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Everything posted by emkab

  1. btw the functioning drives already have data of the same shares as the unstable drive on them
  2. hi, i am trying to get rid of an unstable drive and was wondering if i can merge all data in it to the other drives? p.s. this is pretty urgent as drive is only online for a short while every few hours/days
  3. Attached is a .txt file containing the error I get looped. error.txt
  4. I tried to set up ombi using MySQL(MariaDB), but i constantly get errors after the first few minutes of the logs being clear(no webui though).
  5. hmm, it seems everywhere apart from chrome mobile i get either NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID or NET:ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
  6. btw it gives me this error: NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID
  7. weirdly, any crafty image i download for unraid, 3 or 4, binhex or not, seems to give me a privacy error when i try to open the webui.. is there any known solution to this?
  8. Hi, I wonder if I can execute a command to a docker container's console using a script? And if so how would I go about achieving this?
  9. i cannot access mineos remotely with port forwarding, is this even possible?
  10. fixed it, i think it was caused by two things: 1. path was stupid, for everyone struggling as well, remember to put your downloads in a share and not in appdata. 2. i THINK (not sure) that qbittorrent was reporting the downloads folder to sonarr as the 'incomplete torrents' path instead of the normal downloads, so i made sure to make them point to the same path
  11. Sonarr is stuck on 'downloaded - waiting to import' it seemed to randomly import 1 episode and then stopped working.. i think i MIGHT have the paths set up correctly but i'm not sure and cant seem to find a solid tutorial. the downloaded icon is blue and not orange so i guess that's good, i'm not getting any errors.. i tried to make qbittorrent add all downloads to their own subfolders and i think that might've helped?? basically i would like some help.. BTW, ignore everything related to agents of shield in the log file, i deleted those paths manually. myip8989_logfile_sonarr.txt.pdf
  12. didn't work, but i don't think anything will as i just found out nordvpn does not support port forwarding.. whoop.
  13. I just finished setting it up with nordvpn, but i cant access the webui with vpn on.
  14. Also, after redownloading the os, i can now access the webgui from the server with 'localhost', BUT i still cannot ping or get a trial key.
  15. UPDATE: i just re downloaded unraid to my flash drive, Still isnt working tower-diagnostics-20220512-0913.zip
  16. I can't ping it locally, it cant ping, I cant access the web gui even from the unraid OS in a GUI boot..