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Everything posted by dmacias

  1. Did you try the plugin? If so, I'd setup a network connection with username and password. What does ipmisensors show from the command line?
  2. It won't work between 6.1 and 6.2. They use different packages. You'll need to deselect all packages and click Apply. Then select all the packages you need again and click Apply. They will then be downloaded and installed. Or just select and deselect one package, click apply and the rest should be downloaded and installed.
  3. Ok I looked back through the code. Hard drive temp is actually the highest hard drive temp. The fan control script takes into account all hard drives except flash using this smartctl command. Where ${hdd} = /dev/sdX smartctl -A ${hdd} 2>/dev/null| grep -m 1 -i Temperature_Cel | awk '{print $10}' The log also won't show anything if the temp hasn't changed. The Readings and footer get the highest temp value from /var/local/emhttp/disks.ini which includes only array devices. They are updated every 20 seconds from disks.ini. Not sure how often disks.ini is updated. Both the script and the gui won't be exactly the same since they can include different hard drives. My gui shows 0 or ## but my vm drive is still spun up so fan control shows 31C. Only thing I could suggest is trying to adjust the temperature thresholds. The fan control script has to be stopped to change the interval. But you can change the other settings while it's running and it will load the new settings.
  4. It's just difference in refresh rates. The Readings tab has it's own refresh rate and gets it's value from dynamix which also has a refresh rate. The fan control script calculates the highest hard drive temp on the fly but at the interval you specified on the setting page. Everything in the fan log is accurate for that moment in time. Not sure how often dynamix refreshes and I'd have to look to see how often the readings and footer refreshes too. I don't remember what I set them too.
  5. If I have time I'll see if I can hack it up too.
  6. Was that for 6.1 or 6.2? I updated 6.2 but I'll have to compile it for 6.1.
  7. I do have a libvirtwol plugin. It basically listens on your unRAID network adapter for wake on lan packets and starts a vm if a mac address matches the vm's mac. You can use any wol app or have your client device wake the vm. You could then have your vm shutdown or hibernate with no activity
  8. Thanks smdion ! I'm splitting dockers and vms into separate pages, I'll check how feasible this is. First, great app and thanks. Maybe you can incorporate a swipe left or right action on the main server page to change between Disks, Shares, Ops... This would allow you to include another section after apps. And a swipe right when you're on the Disks page could show settings and/or move the Power and Spin functions there.
  9. Something with the javascript isn't working. Your Advanced View switch isn't showing up so there's an error somewhere. What browser are you using?
  10. That's a nice board! Does the fan log show anything? What are the names of your fans when you run ipmisensors? Are your fans 4 Pin PWM fans? On the Readings page what browser are you using? If using Chrome or Firefox can you check for browser errors? Here's a screenshot of my fan settings.
  11. The graph page should be able to run on a webserver with some modification. It does rely on some dynamix functions and styling. But those could be eliminated or recreated. The only dependency this requires is python. The speedtest scripts should run on any linux distro. Just need to add a cron job, maybe change some paths to a user's home directory.
  12. Try the speedtest-linux command.It's a different program. It's a few versions behind but has more recent development than speedtest-cli
  13. The packages are stored on the flash drive in /config/plugins/NerdPack/packages/UNRAID_VERSION. You can delete the Perl package if you happened to get a zero byte download somehow. You can also check Delete On and Uninstall On in the NerdPack settings page.
  14. The list on the settings page dynamically retrieves the speedtest servers (that's why it takes a second to load). When you click apply it saves the server id to your speedtest.cfg. If you can recreated the invalid server id, let me know what is listed under SERVER from the config on your flash drive (/config/plugins/speedtest/speedtest.cfg) and what server your were trying to use. There are four commands you can run from the command line. speedtest-cli, speedtest-beta, speedtest-xml and speedtest-linux. You can specify cli arguments on all but the xml since it uses speedtest.cfg. You can use "--server SERVER_ID" The speedtest cli and speedtest linux were not written by me and don't include options for sockets. You can try speedtest-linux to see if you get better results. But the goal of these scripts and this plugin isn't to provide exact measurement comparable to running speedtest from a web browser but a consistent one that you can use to determine problems. The fact that they are written in python and different machines can run the code at different speeds can create inconsistencies between different computers. There are also known issues with gigabit speeds and not being able to show the full speed of the connection.
  15. Yes. On the settings page change Select Speed test Server from Auto to Manual. Then pick a server from the list and click Apply. The servers are sorted by nearest to your location.
  16. I'm on 6.1.9 -- I am certainly open to installing hddtemp via a docker container, but I *think* I'll still run into the same C compiler dependency issue. Here's a link to a pre compiled version. http://packages.slackonly.com/pub/packages/14.1-x86_64/system/hddtemp/hddtemp-0.3beta15-x86_64-1_slack.txz I tried it out and it works but its database is out of date and I don't think it's really maintained anymore.
  17. No it wouldn't be part of Nerdpack. In my view a Devpack would be hard since different programs require different dependencies. Which version of unRAID? I can get you a list of packages I use for either.
  18. It won't work with that board. You need IPMI. You might be able to get a pci addon card. I would suggest you try the dynamix temp plugin.
  19. Try using /mnt instead of /mnt/user. You then set your data paths under library section of manage server in Emby. e.g. /mnt/user/Movies for Movies.
  20. I've seen some blanks too. Been meaning to look into it. I'll have to add some more logging and see when it happens. I can change timeout and it stays but I'll look into that too.
  21. Some Supermicro boards don't show the CPU temp through ipmi. They just use a oem reserved code of high, medium and low. However freeipmi doesn't always know the oem codes so it displays n/a.
  22. Nerdpack could probably be cloned into a MediaPack. The DevPack is a little trickier especially for 6.1 where some of the dependencies in unRAID are greater than slackware 14.1. Like openssl. Then you have to compile them too or include the headers somehow since they are missing from unRAID.
  23. See here for ffmpeg. Too many packages. Probably the same for mediainfo but I'll check it out. http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=37541.msg474260.msg#474260
  24. What state is the VM after you wake your server? Is it stopped? Do you know if it shutdown cleanly or did it kill it?
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