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  1. no, the container network is custom
  2. Updated description.yes. i follow the container description to build
  3. hi,there i add a new container in the unraid docker,set up a few port.but i got a problem,some port of this container i can not connected. such as port 10011 ,10052 ,11011 but i can connect the container's port such as 7600 i don't know why please help me thank you docker run -d --name='server' --net='proxy' -e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e HOST_HOSTNAME="Tower" -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="server" -e 'AUTO_MYSQL_IP'='true' -e 'MYSQL_NAME'='mysql' -e 'MYSQL_IP'='' -e 'MYSQL_PORT'='3306' -e 'GAME_PASSWORD'='7' -e 'AUTO_PUBLIC_IP'='false' -e 'PUBLIC_IP'='' -e 'DP2'='false' -e 'GM_ACCOUNT'='user' -e 'GM_PASSWORD'='456' -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman -p '7600:7600/tcp' -p '881:881/tcp' -p '20303:20303/tcp' -p '20303:20303/udp' -p '20403:20403/tcp' -p '20403:20403/udp' -p '40403:40403/tcp' -p '40403:40403/udp' -p '7000:7000/tcp' -p '7000:7000/udp' -p '7001:7001/tcp' -p '7001:7001/udp' -p '7200:7200/tcp' -p '7200:7200/udp' -p '10011:10011/tcp' -p '31100:31100/tcp' -p '30303:30303/tcp' -p '30303:30303/udp' -p '30403:30403/tcp' -p '30403:30403/udp' -p '10052:10052/tcp' -p '20011:20011/tcp' -p '20203:20203/tcp' -p '20203:20203/udp' -p '30703:30703/udp' -p '11011:11011/udp' -p '2311-2313:2311-2313/udp' -p '30503:30503/tcp' -p '11052:11052/udp' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/cz/server/log':'/home/cz/game/log':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/cz/server/data':'/data':'rw' --shm-size=8g tower-diagnostics-20231217-0223.zip
  4. yes,i have 2 server,they both have Dynamix System Buttons plugin one is unraid 6.11.5,it has the UI bar.but the unraid 6.12.3 server not
  5. hi,there in the unraid 6.12.3 i can't find this UI bar on shares file page Was it deleted or moved to another page? thanks all
  6. hi,there i want to try to create a custom network with IPV6 docker network create --ipv6 proxy but it did not work it shows this Error response from daemon: could not find an available, non-overlapping IPv6 address pool among the defaults to assign to the network how should i do? please help me,thank you
  7. hi,there UNRAID VERSION: 6.10.3 when i set the docker network type to Bridge,host,custom bond0. the docker has IPV6 address but when i set the network to Custom proxy,it only have IPV4.there is no IPV6 address in the docker i want to know how should i do that i can get the IPV6 address in the proxy network type thank you
  8. hi,i want to know how to set smtp on this docker thank you
  9. thank you. i have solved my problem just change a few settings on the router,the unraid IPV6 address shows normally
  10. my router has dhcp ipv6.all my devices got IPV6 address but unraid servers Technically, the router shows that the unraid server has obtained IPV6. but the UNRAID do not shows that in the network settings
  11. the unraid have IPV6 but the docker network can not get the IPV6 address tower-diagnostics-20220821-1637.zip
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