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Everything posted by guy.davis

  1. Good day! Yes, on initial launch the Chia binaries start to sync the blockchain from zero which generally takes a day or more and downloads GBs of data from peers. You can monitor this process on the Network and Wallet tabs, look at the date shown to see how far back the current blockchain sync is. Once you get to current date and it shows 'Synced', then that usage should stop. For the wallet, please execute 'chia wallet show' and type 'S' when prompted from the Unraid Docker Console for Machinaris container. This is fixed in the coming release to avoid this CLI step.
  2. Yes, good suggestion. @macmanluke, take a look at the uptime for Machinaris container on the Unraid Docker tab. If it shows just hours, then something is stopping/restarting as above suggests. Another one to watch out for is the 'Auto Update Applications' plugin. For me, it restarted Machinaris (killing all plotting) a couple of early Sunday mornings until I found the toggle shown to disable just that container:
  3. Nice plotting! Check out this FAQ on running multiple completed plots directories. Basically, you need two Unraid volume mounts and must set a 'plots_dir' env variable with both in-container paths, colon-separated. Current release (last Friday) is v0.2.1. Test release is v0.3.0, coming soon. To try now, use Repository: ghcr.io/guydavis/machinaris:test Hope this helps!
  4. Welcome! I think that is an open PR for the Plotman project, but you could give it a test to see what happens. Might error out about being unable to move the file.
  5. Good day! Please take a look at the log files for each Plotman plotting job. Found in /mnt/user/appdata/machinaris/plotman/logs on Unraid. Hope this helps!
  6. Good question, I've been plotting on windows machines with 'mode=plotter' and 'keys=/root/.chia/mnemonic.txt' just like the other modes. I know that works. However, it's best practice to not put private key mnemonic on a plotting only machine. So in test version (ghcr.io/guydavis/machinaris:test), there is support for not putting mnemonic.txt file down, but rather using farmer_pk and pool_pk. Above looks good. If it works, you'll see that on start-up, Settings | Plotting should already have your farmer_pk and pool_pk at the bottom of the plotman.yaml file. Any problems, please create an issue in Github. Also, feel free to join the Discord group for live support.
  7. Current release from last week doesn't have the Chiadog integration yet. Currently in test image. If you'd like to try the test version now, switch your Repository line Docker Edit config for Machinaris to ghcr.io/guydavis/machinaris:test (notice the :test on the end). Otherwise, it will be available later this week on the mainline once tested. Glad you're finding it helpful.
  8. Yes, those phase 3 are some of the biggest. Double-check your temp drive is at 100% full to be sure. If not, leave it running. But if 100% full, then leave the Machinaris container running but: Stop Plotman -> This prevents another plot from being started. Select both plots and 'Kill Selected' -> This stops both plots and cleans up all temp they were using. Check your temp drive, should be empty again. Go to Settings | Plotting and look for tmpdir_max_jobs and global_max_jobs. I'd dial them both down from 2 to 1 with a 350 GB temp space. Save the changes. Start Plotman on Plotting page. Should immediately see one plot at a time going. Hope this helps.
  9. The completed plots will move from being shown on the Plotting page to being listed on the Farming page, only when fully complete. Hope this helps.
  10. Yup, that sounds good. With a 350 GB sized cache pool, you'll probably get one plot at a time, so you may need to decrease the default plotman.yaml settings. You'll know if the temp cache drive hits 100% and your plotting gets hung.
  11. Thanks. Glad you find it useful. Regarding features, 'Estimated Time to Win' display is on the Farming page in the current test version. To test it out, change your Repository in Unraid Docker tab | Machinaris Edit | Repository field to ghcr.io/guydavis/machinaris:test. If you wait, it will be released to mainline this coming week. Regarding "Last Attempted Proof", there is a feature request. Please add your suggestions to the Github issue. Thanks for the feedback.
  12. Thanks! Unfortunately, no. A Docker container is a lot like a small virtual machine, so restarting the container is like rebooting the VM. However, if you are plotting, first stop Plotman on the Plotting page. This will prevent new plotting jobs from launching, but will allow existing jobs to complete. Then later, when your plotting jobs are done, you can restart the Machinaris container and/or update the Docker image without impacting plotting. Details in the FAQ.
  13. Sure, basically you want to mount your Unraid array as a share on your Windows box. Copy the plot files over, then point Machinaris to use the Unraid folder they landed in for '/plots'. Once you've copied them off the Windows machine, along with anything else you want to keep, you can wipe the Windows box and install Linux.
  14. That's a tricky one. I'm using Binhex's Deluge VPN and can access the Deluge WebUI via Organizr+Swag. I had to set up a custom network I called 'swag'. I'm not doing this for Machinaris though, just letting it access Internet directly. The behavior should be similar for a web app routed through a VPN though. You probably want to search for tutotials on Unraid + Swag. Good luck!
  15. Yup, it's a plain text file with just 24 words on a single line comprising your private key mnemonic. It should reside at /mnt/user/appdata/machinaris/mnemonic.txt Check out this wiki page.
  16. Sorry, not yet. There is an open issue for such a distributed setup all reporting via central Machinaris WebUI though. Please vote it up and add your thoughts.
  17. Good question. I learned the hard-way over the past month that Unraid can work with Chia, but does require some tweaking. I do have some plots on my main array, but I prefer the Unassigned Devices plugin for additional drives as I don't really need any parity/redundancy. For temp plotting, NVMe is fastest. However, my old server doesn't have it so I am using some high-endurance SATA SSDs, combined in cache pool with BRTFS RAID-0 for better speed. Lot's of other ways to do it though. Let me know if you have other questions.
  18. This is exactly right. Some screenshots help show it in the FAQ. Thanks for the feedback. All the contributions of testing time, bug fixes, and patches from everyone here and on the Discord have really helped a lot.
  19. Great question! Sure is, just search for either Machinaris or Chia in the Unraid Apps tab. The project is open source. The goal is to add a WebUI + a plotting manager to the Chia docker image. As such, the two images are complementary. The official Chia docker is good for those who want to use exclusively CLI and their own scripts. Machinaris is better for those that want browser access via Unraid and the ease-of-use a plotting manager like Plotman provides.
  20. Yes, it looks like they're having trouble building the official Docker. Thanks to a tip from user ChrisM, I've updated Machinaris to the latest Chia v1.1.6 binaries. It's available via Check for Updates in the Unraid Docker view.
  21. Yup, this is huge. Thanks, to user ChrisM, we now have an updated version of Machinaris (0.2.1) which includes these latest Chia binaries at verison 1.1.6. Also, big thanks to user Hukuma1 (aka yass15) for greatly improving the CSS for dark-mode. In Unraid Docker tab, Check for Updates, apply Update for Machinaris. Sync on!
  22. Plotman basically runs an infinite loop, scheduling new plot jobs, once the stagger has been met. I don't think it will do just 5 then stop. You could let it start the 4 job, then click the 'Stop Plotman' button which lets existing jobs complete, but Plotman isn't running to start more then. Hope this helps.
  23. Thanks, I really appreciate it. Please feel free to post Machinaris on the Chia subreddit. All feedback is welcomed. I'm off to fight my constant syncing issues... Edit: Got a sore forehead from banging my keyboard triaging my sync troubles. So, I've posted an announcement of the v0.2 release to /r/chia on Reddit. Please give it an upvote. Thanks for the idea.
  24. Howdy! Glad you're finding Machinaris useful. v0.2 will be released later today which improves handling for multiple final plot destinations. Look for an update later today in your Unraid Dockers listing. Yes, it's recommended to port-forward tcp/8444 from your router to your Unraid host, which sends it to the Machinaris container. Example from Ubiquiti router: In your case, set Internal Port to 8444 also. Source IP can be blank as you're trying to allow connections from all over. I'm currently experimenting with regional blocking however to see if sync improves. Sounds like a good plan. On Windows, you've got lots of options. You can use the official Chia GUI and/or CLI. As well, you can run Machinaris on Windows in Docker Desktop. I am running it in plotter-only mode on two of my workstations. Yes, you definitely want to change the plots and plotting volume mappings to suit your Unraid system. See the install guide for details.
  25. Welcome! Yes, apologies on this defect. The 'Farming' page was hard-coded to only list from /plots in v0.1. v0.2 should be promoted to :latest Docker tag later today after testing, which will fix the plots listing and improve using multiple plots directories.
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