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  1. I don't think the title is quite descriptive enough. I have a primary cache pool of several drives that's explicitly for files. I also created a separate secondary btrfs formated cache pool with its own singular non-redundant ssd for docker appdata. Plex has just about filled it up with its database. I'm at 93% capacity. I would just add another drive and extend the pool, but I'm all out of SATA ports. So I bought another drive twice the capacity to replace it. My question is, what's the best/proper procedure for replacing that drive? Do I set the 'appdata' share to move everything to the array, remove the drive, install the new one, start the array, and move all the files back? I fear if anything goes wrong all my containers are gonna get corrupted or not work.
  2. You need a celery broker. This is the reason you don't see any files uploaded. Spin up an instance of Redis and add these to your Mayan environmental variables: MAYAN_CELERY_BROKER_URL: redis://:<password>@<unraid_ip>:6379/0 MAYAN_CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND: redis://:<password>@<unraid_ip>:6379/1
  3. I just implemented an instance of Mayan EDMS as a document manager. It's a destructive file manager. Everything added to the import folders are renamed to a unique identifier, file extension is stripped, it's copied to the app storage folder, and the original file in the import folder is deleted. Is there a way I can get every file added to the import folder immediately copied to a backup folder? I'd like it to happen as soon as it's added.
  4. Where are the documents stored? In the template it only has inputs for data, watched, and staging folders. If the container data is stored on a cache drive, are the documents stored on the cache drive as well? How can you allocate document storage to a folder on the array, separate from the container data?
  5. My question is what does the "Permit Reformat" checkbox next to it do? There is zero documentation on that.
  6. Those commands worked as described. Here's my diag zip. I tried bypassing the switch and plugging it directly into the router, still didn't get me any network connection. I plugged my laptop in the switch and it connect no problem. I tried doing some searching and I came across a similar situation with no clear solution here: rexbox1-diagnostics-20220308-1107.zip
  7. I dunno what happened. It was working fine, then it went unresponsive. I tried to reboot and couldn't reach it remotely. I then tried to start it in GUI mode and when it gets to that step, I just get a blinky cursor. Reboot into CLI, I get a login prompt and it logs in, but still no webui. I pinged Google, complete packet lost. Pinged my main router, also no dice. I have a secondary moca router that my Unraid is connected to that didn't have the conected light on. I power cycled it, it connected and I logged into my main router and still didn't see Unraid online. I also didn't see another machine connected to the same switch behind the moca router. I logged into the managed switch and it said both links were up though. I'm gonna replace it with unmanaged switch in the morning. I'm tired and I'm pulling my hair out. I dunno if these issues are related or what's not working right atm.
  8. I've had this container running for months no problems. Downloads went in one cache pool, and the config in separate drive in another pool. All the sudden, it starts putting downloads in the config folder even though the template specifies a different path (it was the first thing I checked). Did something change in a recent update?
  9. Yeah, you can't do parity rebuild when they're disabled (red Xs). It started a read-check and obv every sector was a no go on disk4. But what was weird was it still had a green dot and said normal operational/active. I didn't know what was going on. It apparently just had a wonky cable connection develop. Everything seems to be working now.
  10. Thanks! I do have dual parity. Both were disabled and one of the array drives was the one with read/write errors, but it was not disabled. It was just doing a read-check like you said, and I didn't realize that. I troubleshooted as suggested: swapped some cables and rebooted, the array drive reconnected, then I emptied, restarted the array, and reassigned the parity drives. It's doing a parity rebuild now. Hopefully we'll be back in business in... 2 days and 3 hours.
  11. This would be great if it had a gui interface, gave a report of what dupes were found, and had options to choose which ones to keep.
  12. I had the exact same problem a few days ago. Parity disabled. My logs show this a bunch (eventually followed by read & write errors): Jun 22 15:53:38 Tower kernel: ata14.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x6018000 SErr 0x0 action 0x6 frozen Jun 22 15:53:38 Tower kernel: ata14.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED Jun 22 15:53:38 Tower kernel: ata14.00: cmd 60/00:78:58:a7:d2/01:00:03:01:00/40 tag 15 ncq dma 131072 in Jun 22 15:53:38 Tower kernel: res 40/00:01:00:4f:c2/00:00:00:00:00/00 Emask 0x4 (timeout) Jun 22 15:53:38 Tower kernel: ata14.00: status: { DRDY } I just compared to yours, and we have the same (or similar) error, I think? Jun 23 17:08:51 Jarvis kernel: ata7.00: exception Emask 0x10 SAct 0x7e000003 SErr 0x10000 action 0xe frozen Jun 23 17:08:51 Jarvis kernel: ata7.00: irq_stat 0x80400000, PHY RDY changed Jun 23 17:08:51 Jarvis kernel: ata7: SError: { PHYRdyChg } Jun 23 17:08:51 Jarvis kernel: ata7.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED Jun 23 17:08:51 Jarvis kernel: ata7.00: cmd 61/40:00:60:2a:ef/05:00:9b:01:00/40 tag 0 ncq dma 688128 out Jun 23 17:08:51 Jarvis kernel: res 50/02:01:01:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/00 Emask 0x10 (ATA bus error) Jun 23 17:08:51 Jarvis kernel: ata7.00: status: { DRDY } Don't ask me what it means or how to fix it. Mine was on Disk4. I started a 2 day long parity check (12TB). I'll see if that helps. Maybe a reboot. Rebuild the drive? Yours looks to be on Disk0, which I'm assuming is your parity.
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