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Everything posted by jinlife

  1. 看起来网络配置比较高级,看不懂。Unraid貌似不能支持同时用两网卡互联互通,自带默认的网络配置没有交换机的功能。 驱动应该没问题的。建议弄个干净的Unraid系统试试,每次只用一个网口。排除系统和硬件的问题。再去研究一下网络配置。
  2. google搜索一下 PCI Header Type 127, 貌似大多是linux虚拟机用了Q35的原因,换成i440fx可能有用。或者跟主板bios有关,升级或降级bios试试。这个直通出错跟驱动没关系。
  3. 看起来还在用 r8169,似乎没有用到我这的plugin啊。我在另外一个帖子里面回了,这不是驱动的问题,是虚拟机和直通配置的问题。
  4. 这东西没啥用,小众的东西,也不咋好弄,与其花很多时间弄编译,不如买个通用各种系统的r8156的usb网卡。
  5. Hi, the R8152 and R8156 were same driver, I think you can install the r8156 plugin to support both. r8152 is actually older network card while R8156 is 2.5G.
  6. 已更新。这个分组改的核心代码,不晓得影响了哪些文件。不太好做plugin,只能做个补丁了。
  7. Thanks for the update. It looks stable for file transfer. We will add it to the plugin.
  8. Please test its performance and stability. If it is fine, then we could add it to the plugin. Thanks.
  9. If you are capable to change code and build it by yourself. Please try and download the source code from https://github.com/jinlife/unraid-r8125-r8152-driver It has the latest r8152 code, our plugin was built from it.
  10. I guess you can try the Realtek RTL8156 plugin. Hope it works. I have no idea where to find the official source code of the Alienware driver so may not able to help you.
  11. It looks like both nic were driven properly, but it seems you are using bonding for eth0 and eth1. The unraid network bonding for multiple ports is not easy to use. It is not working like a router or switch. You can disable the bonding at first, separate those nic, and then see whether it works. If you want to share network between different nics, you'd better create a virtual router such as openwrt. Passthrough the nic and manage them in openwrt VM. Or passthrough one of the nic to any VM and connect them with a real hardware switch.
  12. 打开U盘,删掉这个文件就行了。 /config/modprobe.d/r8169.conf
  13. 这两命令能出来这些信息,应该是没啥问题了。谢谢测试。
  14. 我们在应用市场发布了R8168\R8111的驱动,麻烦帮忙测试一下。 我们没有硬件,代码是直接从Realtek官方网站下载的。
  15. Good choice. We are also working on a R8111\8168 plugin. It will support the 1GBE network card later.
  16. 可以看看本贴的二楼 JorgeB 有分享强制设定2.5G速率的命令,也可以用到R8125上面。值得试一下,不过那是只能识别为千兆。百兆可能硬件的影响大点。 关于新做R8111的驱动插件,正在请 @ich777 帮忙。
  17. 100MB 的速度一般是网线不行。你最好找根更好的超五类或六类网线。2.5G需要两边端口都支持,网线也得支持。 目前R8125的驱动只能驱动8125, R8111只能用原来的R8169驱动,建议卸载R8125的驱动,用回Unraid自带的驱动。
  18. The drivers in unraid and in VM are not related. You should make sure OPNSense has the correct R8125 driver as well. Such as if you have a Windows VM, you need to install r8125 windows driver which is not a linux one. The passthrough network card needs to be driven in the VM.
  19. @comet424 My driver cannot fix the bridge issue, I guess there are other reasons for the PCIE card.
  20. For the stable 6.12.x release, I guess if there is no new minor version update for about 1 or 2 monthes, then it will be much more stable.
  21. I have tested 6.12.2, and it is not working in my server. I tried to add unraid nfs public remote folder in Synology and it failed. It used to be working in 6.11.5. The setting is the same. I'm using virbr0 with to connect Unraid nfs folder. I can ping but nfs is not working.
  22. Someone found that disable the bridge can fix the speed issue. But there is no network available in VM after that, you have to use macvtap to connect VM. You can disable bridge and do the iperf test. If the speed is normal, then unfotunately, you are encountering the same issue. I'm afraid we can't solve it from driver pespective, it might be caused by other reasons.. Please take a look at page 3, there is an English version:
  23. The diagnostic shows that you are still using R8169 to drive R8125 chips. The rtl8125 plugin driver isn't working yet. Have you reboot unraid after install the plugin?
  24. I'm not sure. The plugin system is quite complex, so you have to test one by one.