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Everything posted by dmacias

  1. That's what I was about say. Thanks for pointing out the problem.
  2. The issue is package management. Older packages for the gui are not removed or updated in place but the gui files are deleted. This confuses the package manager and things get out of sync causing issues. I've pointed this out in a development post that it is an issue in many plugins. The dynamix plugins have been fixed and don't have this problem. I will fix it eventually in the unassigned devices plugin. See my post above it's really a naming issue. If your gonna use installpkg and removepkg the packages should be formatted like this packagename-version-architecture-buildnumber.tgz I also had to rename a couple plugins because they were named the same as the program package. e.g. shellinabox had to become to shellinabox-plugin
  3. Thank you! Unassigned devices does not uninstall very cleanly. If you remove the plugin before installing my suggested version, you will have to reboot or you may experience a failure in the plugin because the previous plugin package is not removed. I posted a couple pull requests over a month ago on github about the install and remove problem before I realized he was mia. I started using his method of plugin packaging and found this out. It has to do with using installpkg and removepkg on non slackware formated txz package names. You can fix it in your version by changing the file names downloaded to unassigned.devices-2015.09.19-x86_64-1.txz
  4. It may be these scripts can't handle those speeds accurately. I still prefer the speedtest-cli although speedtest-linux has a couple more options but is also missing some too. I'll look through the source code and see if I can see where is getting limited to 100.
  5. You can do speedtest-linux --server server# It also has an option for --numclosest but that doesn't seem to work.
  6. Well that's ridiculous! What does speedtest-cli report?
  7. Yes that was it. If anyone else has insanely fast internet please try speedtest-linux and speedtest-cli and post the results.
  8. I updated the plugin and added another speedtest script. Just run 'speedtest-linux' from the command line and see if the results are better. Also compare to 'speedtest-cli' from the command line. Ah okay, I thought unraid wasn't getting my full speed so I thought maybe it had to do with my network settings. But if I can trust the VM thn it's all good.
  9. Ah okay, I thought unraid wasn't getting my full speed so I thought maybe it had to do with my network settings. But if I can trust the VM thn it's all good. Sorry I edited my previous post. I meant "definitely not". There's too many other variables involved with added network layer and flash in a browser through rdp or vnc. What upload speed are you expecting? I find mine to be relatively close between running speedtest on my android phone, this plugin and a hard wired desktop or wireless n through my laptop. If your unRAID memory or cpu load is high then this plugin is going to give poor results. What's your network like from unRAID to modem? I was expecting about 300Mbps download and 450Mbps upload. But today there was some kind of upgrade to the network so my upload went to 570Mbps. I'm getting about the same speed when connecting with my laptop to the router. And my unraid is connected to the same router with a cat 6 cable. But still kind of weird that the plugin cant go above 100Mbps for some reason. It could be limited by speedtest-cli somehow. I didn't write that though. I can look at it. I also found a different command line speedtest I will try. I will put it in a update and you can run it from the command line and see if it gives you better results. If so then I can incorporate it into the plugin results.
  10. Ah okay, I thought unraid wasn't getting my full speed so I thought maybe it had to do with my network settings. But if I can trust the VM thn it's all good. Sorry I edited my previous post. I meant "definitely not". There's too many other variables involved with added network layer and flash in a browser through rdp or vnc. What upload speed are you expecting? I find mine to be relatively close between running speedtest on my android phone, this plugin and a hard wired desktop or wireless n through my laptop. If your unRAID memory or cpu load is high then this plugin is going to give poor results. What's your network like from unRAID to modem?
  11. This plugin is just a front end for speedtest-cli. You can run speedtest or speedtest-cli from the command line. If you run speedtest-xml you'll get the plugin running speedtest-cli. The first page of the thread has an excerpt from the developer of speedtest-cli explaining why there might be some inconsistencies. That being said your results seem off. Unless your paying for 300Mbps (300 down/100 up) internet the 20 seems a good upload speed. I definitely would not trust results from a vm.
  12. You're not getting a ping, download or upload. What does the popup say when you run Begin Test? Thanks for pointing it out. I'll have to add some checks to prevent this.
  13. The plugin uses etherwake to send a magic packet. You could try from the command line etherwake macaddress. Also etherwake -i eth0 macaddress or br0 if you have a bridge setup for vm's.
  14. Like this idea! +2, or even if you hit "help" and it listed underneath. Like this idea! I added descriptions by hovering over the package name. Plus some tablesorter updates.
  15. Thanks That will be helpful. And I see what you mean about values outside the thresholds being shown as green. I'll fix that. I think you can change the threshold values in the bmc or with ipmitool.
  16. I appreciate the feedback. I'll try and create a better contrast on the values. I can imagine the horror of my gear s2 blowing up with email and pushbullet. What did the notifications say or the log say for ipmievd? Are you using a remote connection in the ipmi settings? For the wrong sensor readings did you try ctrl-f5 in the browser. Might be a cache problem. Can you run ipmitool -vc sdr from the command line and post that?
  17. It won't work. The Even importing into firefox seem to work but only because I had already added an exception. I'll remove the button for now until I automate my own self signed certificate instead of the one produced by shellinabox.
  18. I used the wrong cert name. That was one I was playing with. It should be just certificate.pem. I'll fix in a minute.
  19. I will add a setting to use ip address instead of hostname for those that wish to. Also a link on the settings page for importing the certificate.pem.
  20. If you update the plugin, go to the settings page and enable. Then after it's running click on the green running link or connect to port 4200 manually. You have to add an exception in your browser for the self signed certificate that shell in a box uses. Then the command line page will work.
  21. How were you trying to access it? I did make a couple mistakes when I changed the plugin name. On the Tools/Command Line page I didn't change the cfg name to to shellinabox-plugin so it can't find the cfg file and uses a default port. The other mistake was I set the default port on that page to 8088. So basically it will only work with port 8088. I'll fix this when I get home. You still should be able to connect to http://tower:4200 or what ever port you chose and the name or ip of your server.
  22. I'll see what I can do but when I was writing the VM Manager that unRAID uses now which is based on libvirt php it was hard to determined the a pm suspend paused state and resume which is different than a regular paused state. Now this is based on libvirt python and there are some more options available but some quick tests I tried didn't work. I would suggest you either turn off power management in the vm or change it to hibernate instead which would power off the vm and allow it to be woken.
  23. Your welcome. You can remove the fan plugin if you don't need the fan control. Those of us with the Asrock board and others can't use the dynamix fan plugin because our fans are controlled by bmc/ipmi not through the sensor chip. This plugin only reads the events and sensors through ipmi. Although I'm working a fan control aspect but that will be awhile. It can monitor events in real time and create notifications if setup in settings.
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