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Everything posted by irishjd

  1. I am running UnRAID on a Dell R820. Currently, I am bonding the 4 1GB NICs into a 4GB channel, and it is working fine. I recently purchased a DELL Intel X520-DA2 X520 10Gb SFP+ Network Adapter 0942V6 0XYT17 E10G42BTDAPG1P5 NIC. I have installed it and UnRAID appears to "see" it, but I cannot get network connectivity over it. Is there anything "special" I need to do to UnRAID in order for it to use this NIC? I have gone into Network Settings, and configured it, but then I loose all network connectivity and I have to pull the Flash drive and remove the settings for the 10GB NIC in order for it to have connectivity again. Here are the settings that I have in network.cfg: # Generated settings: IFNAME[0]="br0" DHCP_KEEPRESOLV="no" DHCP6_KEEPRESOLV="no" BONDNAME[0]="bond0" BONDNICS[0]="eth0 eth1 eth2 eth3" BONDING_MODE[0]="4" BONDING_MIIMON[0]="100" BRNAME[0]="br0" BRNICS[0]="bond0" BRSTP[0]="no" BRFD[0]="0" PROTOCOL[0]="ipv4" USE_DHCP[0]="yes" USE_DHCP6[0]="yes" IFNAME[1]="br4" BRNAME[1]="br4" BRSTP[1]="no" BRFD[1]="0" BRNICS[1]="eth4" PROTOCOL[1]="ipv4" USE_DHCP[1]="no" IPADDR[1]="" NETMASK[1]="" GATEWAY[1]="" USE_DHCP6[1]="yes" SYSNICS="2"
  2. This is really odd... I got a window to reboot my UnRAID box and was able to delete all 3 of the ZFS datasets that were giving me issues.
  3. I am going to try a complete reboot this weekend. I will let you you know the results. Thanks for the help!
  4. # zfs get all cachemirror/zfs backups/cache_domains/haos_ova-11.1.qcow2 cannot open 'cachemirror/zfs': dataset does not exist cannot open 'backups/cache_domains/haos_ova-11.1.qcow2': dataset does not exist
  5. Its was rather large, so I dumped it to a text file. output.txt
  6. I have 3 ZFS datasets that I can not destroy. ZFS Master shows them as being "greyed-out" and when I try to destroy them, I get this error: "Destroy Result   cachemirror/zfs backups/cache_domains/haos_ova-11.1.qcow2: Operation not permitted". If I go into the cli, this directory no longer is viewable, but if I try to re-create it, I am told that it already exists. But if I try to rmdir it, I am told "No such file or directory". It appears that I am in a catch-22 here. There has to be a way to remove this, but I cannot figure it out. There are no snapshots of these datasets either, so I am not sure what thinks they still exist?
  7. 2023-11-27 12:08:09.476530682 [INFO] Preparing go2rtc config... 2023-11-27 12:08:10.481179811 [INFO] Starting go2rtc... 2023-11-27 12:08:10.580649110 12:08:10.580 INF go2rtc version 1.2.0 linux/amd64 2023-11-27 12:08:10.581225710 12:08:10.581 INF [api] listen addr=:1984 2023-11-27 12:08:10.581607540 12:08:10.581 INF [rtsp] listen addr=:8554 2023-11-27 12:08:10.581993904 12:08:10.581 INF [srtp] listen addr=:8443 2023-11-27 12:08:10.582342250 12:08:10.582 INF [webrtc] listen addr=:8555 2023-11-27 12:08:19.577191038 [INFO] Starting go2rtc healthcheck service...
  8. So this is intersting... when I restart Frigate, I don't see any errors for about an hour, and then I get flooded with ffmpeg errors. I have attached the logs as a txt file as it is pretty long. Not sure if this is my identification issue, but it can't be helping. frigate_errors.txt
  9. Understood... I guess if you could give me some guidance on what to look for that would be preventing the species identification, I would appreciate it.
  10. The errors are gone, but the bird species are still not being identified.
  11. It’s always the little things that get me ;-)
  12. I made the changes, but am still getting lots of errors: 2023-11-24 14:19:49.675441963 [INFO] Starting Frigate... 2023-11-24 14:19:52.412526156 [2023-11-24 14:19:52] frigate.app INFO : Starting Frigate (0.12.1-367d724) 2023-11-24 14:19:52.510022406 [2023-11-24 14:19:52] peewee_migrate INFO : Starting migrations 2023-11-24 14:19:52.546997821 [2023-11-24 14:19:52] peewee_migrate INFO : There is nothing to migrate 2023-11-24 14:19:52.687207281 [2023-11-24 14:19:52] frigate.app INFO : Output process started: 2264 2023-11-24 14:19:52.695841386 [2023-11-24 14:19:52] detector.coral INFO : Starting detection process: 2262 2023-11-24 14:19:52.717823683 [2023-11-24 14:19:52] frigate.detectors.plugins.edgetpu_tfl INFO : Attempting to load TPU as usb 2023-11-24 14:19:52.780520737 [2023-11-24 14:19:52] frigate.app INFO : Camera processor started for birdcam: 2268 2023-11-24 14:19:52.799918688 [2023-11-24 14:19:52] frigate.app INFO : Capture process started for birdcam: 2269 2023-11-24 14:19:53.802704985 [2023-11-24 14:19:53] frigate.video ERROR : birdcam: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process. 2023-11-24 14:19:53.803238872 [2023-11-24 14:19:53] frigate.video ERROR : birdcam: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread... 2023-11-24 14:19:55.995242362 [2023-11-24 14:19:55] frigate.detectors.plugins.edgetpu_tfl INFO : TPU found 2023-11-24 14:20:12.971534027 [2023-11-24 14:20:12] watchdog.birdcam ERROR : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for birdcam. 2023-11-24 14:20:12.987080852 [2023-11-24 14:20:12] watchdog.birdcam ERROR : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit. 2023-11-24 14:20:12.987101206 [2023-11-24 14:20:12] ffmpeg.birdcam.detect ERROR : [NULL @ 0x558b766e7080] Unable to find a suitable output format for 'preset-record-ubiquity' 2023-11-24 14:20:12.987110986 [2023-11-24 14:20:12] ffmpeg.birdcam.detect ERROR : preset-record-ubiquity: Invalid argument 2023-11-24 14:20:13.833322204 [2023-11-24 14:20:13] frigate.video ERROR : birdcam: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process. 2023-11-24 14:20:13.833874954 [2023-11-24 14:20:13] frigate.video ERROR : birdcam: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread... 2023-11-24 14:20:23.003874587 [2023-11-24 14:20:23] watchdog.birdcam ERROR : Ffmpeg process crashed unexpectedly for birdcam. 2023-11-24 14:20:23.020641863 [2023-11-24 14:20:23] watchdog.birdcam ERROR : The following ffmpeg logs include the last 100 lines prior to exit. 2023-11-24 14:20:23.020658577 [2023-11-24 14:20:23] ffmpeg.birdcam.detect ERROR : [rtsp @ 0x55dd07c67f40] DTS discontinuity in stream 1: packet 11 with DTS 81641146250828, packet 12 with DTS 81641146254016 2023-11-24 14:20:23.020667740 [2023-11-24 14:20:23] ffmpeg.birdcam.detect ERROR : [NULL @ 0x55dd07cecf40] Unable to find a suitable output format for 'preset-record-ubiquity' 2023-11-24 14:20:23.020675941 [2023-11-24 14:20:23] ffmpeg.birdcam.detect ERROR : preset-record-ubiquity: Invalid argument 2023-11-24 14:20:23.871868736 [2023-11-24 14:20:23] frigate.video ERROR : birdcam: Unable to read frames from ffmpeg process. 2023-11-24 14:20:23.873335948 [2023-11-24 14:20:23] frigate.video ERROR : birdcam: ffmpeg process is not running. exiting capture thread...
  13. I think that the upgrade caused the issue, but I am not sure how to fix it? ERROR : rtsps:// Invalid data found when processing
  14. So there actually was a change. I am using a Ubiquity UniFi camera and they just upgraded their software. I made this assumption when I noticed that the frigate logs have a lot of errors about reading the camera feed. I'll dig a little deeper and see if I can figure it out.
  15. No changes... the only error that I see in the logs are: INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK delegate for CPU. WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
  16. Recently, my Frigate/WhosAtMyFeeder installation quit identifying the bird species. Frigate logs ~50 "birds" every day, but they are no longer categorized by species. Is there something I need to look at to get this working again? v/r Jon
  17. So, if I unlock the Docker screen, drag the empty folders to the top, then click on them, "Remove" is now an option. Thanks for pointing that out!
  18. Thus, how do I delete an empty folder?
  19. So I figured out the issue... if the folder is empty, the you don't get the "Remove" option:
  20. So I have the latest release of FolderView (2023.11.04) installed on UR 6.12.4. I have a couple of empty folders that I would like to delete, but when I click on them, I do not see a "remove" option. I have also gone into "edit", but I don't see an option to delete it there either. How do you delete folders in this version?
  21. If anyone else is having an issue with the MQTT package, try using the "mosquitto" package from imagegenius's Repository.
  22. @yayitazale yea, I was thinking that it is a MQTT issue, but was hoping that another Frigate user might have run across it and found a solution. The permissions appear to be fine: RW RW RW, so I'm not sure why it is having write issues. Anyway, I have posted in the MQTT forum as well. If I can get it resolved, I'll put the solution here in case someone else has the issue too.
  23. So I had a power outage, and some data corruption. I ended up having to reinstall Frigate, MQTT, and go2rtc. Frigate appears to be working, but I am notincing MQTT errors in both the MQTT and Frigate logs: MQTT Saving in-memory database to /config/data/mosquitto.db. Error saving in-memory database, unable to open /config/data/mosquitto.db.new for writing. Error: Permission denied. Frigate 2023-10-25 09:02:43.544108757 [2023-10-25 09:02:43] frigate.comms.mqtt ERROR : Unable to publish to birdcam/all: client is not connected 2023-10-25 09:02:49.293686075 [2023-10-25 09:02:49] frigate.comms.mqtt ERROR : Unable to publish to birdcam/motion: client is not connected 2023-10-25 09:03:53.810229650 [2023-10-25 09:03:53] frigate.comms.mqtt ERROR : Unable to publish to stats: client is not connected 2023-10-25 09:04:57.212057130 [2023-10-25 09:04:57] frigate.comms.mqtt ERROR : Unable to publish to stats: client is not connected 2023-10-25 09:06:00.600421374 [2023-10-25 09:06:00] frigate.comms.mqtt ERROR : Unable to publish to stats: client is not connected I checked the permissions for /config/data/mosquitto.db.new and they are 666, so anyone should be able to write to it. Again, Frigate appears to be working fine, but I would like to get rid of these errors, if possible.
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