from your router. The script will show if there's an error. python /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/libvirtwol/scripts/libvirtwol.py br0 Also the pcap interface is set to promiscuous mode so all packets are captured. So you don't need to point wol to your server ip.
  17. I updated the plugin about a month ago to work with 6.2. I just tried and was able to wake a ubuntu and windows vm from my asus router and my wakeonlan plugin. 6.2 needs python 2.7.11. Do you have any other python plugins or nerd pack that may install python 2.7.9?
  18. Yes you can add a disk to your vm either whole disk or just a partition. I have a mythbuntu vm with a 2.5" 750GB drive added for tv recording and live tv buffer. I added the whole disk. By doing this I could manipulate partitions. I created a partition and formatted it to jfs. You should be able to mount your ntfs partitioned drives. <disk type='block' device='disk'> <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='writeback'/> <source dev='/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD7500BPKX-00HPJT0_WD-WXL1E84AK1MK'/> <target dev='hdd' bus='virtio'/> </disk> You could change it to ata-WDC_WD7500BPKX-00HPJT0_WD-WXL1E84AK1MK-part1 for partition 1 only.
  19. bonienl explained it here: https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=47944.msg459607#msg459607 Thanks. I hadn't seen that.
  20. Yes that what I did to fix it. Not check for ipmi if network is enabled. The footer not working was because I changed the separator for the long ip and sensor id to an underscore instead of a dash and forgot one area of code. I'll update later today maybe with much more.
  21. I updated the plugin last night. That will get rid of the delays. I get the same in the log and no footer though. The footer worked before so I'll figure out what I broke. The log is a result of it checking for local ipmi by getting a result from modprobe. I'll try to suppress that or figure out a different way to check.
  22. I will work fine in a vm. I already had a fix in place. I just had added another condition but didn't enclose in braces. I updated the plugin. Unlike ipmitool, freeipmi doesn't have a variable for local timeout. I think its set to 20 seconds. That's the reason the webgui becomes slow. Edit: I also setup a couple VM's for testing. My board doesn't support vx-d and only one usb controller so I can't passthrough a usb. And if I forget and leave the usb in, then a reboot will cause problems. So I just left the VM image named UNRAID and boot directly from the image using the usb option for hard drive in 6.2 vm manager. I can't start the array in the vm but I can test things and compile packages.
  23. Thanks. Since CPU_FAN1_2 and CPU_FAN2_2 are 3pin and are last in ipmi-sensors list that's good. I already cut the fan page down to 8 possible fans since there's only 8 values. So that works out since they aren't controllable. When you get some 4pin pwm fans you'll have to do some testing and see if the fans and values below are a match. ipmi-raw 00 3a 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ipmi-raw 00 3a 01 AA BB CC DD EE FF GG HH 00 = smartfan mode 01 - 0x64 = 1% - 100% 'CPU_FAN1_1' => 'AA', 'CPU_FAN2_1' => 'BB', 'REAR_FAN1' => 'CC', 'REAR_FAN2' => 'DD', 'FRNT_FAN1' => 'EE', 'FRNT_FAN2' => 'FF', 'FRNT_FAN3' => 'GG', 'FRNT_FAN4' => 'HH'
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