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  1. You're having the same issue as me. I'm assuming it is a bug that a future update of FCP or UD will fix? For now, I'm just ignoring the error until I hear from folks here that know more
  2. This makes sense. How can I figure out what is creating the 'mounts' file? It contains a bunch of mountpoint information about all of my disks. Here's a snippet of the file contents. Entire file attached. mounts.txt
  3. Receiving the following error: Fix Common Problems - homegrown: 03-02-2024 04:40 AM Errors have been found with your server (homegrown). Investigate at Settings / User Utilities / Fix Common Problems FCP states: File mounts present within /mnt Can't figure out what is causing this issue. It may be related to how I have Google Drive mounted with SMB? There is a "mounts" file in /mnt, but I'm not sure if that's expected to be there. Or maybe related to /mounts folder? Other possibility is perhaps I need to exclude /mnt from Recyle Bin plugin? Not sure. Diagnostics attached. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance homegrown-diagnostics-20240205-1957.zip
  4. I am having an issue with the Tailscale Docker. All of my containers are accessible through IP & magicDNS, however my unraid WebUI does not resolve with neither Tailscale IP nor magicDNS. This issue also extends to SMB -- I am unable to access files on the server through Tailscale.
  5. Yes, my cache failed upon boot after upgrading to 6.12. I replaced the drive and rolled back to 6.11.5
  6. Thanks for the response @petchav! Unfortunately, typing the VM name within the CLI wrapped in quotes does not work. Here's an example of the script not working with a VM name that has spaces. Here it is working perfectly for a VM name that does not have any spaces. And here it is failing when wrapping the VM name in quotes. The error message is simply `!!! Backup file not found !!!`. I think there is another line or two in the script where the path needs to be wrapped in quotes, but I can't figure out where.
  7. Shoot, I'm sorry Jorge -- I missed this. I was getting pretty frustrated and ultimately downgraded to 6.11.5 for now. Everything is working as intended again. Apologies that I didn't stick it out to test out why nginx was not starting.
  8. Yes, sorry for not being more clear! I am talking about the restoration script. It works great for VMs with no spaces in the name and I'm sure it can be fixed to work with VMs that do have spaces in their names, but it's not something I've been able to figure out with my limited knowledge.
  9. Can anyone help edit @petchav's script to work with VM names that include spaces? I don't know bash scripting, but have been trying to figure it out for the last hour. The most positive change I made is to line 87, mkdir /mnt/user/domains/$VM_NAME which I edited to mkdir "/mnt/user/domains/$VM_NAME" That got me past creating incorrect directories. Now if my VM name is "Windows 11", then it will create the correct directory in the domains folder. However, it is still failing after that with `!!! Backup file not found !!!` I've tried adding quotes at various places in lines 102, 112 & 120 but still the script fails at the same point. I've also tried adding quotes in various places to lines 89, 95, 110, 116 & 117 which are the lines that define `BACKUP_FILE`, but again, not making any progress. Figured someone that knows scripting and the correct syntax might be able to fix the script easily
  10. Perhaps related, but there is no network.cfg file on my flash drive in the config folder. I only have a network-extra.cfg file. I'm not sure how that would disappear, but maybe it is part of my issue? Edit: Upon further research, I don't believe this is related to the issue. It seems if you don't make changes to Network settings, there is no network.cfg and the system utilizes default settings.
  11. This sounds similar to an issue I am facing right now, however, I'm on 6.12.1
  12. Diagnostics attached. Not sure what is up. I had a failed cache drive, shutdown the system to replace it, started the system again and got to the WebUI. Assigned the new cache drive and tried to start the array. Nothing was happening -- the start button was unresponsive. So I rebooted. Now, I cannot access the WebUI through localhost on the server itself nor through other devices on my local network. I also tried GUI safe mode, but still no WebGUI. The server seems to boot fine and I do have SSH access. Any help is greatly appreciated. tower-diagnostics-20230624-2100.zip
  13. Understood and thank you. My new SSD will be here tomorrow and I'll follow this process.
  14. Thanks. Is there a guide to follow to rebuild cache after a failed disk? I didn't find this particular situation in the documentation. After replacing the cache drive with a new one, what's next? Reinstall all Docker containers and then copy over the appdata that I pulled off the failing drive?
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