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Everything posted by dmacias

  1. Thanks for the pointing out the plugin page link. I fixed that. For the charts try Ctrl-F5 and refresh your browsers cache. The charts work for me on Firefox, Chrome, my phone and I tried IE on a different computer. You could also try uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin. No settings or data are be deleted.
  2. Do you remember which version? I thought I had figured it out. I'll have to try and get on a computer with safari. Also I know it's hard to do from what I read but have you tried clearing the browser cache.
  3. I was hoping some of the changes I made would help. In the lastest update I moved the click from the table row to the cell. See if that fixes it. If not I might need some help until I get my hands on something with safari 9.1 on it. It's different. I now get the rows, just cannot see the content. (see screenshot). If I inspect the HTML the data is there, just not visible. I appreciate what you're doing. If anyone else is using Safari, if might be useful to get some more reports, to see if it is an issue with El Captain Beta/Safari 9.1. (ps. God my internet is depressingly slow. I'm told we now have Fibre available, but speed estimates are for such a big range from SLOWER to 1x5 quicker, with a 12 month tie-in even if slower, it probably isn't worth the risk ) I think I might have figured it out. I updated the plugin.
  4. It actually took me a while to realize that there are three places for your plugin to operate. I think the division is logical and all is in the right place, but not obvious from the start. Ps. I modified as as quick workaround the python script and made the sizes 5 times bigger, this results in better (=more accurate) upload speeds, so hopefully the outstanding request to the originator gets honored. Did you modify the upload and download size arrays or something else?
  5. Bad memory can be so embarrassing at times! I commented from memory and it failed me, again. It looks fine, nothing else needed! I have thought about that though. I wondered if someone went to the Tools/Speedtest page and didn't realize there's a separate settings page and a tab under schedule page for cron jobs.
  6. I'm not sure why I didn't add that to the log. I'll do that. If you navigate to Tools/Speedtest I think you'll find what your looking for. A complete table with filters and charts. A history button in settings to take you there is a good idea.
  7. You're welcome. Both the download and upload size need to be increased given the gig internet speeds that are available now. It has been added to the v1.0.0 milestone of speedtest-cli. Not sure when he'll get to it though. https://github.com/sivel/speedtest-cli/milestones/v1.0.0. I looked at it a while back but it's in python. Here's a newer branch if you want to try it. There's a commit "Address performance degredation by incerasing read default" that may help.https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sivel/speedtest-cli/modularize-2/speedtest.py If that version helps I'll include it instead.
  8. The threshold for your processor could be 70 or 75 which would make sense.
  9. I can add an archive function that would save them to your flash drive and clear the events. That would be great! I was hoping that since you are already looping through the events to display them, it might not be too hard to store the data in a CSV file that you could read later. It won't separate them by comma or other character no matter the command. It saves them separated by spaces but descriptions and names are also separated by spaces. I'll see how freeipmi does it.
  10. Thanks. I think freeipmi will give results I can parse better. I'm not sure what IOH therm is? Or if P1 Therm is your processor. If I assume 80C is the threshold for your processor then the temp would be either 44C (80-36) or 35C (80-45). Can you see if either those relate to your coretemp values?
  11. You don't wanna install the precompiled freeipmi. It creates a folder /etc/sys??? that messes with vm's starting. At least I the past. I removed it from the one I uploaded.
  12. I just tried with your build of freeipmi 1.4.11: root@Tower:/tmp# ipmi-sensors ID | Name | Type | Reading | Units | Event 1 | BB +1.1V IOH | Voltage | 1.08 | V | 'OK' 2 | BB +1.1V P1 Vccp | Voltage | 0.87 | V | 'OK' 3 | BB +1.5V P1 DDR3 | Voltage | N/A | V | N/A 4 | BB +1.8V AUX | Voltage | 1.78 | V | 'OK' 5 | BB +3.3V | Voltage | 3.30 | V | 'OK' 6 | BB +3.3V STBY | Voltage | 3.24 | V | 'OK' 7 | BB +3.3V Vbat | Voltage | 2.98 | V | 'OK' 8 | BB +5.0V | Voltage | 4.99 | V | 'OK' 9 | BB +5.0V STBY | Voltage | 4.97 | V | 'OK' 10 | BB +12.0V | Voltage | 12.25 | V | 'OK' 11 | BB +1.35v P1 MEM | Voltage | 1.38 | V | 'OK' 12 | Baseboard Temp | Temperature | 28.00 | C | 'OK' 13 | IOH Therm Margin | Temperature | -33.00 | C | 'OK' 14 | Mem P1 Thrm Mrgn | Temperature | -43.00 | C | 'OK' 15 | Processor 1 Fan | Fan | 3200.00 | RPM | 'OK' 16 | Processor 1A Fan | Fan | 640.00 | RPM | 'At or Below (<=) Lower Critical Threshold' 17 | Processor 2 Fan | Fan | 3136.00 | RPM | 'OK' 18 | P1 Therm Margin | Temperature | -44.00 | C | 'OK' 19 | P1 Therm Ctrl % | Temperature | 0.00 | % | 'OK' 20 | Pwr Unit Status | Power Unit | N/A | N/A | 'OK' 21 | IPMI Watchdog | Watchdog 2 | N/A | N/A | 'OK' 22 | Physical Scrty | Physical Security | N/A | N/A | 'OK' 23 | FP NMI Diag Int | Critical Interrupt | N/A | N/A | 'OK' 24 | SMI Timeout | OEM Reserved | N/A | N/A | 'OK' 25 | System Event Log | Event Logging Disabled | N/A | N/A | 'Log Area Reset/Cleared' 26 | System Event | System Event | N/A | N/A | 'OK' 27 | P1 Status | Processor | N/A | N/A | 'Processor Presence detected' 28 | P1 VRD Hot | Temperature | N/A | N/A | 'OK' 29 | CATERR | Processor | N/A | N/A | 'OK' 30 | CPU Missing | Processor | N/A | N/A | 'OK' 31 | IOH Therm Trip | Temperature | N/A | N/A | 'OK' 32 | NM Capabilities | OEM Reserved | N/A | N/A | N/A No further luck with CPU temps!! Note: nevermind the error with "Processor 1A Fan", that fan header is connected to a fan controller so incorrect speeds are reported!! Thanks for this help so far! Could you also run this command? I think I'm liking the options in freeipmi more than ipmitool even though they are sooo long. /usr/sbin/ipmi-sensors --output-sensor-thresholds --comma-separated-output --output-sensor-state --ignore-not-available-sensors --non-abbreviated-units
  13. You could install them manually. installpkg /boot/config/plugins/NerdPack/packages/screen* installpkg /boot/config/plugins/NerdPack/packages/utempter*
  14. I changed the install point in the latest versions from array dependent to plugin install. So all packages selected should be installed when the plugin is installed at boot time instead of when the array is started. I have rebooted a couple times and everything is installed and screen works for me. If you're running in maintenance mode with no plugins installed then screen wouldn't be installed. Also when screen is selected, utempter will be selected also. Same for iotop, python will be selected.
  15. The thresholds for the fan are probably not set or incorrect. From what I have read the temp for the processor may be one of the negative Therm Margins. Where 0 is actually 80C or whatever your processor limit is. So a negative -30C will be 50C. See if that corresponds with the coretemp.
  16. I think things are just backwards there like the water in the toilet when you flush I updated the plugin and changed the switch from a toggle to a fixed show and hide. Make sure you clear browser cache.
  17. I'll check it out. The switch is cookie based. So it could be a problem with browser settings.
  18. I can add an archive function that would save them to your flash drive and clear the events. Ipmitool just saves it in a format I can't parse back into a table easily. You can run 'ipmitool save /boot/path-to-file/event.log' then 'ipmitool sel clear' or delete all from the webgui.
  19. IMHO IPMIView is way too buggy and a pain matching up versions with java versions. I'm not sure about Intel ipmi implementation. If you have a manual it might say. It's called Intel Node Manager. You could try installing freeipmi. Here's a version that's compatible with unRAID. https://github.com/dmacias72/unRAID-plugins/raw/master/source/packages/freeipmi-1.4.11-x86_64-2.txz Run ipmi-sensors. If that doesn't work there's a newer 1.5.1 release that specifically mentions Intel Node Manager support for 3.0 specification. I'd have to compile it. A newer ipmitool might help too. I'll try and compile those anyway.
  20. I was hoping some of the changes I made would help. In the lastest update I moved the click from the table row to the cell. See if that fixes it. If not I might need some help until I get my hands on something with safari 9.1 on it.
  21. 'ipmitool lan print' will give you the ip address. Then open try the ip in a browser. Also I've been looking at freeipmi again instead of ipmitool. I has more options
  22. From what I read, it seems that some Intel boards don't show CPU temps in ipmi. They either show a percentage or a difference from the CPU temp limit. Can you connect to your boards ipmi web interface? What it show for cpu temp and does it have a sensor name?
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