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Everything posted by dmacias

  1. I'll probably add an option to select which script to use since some seem to get different results. The speedtest-xml uses a beta version of speedtest-cli. So those can be easily interchangeable. You would just run speedtest-xml and it would use the original cli script or the beta depending on your settings choice. The speedtest-linux would require some code changes plus it doesn't have the speedtest image. So that may be a while. Also I'll add a timeout option that should help with 0 results. Edit: I can also add the server number to the list. It's what is stored in the config anyway. Also I didn't write the underlying speedtest scripts so some of the functionality is beyond my control and ability to tweak.
  2. This is old but was the second thing I found searching for the slackware locate utility http://www.securitytracker.com/id/1002127 Locate may be included in the gnu source but it's not in any of the slack builds source or precompiled slack packages. And all of those are only 4.4.2 also. I don't know why they don't include locate. I don't have time right now to debug and try and compile it. But your welcome to try. Also be aware that you'll need to format your locate commands to point to a database on the flash drive or have a command to symlink it on start up. Otherwise on reboot it'll be gone. Because of that locate may fall outside the scope of this plugin and be better suited for its own plugin. I'm not sure if other packages included in NerdPack require such steps.
  3. I adjusted my hdd fans to 0 but they still gave a warning so I disabled all event messages for them so they can turn off when all the hdds spin down. If you go to Tools/IPMI menu in webgui click on the Sensors Config tab, you can adjust the thresholds and events from there.
  4. No. It requires about 18 other packages to work. See my post here http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=48434.msg464512.msg#464512 It would be better as it's own plugin. There might be a docker or install it in a vm.
  5. If I can find the packages I will add findutils. Edit: I'm not sure which program you need. All I could find about locate was info about security exploits. There's an slocate package which is secure locate and there's the findutils but it doesn't include locate anymore probably due to security risks.
  6. Look back a few posts and try some of the other scripts. See if you get better results.
  7. Ok I re-read your earlier post and see your server can't access github. The plg can be downloaded and desc from github but the packages.json is generated from github api. I'll post the plg, desc and json in a zip here. desc and json go in /boot/config/plugins/NerdPack/packages/6.2 Then can you use your laptop to to download the packages you need from my github /packages/6.2 and place in /boot/config/plugins/NerdPack/packages/6.2 http://cloud.tapatalk.com/s/57470d5dcf270/NerdPack.zip
  8. Absolutely nothing, nada, zilch The packages-desc file is one level lower. No packages.json anywhere not even in 6.1. The 6.1 folder has 23 txz files. How do I re-install the plugin if we don't have access to github? Your server doesn't have access to github? Even if I post the plg, desc and json, all the packages are hosted on github.
  9. There's nothing in /boot/plugins/NerdPack/packages/6.2? If you go to the settings page and F5 or Check for Updates there should be at least packages-desc and packages.json. A second refresh/Check should show the list of packages I the webgui. You will need to re Apply them.
  10. 6.1 and 6.2 run different versions of slackware. I had to upgrade a bunch of the packages to be compatible. So there are 2 repos now. Most notably is python. So nothing shows in the settings page, even after Check for Updates and F5? Do you have any table filters set. Try testing those. If all else fails you could try uninstalling Nerdpack, renaming the plugin folder to old and reinstalling they plugin.
  11. But speedtest-cli does not give upload speeds. Too bad about speedtest-linux not giving images. Augh...So close. Speedtest-cli doesn't give you upload speed either. It works fine for me. Do dotted lines go across like it's at least trying to? Maybe I could increase the time out if that's the case.
  12. Give the speedtest-cli a few more runs. It's just a modified version of the current speedtest-cli from the dev's github. The plugin uses a newer beta branch. You can run speedtest-xml for that. The speedtest-linux would require some code changes and doesn't do speedtest images but maybe I can give an option in settings on which script to use.
  13. They are command line for testing. They are symlinked in the path to /usr/sbin. So they will work from anywhere. You can always do tab tab from the console and linux will list choices. So speedtest- then tab tab.
  14. I think I got all I need for the supermicro x9 & x10 boards. There's really only three settings for your board so far. I'll have to go back a few pages and re read to be sure. But there's low, normal and high. I'll just need some time to put together the fan settings page for your board and add a section to the ipmifan script.
  15. I see that now. The gigabit speeds were from who you quoted. Are you running the other tests from your unRAID server too? I can include a couple other speedtest scripts and you can see if they report better results. Hi dmacias... Thanks for the reply. My bad, the other programs I am referring to are like say sabnzbd where I can look and see the speed it is downloading at. For, for example, when I look at that when downloading I see 36Mbps which is just about max of the cable modem. If I then run your plugin right after, I see only 14 to 18 Mbps reported. I have also tried other servers locations just for kicks just in case. If I run the same speedtest from the same test server using my MacBook via even wireless, I get a full speed result. I really like your plugin, but I really can only use it to see if my UnRaid server has Internet access as, in my case, the download speeds are reported at about 1/2. There are faster ways to see if I have internet access vs waiting for the test to finish. Thanks again. Same here, plugin is great, but: Firefox 46.0.1 Browser: 2016.05.21 Plugin: I added a couple extra command line scripts for you both to try out or anyone else with poor results. speedtest-cli and speedtest-linux. The one the plugin uses is speedtest-xml. I get the same from all of them on unRAID and speedtest.net on my laptop ~85 down and ~6 up.
  16. No prob's, its a great little piece of software you have put together. Should be fixed now.
  17. Both issues relate to having the unit type set to bytes in the settings of the speed test. When i set the unit type back to bits graphs worked and the second settings button removed, all buttons behaved as expected. I feel this relates to a code issue not popup blockers or av as previously suggested. Hope this helps Thanks for the help. Your right, it's not cookie related. I'll fix it.
  18. The bottom yellow errors have to do with awesome fonts and are benign. If you could click on the first two errors for more info. The link on the right should take you to the section of code. On second thought too, all those functions require cookies. So I would look into antivirus or browser settings.
  19. I get the same thing on a MacAir with chrome and firefox. Are you on the latest version? Im running Unraid beta 6.20 release 21 Speedtest ver 2016.05.21 My observations on both windows and mac devices x2 setting buttons neither work Schedule button does not work Graphs do not work at all Results from speedtest.net display correctly Running chrome Version 50.0.2661.102 (64-bit) MAC FireFox 46.0.1 happy to chat further if you want more info Right click in Chrome then select inspect then console. Let me know if there are errors.
  20. I see that now. The gigabit speeds were from who you quoted. Are you running the other tests from your unRAID server too? I can include a couple other speedtest scripts and you can see if they report better results.
  21. Same here, plugin is great, but: Firefox 46.0.1 Browser: 2016.05.21 Plugin: This is from the original post and the speedtest-cli readme. "There is the potential for this tool to report results inconsistent with Speedtest.net. There are several concepts to be aware of that factor into the potential inconsistency: 1. Speedtest.net has migrated to using pure socket tests instead of HTTP based tests 2. This application is written in Python 3. Different versions of Python will execute certain parts of the code faster than others 4. CPU and Memory capacity and speed will play a large part in inconsistency between Speedtest.net and even other machines on the same network" This tool isn't meant to compare with your desktop. It's meant to provide a baseline for your network speed and then you can determine any degradation. It's also for those that don't have a desktop and want some logging and graphs. You can't get hung up I the exact numbers and how they compare to your desktop. You should compare the day to day results that this produces. I get close daily results. It helped me to notice my connection quality had dipped and I called and got them to fix it.
  22. I get the same thing on a MacAir with chrome and firefox. Are you on the latest version?
  23. I was mistaken about the chart sort. It's independent of the table sort. I changed the chart sort order so oldest is on the left and newest is on the right. I'll look into the labels more.
  24. There's also the Filtered, Visible and All buttons. The Filtered will show the chart based on the filter selected below the table header. Visible will be what you see and All will be all data. You can also use the table pager to limit the visible data. The charts use google charts so the label may be out of my control. I think I looked into that for the area table because that's what I use. For me when I select All, the labels are angled down and to the left but get abbreviated. I'll see if changing the chart resolution will help.
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