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Everything posted by snowborder714

  1. My current logs are filled with this over and over. I haven't been in SONARR lately when the indexer issue was happening but next time it does, I'll grab new logs. 2022-04-07 10:54:39.4|Fatal|SonarrErrorPipeline|Request Failed. GET /api/v3/wanted/missing [v3.0.7.1477] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.Extensions.PagingSpecExtensions.CreateExpression[TModel] (System.String propertyName) [0x00019] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Core\Datastore\Extensions\PagingSpecExtensions.cs:32 at NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.Extensions.PagingSpecExtensions.OrderByClause[TModel] (NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.PagingSpec`1[TModel] pagingSpec) [0x00000] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Core\Datastore\Extensions\PagingSpecExtensions.cs:11 at NzbDrone.Core.Tv.EpisodeRepository.GetMissingEpisodesQuery (NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.PagingSpec`1[TModel] pagingSpec, System.DateTime currentTime, System.Int32 startingSeasonNumber) [0x0000d] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Core\Tv\EpisodeRepository.cs:216 at NzbDrone.Core.Tv.EpisodeRepository.EpisodesWithoutFiles (NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.PagingSpec`1[TModel] pagingSpec, System.Boolean includeSpecials) [0x0000d] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Core\Tv\EpisodeRepository.cs:111 at NzbDrone.Core.Tv.EpisodeService.EpisodesWithoutFiles (NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.PagingSpec`1[TModel] pagingSpec) [0x00000] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Core\Tv\EpisodeService.cs:152 at Sonarr.Http.SonarrRestModule`1[TResource].ApplyToPage[TModel] (System.Func`2[T,TResult] function, NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.PagingSpec`1[TModel] pagingSpec, System.Converter`2[TInput,TOutput] mapper) [0x00000] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\Sonarr.Http\SonarrRestModule.cs:43 at Sonarr.Api.V3.Wanted.MissingModule.GetMissingEpisodes (Sonarr.Http.PagingResource`1[TResource] pagingResource) [0x00210] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\Sonarr.Api.V3\Wanted\MissingModule.cs:47 at Sonarr.Http.REST.RestModule`1[TResource].<set_GetResourcePaged>b__36_0 (System.Object options) [0x00000] in M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\Sonarr.Http\REST\RestModule.cs:139 at Nancy.NancyModule+<>c__DisplayClass14_0`1[T].<Get>b__0 (System.Object args) [0x00047] in <e31b230dbd29407fadcc55713e0bbd0f>:0 at Nancy.NancyModule+<>c__DisplayClass16_0`1[T].<Get>b__0 (System.Object args, System.Threading.CancellationToken ct) [0x00047] in <e31b230dbd29407fadcc55713e0bbd0f>:0 at Nancy.Routing.Route`1[T].Invoke (Nancy.DynamicDictionary parameters, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x00017] in <e31b230dbd29407fadcc55713e0bbd0f>:0 at Nancy.Routing.DefaultRouteInvoker.Invoke (Nancy.Routing.Route route, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken, Nancy.DynamicDictionary parameters, Nancy.NancyContext context) [0x00086] in <e31b230dbd29407fadcc55713e0bbd0f>:0 at Nancy.Routing.DefaultRequestDispatcher.Dispatch (Nancy.NancyContext context, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x002b7] in <e31b230dbd29407fadcc55713e0bbd0f>:0 at Nancy.NancyEngine.InvokeRequestLifeCycle (Nancy.NancyContext context, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken, Nancy.Bootstrapper.IPipelines pipelines) [0x0011d] in <e31b230dbd29407fadcc55713e0bbd0f>:0
  2. It seems that every day at least once my indexers go down (for both Sonarr and Radarr) and I can't seem to figure out how to get them back up. I am able to log into the website with no issue but when I test it, I get an error. Any suggestions?
  3. I'm now getting this when logged into NextCloud on a laptop browser. Mine is happening for anything above 1GB I believe.
  4. Please take a look at the six or so posts directly above yours. There should be some info in there to help.
  5. I renamed the nginx.conf file in Swag (/etc/nginx/) and restarted Swag and it looks like it downloaded a new copy as it had an older date. I updated the client_max_body_size set to 0, restarted again, and I was able to upload larger files when logged in as the user. I went back to my original test scenario and tried uploading a 500MB test file via a File Drop link and after almost a minute, I received a "Connection to server lost" message. I changed the folder to have "Allow update and editing" permissions and tried again and received the same error message but this time it took about 1:30. Looks like I have something new to look into.
  6. Hmm...I found this thread which sounds like what you stated but am unsure which nginx.conf file(s) I should be deleting. https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/issues/91 I tried deleting (just renamed) both nginx.conf files in Swag (/defaults/) and NextCloud (/defaults/) and restarted both containers but neither of them have recreated.
  7. I've searched for every term I can think of in this thread and across other sites and everything I'm finding leads back to changing stuff I mentioned above. I did just find something about changing a user.ini file but that didn't help either. If you know of a resolution somewhere in this thread, please link me to it when you get the chance. I did do some more testing and found that it's failing on files over 500ish MB (through Google Chrome). So while it looks like I've taken a lot of steps to increase this, I'm still missing something somewhere. Back through the documentation I go.
  8. Does anyone have any suggestions on what logs to look at to troubleshoot upload issues? I seem to be running into issues uploading larger files (2GB is what I'm currently testing with) and receive a "Cannot upload...." message when I try using a folder shared as a File Drop (upload only). When I set the folder to "Allow upload and editing", I receive a "An unknown error has occurred" message. I am running NextCloud and Swag. NextCloud v23.0.2 The UI under System shows PHP Upload Max Size as 100GB NextCloud's nginx.conf file has client_max_body_size set to 0 (disabled) Swag's nginx.conf file has client_max_body_size set to 0 (disabled) Swag's nextcloud.subdomain.conf file has client_max_body_size set to 0 (disabled) I've turned the logging value to 1 (0 was just impossible to find anything) and do not see anything in both the UI Logs area or the nextcloud.log file. I don't see any logs in var/logs/nginx or var/logs/php.
  9. I've been running into issues with radarr (and sonarr) for the past few weeks. It's usable for a short while and then I run into indexer errors for some unknown reason. I know they're up as I can log into the websites but when testing inside radarr, it fails. Log file is attached. radarr.txt
  10. I was finally able to get into the UI so I upgraded to v6.10 and then disabled docker to change macvlan to ipvlan. The UI went down and I can't seem to figure out how to gain access back to it to continue, nor can I find where in some config file I can make the change. I disabled SSL, renamed the docker image, and was finally able to get into the UI to make the change. I then renamed the docker image back and rebooted again. Everything came back up. I finally turned SSL back on. If I notice it locking up in the future, I'll have to try creating the VLAN for my docker containers as the first link suggests. Thanks for the help and here's to hoping that change fixes things and keeps it running smoothly!
  11. I've had this server for a number of years, transferred it to a new chassis almost a year ago, and haven't had too many issues up until recently. A number of times within the past few weeks I've ran into the GUI just stopping to work even though the server is still up and running (I can access SMB shares via my laptop and can putty into it, but some/most of the time the dockers stop when this happens). Usually a reboot fixes it. I haven't made any large changes recently (no new dockers in a while, no new disks, no major config changes). Today the GUI did something different and was still accessible and showed most of the header but nothing below that and none of the tab names worked when you clicked on them. I tried a change a friend suggested to the settings.cfg file for the nvidia driver (set disable_xconfig=true) and rebooted. Now the GUI just shows ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. I can putty in so I grabbed the diagnostics file. If anyone can look through this as I'm not familiar with where to look for issues, I'd greatly appreciate it. tower-diagnostics-20220103-1054.zip
  12. Good to know. It was just a misunderstanding on my end as I was trying to get a VM to auto-start with the UD disk attached (being used for security camera footage storage). I changed it to just auto-mount and removed passed through and the VM now auto-starts just fine. Thanks for the help and clarification.
  13. Are you able to have an UD drive auto-mount and be passed through (for VM usage)? It seems that I can't have both of these options enabled at the same time.
  14. I have Shinobi set up and have added three of my cameras in Watch-Only mode (don't have a separate hard drive to record to yet). You can see they've populated perfectly fine in the side bar on the left, but when I add them to the main dashboard area, they just display black. I'm able to see them without issues via web streaming or the mobile app. I've attached a picture for reference. Anyone have suggestions on how to get them to display?
  15. I received the server and purchased an LSI 9300-8i HBA and got everything up and running. I didn't have too many issues but did run into a few small ones, one being the OS didn't recognize the drives even after reassigning them. I found another post on here that led me to installing the Dynamix SCSI Devices plugin which fixed the issue. I did also update the BIOS/firmware on the HBA card which was very straight forward. I appreciate all the help!
  16. And the reason for the HBA is because the chassis has 12 bays? If I had an eight bay chassis I could run off the motherboard ports (since it supports 10 drives - eight via the SAS ports and then two via direct SATA ports)? Just making sure I understand the reasoning! In looking at your previous posts about HBA, it seems the 9300-8i would be the best for my scenario, correct? SAS3 expander to SAS3 card as well as the ability to use TRIM on my SSD cache drive and I could literally just drop it in and plug it in with the included cables from the backplane. If there are other ones that you would suggest, let me know. Here's the readout from my SSD device based on another post of yours I found to make sure it supports TRIM.
  17. Had to call them to get an answer but it's a BPN-SAS3-826EL1 backplane. From my research, I'd only need one 8087 (motherboard end) to 8643 (backplane end) cable to power all of the drives, correct? I'll be using SATA drives so a second cable from the motherboard to the backplane won't do me any good. Then if I wanted faster transfer speeds, I could get a PCIe HBA and use one/both of the 8643 to 8643 cables that are already in the case? Hopefully I'm understanding what I'm reading but let me know if I'm wrong.
  18. They replied with this - BPN-SAS3-826. I believe this is an incomplete model number though as I've never seen one end just in 826. I sent another message to them asking if there are any letters or numbers after the 826.
  19. I'll message them to see what model it is and post back up here. Thanks for the help!
  20. The chassis (linked in the original post, pictured below) has the capacity for holding 12 drives. As of right now, I only have eight or nine drives.
  21. Thanks for confirming! What types of cables would I need to use the onboard ports? I see the chassis already has cables from the backplane but in the listing they aren't plugged in. After looking at a bunch more pictures of the motherboard via Google, I believe the blue cables in the chassis were originally going into an HBA card that is not there anymore and not something that I could just plug into the motherboard. Or would those cables plug into ports A and D in the below schematic?
  22. Good to know! Based on my little knowledge, I assume the two blue cables in the unit would be coming from the drive backplane and plug into the motherboard, correct? I found it a bit odd that they were unplugged if they do indeed have homes on the motherboard.
  23. I'm looking at this server and am wondering if the onboard SATA will work with Unraid or if I'd need a PCIe HBA card? I tried to research this topic but I can't seem to come up with a solid answer. https://www.ebay.com/itm/SUPERMICRO-CSE-829U-X10DRU-I-12LFF-2x-12C-E5-2678V3-2-5GHz-2x-PSU-0GB-RAM-NO-HD/133571662867?hash=item1f197dd413:g:QH4AAOSw0dVfqbms Any other thoughts/opinions about the setup (other than it needing RAM and drive cages)?
  24. Bumping this up in hopes that someone will reply and help out.
  25. I've run out of room in my current chassis and also am running on very old hardware that is not able to support features/functions I'm looking to utilize. I have been looking for a used rack mount unit as they seem to be fairly affordable with good hardware and easily able to hold and maintain good temps on a bunch of drives. The 12 bay units are the ones I've been considering. My current setup is five disks (parity included) and an 2.5" SSD cache drive. I have another disk to add to the array and plan on adding at least another disk or two from another server that I'd like to consolidate into Unraid. I found this while browsing eBay and wanted to get some feedback if it will work for me as well as if it's a good choice or if I should be looking at something else. https://www.ebay.com/itm/SUPERMICRO-CSE-829U-X10DRU-I-12LFF-2x-12C-E5-2678V3-2-5GHz-2x-PSU-0GB-RAM-NO-HD/133571662867?hash=item1f197dd413:g:QH4AAOSw0dVfqbms Other than it needing RAM (which isn't hard to find nor terribly expensive) and potentially disk trays (although I've read about other people receiving their server from this seller with trays), anything I'm missing? I'm the least knowledgeable about backplanes, SATA/SAS connections, if I'd need an HBA or if the onboard connections will do, etc. Current/future plans for my server: File storage/hosting/syncing Emby for streaming Unifi controller via docker Pihole via docker VM's Security camera capture/storage Future hardware: Graphics card for hardware transcoding 10Gb NIC PCIe card for NVME drives for faster cache Servers are a bit out of my knowledge base so I appreciate any and all help!
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