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Everything posted by dmacias

  1. It's not working because of the checksum error. I'll shorten the grep to Manufacturer instead of Board Manufacturer. That should fix it for you. But I'd still check into that error. bmc-device --cold-reset will reset the bmc as if you unplugged it from the wall. A reflash or factory reset of the BMC may be necessary. bmc-device --cold reset gave me a syslog entry: IPMI message handler: BMC returned incorrect response, expected netfn b cmd 20, got netfn 0 cmd 0 Also a reset via the ASRock webUI was not working. That may not be good. Those are the same errors I started getting. I was on the bios and bmc version just before latest when I started getting errors when trying to access the bmc. I started seeing those errors in the log. I updated both bios and bmc to latest. I was not able to see any sensor readings in the bios. I tried flashing back both bios and bmc with no luck. I was still able to see everything from the bmc webpage though. But soon after I lost mb, cpu temp sensor and a few voltage sensors. I contacted Bob from ASRock USA on the tweaktown forums. He sent me a new BMC chip but that didn't fix it. I asked if replacing the bios chip might help. He told me since I was missing sensors I needed to RMA my board. I need to get a replacement first. I switched to using the network connection and can still access the BMC but those sensors are still N/A.
  2. With the latest update 20016.5.17 you'll need to reconfigure your fan control settings. The settings have been changed to name based to support future development. Previously they were numeric based.
  3. For the Dash settings I think I'll just add a complete list of sensors and then you can select which to show. And still show any sensors that aren't nominal even if not selected. I didn't add the ignore to the fan control because I hadn't explored all the affects on the actual ipmifan script yet. I'll add $@ to the scipts so any command line args are processed along with the network options and ignore to ipmisensors.
  4. It's not working because of the checksum error. I'll shorten the grep to Manufacturer instead of Board Manufacturer. That should fix it for you. But I'd still check into that error. bmc-device --cold-reset will reset the bmc as if you unplugged it from the wall. A reflash or factory reset of the BMC may be necessary.
  5. Thanks for this! The ability to ignore sensors is awesome, and the dashboard was a nice surprise! I suppressed all the voltage readings from the dashboard, but if one of them throws an alarm can it still be displayed? BTW, I submitted pull requests to fix two issues: Footer content doesn't display when using local IPMI Footer content doesn't display unless you ignore at least one sensor Also, I was wondering if you would mind adding the Event ID column to the Archived Events page? This will let me sort events that have an invalid date stamp. Thanks! Thanks again for the help. I removed the footer network check and combined the all and ignore logic. I also added to the Dashboard to override and show any sensor if state is not nominal. I'm not sure you'd get the results you want from the Archive page and Event ID. I left it off because the ID restarts every time you clear all the events. So you could end up with several 1,2,3... event ID's. I'm not sure if this will get what you want but if you click the header sort a third time it will go to unsorted. This should be in the order that the events happened no matter the date. The archive is just a dump of the the events in ID order if you do a Clear All and subsequent clears are just appended. But if you cleared them individually then that wouldn't help.
  6. First make sure you are on the latest. I just pushed an update. What does the command ipmi-fru show? Have you updated your BIOS and BMC also. They made some recent changes to ASRockRack models. It won't work completely for all ASRock boards but should for most. It should work with your model and mine since those are really the only two that have been tested thoroughly using the ipmi raw commands and hex values to match those to corresponding fans. Fan control works by fan name and board manufacturer name. There's a multidimensional array (/boot/config/plugins/ipmi/boards.json) that the plugin checks for board manufacturer name. Right now there's just ASRock and ASRockRack. It works by matching the fan name with the position of the fan name in the array and then creates the ipmi raw hex command in the right order. On some boards the cpu fan control won't work (those with CPU_FAN1_1 and CPU_FAN2_1) until I create a fix. Other fans should work. Also right now board.json is automatically updated from github periodically or if missing. I am gonna add a button under fan control to manually update board.json and remove auto update so the array can be edited and not overwritten unless you choose to.
  7. No problem. Your welcome. I just run two of my fans based on hard drive temps. I let the other run auto and don't control it so it's cpu driven. Glad you find it useful. I use it to set my 2 hard drive fans so no events are generated when the fan control shuts them off. Also I use the load config option since my sensor configuration doesn't permanently save. So if I restart my thresholds and event options are reloaded. Btw I dropped another little update with a Dashboard page and sensor ignore options.
  8. I tried Chromium on my laptop and Chrome on a Windows 7 VM both worked fine. Try Ctrl-F5 to refresh your browser cache. If that doesn't work, right click in Chrome and select Inspect then Console then click on the tabs and see what the error is. Edit: could be cookie related too if they are blocked. But then other cookies wouldn't work like chart display, filter or type. This is what I see in the console: I'm also getting slower speeds than normal compared to my normal desktop overall, esp upload is lower than download I see the problem. I copied and pasted from ipmi plugin and didn't change the path. What are your speeds?
  9. The data is available in xml format on the flash drive at /boot/config/plugins/speedtest/speedtest.xml. Maybe a command line tool like xml-json would work for you. https://github.com/sinelaw/xml-to-json
  10. Not sure where it went but I pushed it again. Should work now.
  11. I tried Chromium on my laptop and Chrome on a Windows 7 VM both worked fine. Try Ctrl-F5 to refresh your browser cache. If that doesn't work, right click in Chrome and select Inspect then Console then click on the tabs and see what the error is. Edit: could be cookie related too if they are blocked. But then other cookies wouldn't work like chart display, filter or type.
  12. Thanks for the heads up. I only tried Firefox desktop and chrome on my phone. I'll check out chrome on my laptop.
  13. Sorry, I guess that's a side effect of my recent bmc update. The system only has 3 fans, not sure why it feels the need to expose 10! On the plus side, the system is actually doing a decent job of regulating the fan speed on its own now. Prior to my recent bios/bmc updates I had to set the fans to a fixed rpm. "auto" mode works now. I need the fan control. My CPU is fanless and the system doesn't produce enough heat to spin the fans fast enough to cool the hard drives based on CPU temp. I was using auto but I had to skew the fans to come on sooner and run faster. Now I just run the rear exhaust on auto and the 2 intake/hdd fans based on hdd temps.
  14. Thanks. Yes. Adding any sensor info is easy since all the sensors are stored in a global array by their id number. I also need to add a fix for ASRock boards with 10 fans like yours. The first 2 fans (CPU_FAN1_1 & CPU_FAN2_2) can't be controller right now since it looks for CPU_FAN1 & CPU_FAN2. I believe the last 2 fans are not controllable at all.
  15. Yes that's a good idea. It was something I put together real quick and posting checked boxes is easier. But I haven't done anything else. I'll see what I can do.
  16. LOL look at all that! I'll remove the negative value restriction. If you can't wait you can change $readings>0 to $readings!=0 in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/ipmi/include/ipmi_temp.php
  17. Ignore n/a was originally part of the ipmi-sensors options. However when using fan control, it created a problem when the hard drives were spin down and the fans turned off. The corresponding fan sensors would then go n/a and drop from the lists and views. That could cause confusion and other problems. 1. I could remove all n/a sensors from dropdowns except fans 2. and also from the readings display. 3. I think I will add an ignore dropdown checklist with all the sensors listed. Then you could pick any sensor to ignore. They would be added to an IGNORE setting in then ipmi.cfg then applied to the ipmi-sensors with the -R option. #3 I'll definitely do. Also I think removing any n/a temps from the footer and fan control dropdowns makes sense. Let me know what you think. Also did you update the bmc when you updated the bios? Since they are usually separate. The last one for me changed my board manufacturer from ASRock to ASRockRack in the bmc plus some other sensor names.
  18. There was a conversation about this earlier in the thread. It would be nice if I could figure out what zero is but it's processor dependent. Then I could display the actual temp. I will remove the restriction on negative numbers so they show in the footer. Zero will still show ## since if using the hdd temp as a display when they are spin down the temp would be misleading.
  19. Found the fix! In ipmi_options.php, change a few is_file() commands to file_exists(): $mod = (file_exists('/dev/ipmi0') || file_exists('/dev/ipmi/0') || file_exists('/dev/ipmidev/0')); Not sure why, but is_file() doesn't like this file: root@Tower:/# ls -al /dev/ipmi* crw------- 1 root root 247, 0 Apr 10 16:04 /dev/ipmi0 Thank you very much! I'm not sure I would have been able to figure that out until I got my new board. I'll push an update.
  20. There's a known flaw with connections as fast as yours and the speedtest python script, mainly the upload speed. The author of the script is aware and it's on his todo list. That said there will always be a differences which is stated in the op right before the change log.
  21. I thought it might be an old warning but I see the timestamp now. I think it might have been one of the reasons I moved to freeipmi as it gives better info on events. So the temp warning may be actually be a temp sensor going high or some boards don't have the thresholds set properly from the factory. Do you notice a high temp above a threshold in the readings page? Don't see any abnormal temps. Here's the event log display- 1 2016-02-15 20:08:14 Sensor #48 Temperature Upper Critical - going high Note the date/time stamp, but I got the notification I posted earlier just this afternoon? Lots of events for VBAT in the event log, but after changing to the new plugin, VBAT is showing 3V for the past hour. I think I'm going to wait to replace the battery. What do I need to do to get my sensors back? All 4 sensors in settings just display "None" with no other options available. I wouldn't worry about that temp warning then. To get the display sensors working you'll need to use the network option and point it to the ip of your bmc and enter the username and password until I figure out what I broke for the local connection. I have been using the network option for awhile now. I take it you can see the events and sensors fine like ljm42 just the four dropdowns don't work.
  22. Wow, that is an impresive change log! I upgraded both my main 6.1.9 system and my test 6.2b21 VM. The VM makes a network connection and works perfectly (well, I haven't tried the fan control yet), but the local install has problems. No sensors are available in the Display Settings dropdown and the fan says "Your board is not currently supported", although the Readings and Event Log do work. On the local system can you tell me if any of these files exist? /dev/ipmi0, /dev/ipmi/0 or /dev/ipmidev/0 root@Tower:/dev# ls /dev/ipmi* /dev/ipmi0 I'll have to do some testing to see if I can get the same result. You can connect the local system to the network address of the local ipmi and that should work. I have been using the network option since I have to RMA my board because my sensor chip started being flaky. I replaced the bmc and bios chip but I can't connect locally anymore and few sensors are missing now. So I might have made changes that affected local access code and not noticed. Also did you refresh your browser cache since there were alot of changes.
  23. Wow, that is an impresive change log! I upgraded both my main 6.1.9 system and my test 6.2b21 VM. The VM makes a network connection and works perfectly (well, I haven't tried the fan control yet), but the local install has problems. No sensors are available in the Display Settings dropdown and the fan says "Your board is not currently supported", although the Readings and Event Log do work. On the local system can you tell me if any of these files exist? /dev/ipmi0, /dev/ipmi/0 or /dev/ipmidev/0
  24. I thought it might be an old warning but I see the timestamp now. I think it might have been one of the reasons I moved to freeipmi as it gives better info on events. So the temp warning may be actually be a temp sensor going high or some boards don't have the thresholds set properly from the factory. Do you notice a high temp above a threshold in the readings page?
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