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Green Dragon

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Everything posted by Green Dragon

  1. Hiya! I am attempting to run Emilien-Lamberts script to restore an ubuntu VM. I have several good backups to choose from. The problem is that my dumb@$$ used spaces in the name so the script is not creating the restore directory properly nor does it appear to find the backup files: ################################################# Make sure the informations is correct this script does not check errors. Please check this before continuing. 1) On the dashboard, delete your VM if it still exists ('Remove VM & Disks)' 2) Make sure all VMs are shut down' 3) Make sure your VMs Manager is turned ON before launching this operation. (settings => VM Manager => Enable VMs: Yes) ################################################# Enter path of virtual machine backup folder, for eg: /mnt/user/John-Doe/my_backup_folder ... Path without the last / like this: /mnt/user/PATH_BACKUP_FOLDER Path of backup folder: /mnt/user/backups/vms/Ubuntu\ (bbs\ website) ################################################# Enter name of virtual machine, like: Ubuntu Name of vm folder: Ubuntu (bbs website) ################################################# Enter date of backup, for eg: 20220124_0200_Ubuntu (bbs website).xml 20220124_0200_vdisk1.img or .zst ... Date like this: 20220124_0200 Date of backup: 20221120_0630 ################################################# Checking information : Your backup path is: /mnt/user/backups/vms/Ubuntu (bbs website) Your vm name is: Ubuntu (bbs website) Your backup date is: 20221120_0630 Are You Sure? [Y/n] y Creation VM folder in domains directory mkdir /mnt/user/domains/Ubuntu (bbs website) mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/mnt/user/domains/Ubuntu’: File exists mkdir: cannot create directory ‘(bbs’: File exists mkdir: cannot create directory ‘website)’: File exists !!! Backup file not found !!! root@GothamCity:/mnt/user/backups/Unraid-VM-Backup-Plugin-Restoration-Script# Any thoughts on how can I get past this? Thanks!
  2. Hiya! I am having a problem with an ubuntu vm pausing after about 10 or 15 minutes. Here are some particulars: three vms currently running (1 win2k3 sp2, 1 ubuntu v22.04.1, 1 ubuntu v22.04.1) only one of the ubuntu vms are pausing domain share is on an xfs 1TB ssd with 832GB free all vdisks are confirmed to be on the 1TB ssd the pausing vm has a 20GB disc with 13GB allocated (the other two vms have 50GB discs) Thoughts?
  3. Well, I disabled my serial adapter, reset the default windows COM port to 1 and tried to install the qemu guest agent. Same error, 'A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected'... Realized I didn't have SP2 installed so I did that. No joy... Still getting the error.
  4. Same error after installing the serial driver. It should be noted that I changed the default COM port to 12. This vm hosts a bulletin board system (bbs) so the default COM port is remapped in order that the netserial adapter (IP to COM) can operate over COM ports 3 and 4. I'll disable the driver, reset the COM port and see if this works.
  5. Well, unfortunately thats a bust. Im getting a fatal error trying to install the msi. 'A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected'... <sigh>...
  6. Aaaah, Thanks! So, for a windows server 2003 vm I need to install a qemu client from within the vm desktop?
  7. Where are the following scripts located? 'disklocation.sh, fix.common.problems.sh, logrotate, user.script.start.daily.sh' Can they be edited?
  8. Hiya! I'm configuring vm backups using the vm backup plugin and I want to enable snapshots. When I do I find the following recommendation: "IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended that you install the qemu guest agent on your VMs before using snapshots to ensure the integrity of your backups." As Im unfamiliar with vm backups I have no idea what this is suggesting. I looked in the configuration for the vm and see nothing related to qemu and the only installable community app i find is qemubackup which does not clearly indicate that its what I'm looking for. Any assistance, education, or clarification would be greatly appreciated!
  9. Hiya! I created a new Windows Server 2003 VM to run my bbs on. The default iso creates a serial port (com1). This causes problems with my port translator. Can I disable this in the configuration so that the port never shows up in device manager? Thanks!
  10. Hiya! After connecting this usb drive to a vm I am able to access it from within the vm. However, when I shut the vm down i see a greyed out reboot button after the drive. Why and what is this, please? Thanks!
  11. Hiya! I provisioned a certificate then enabled https and https redirect. Using all available links on the management access page I get 'Not secure'. Here is my config: Thoughts?
  12. i5 10400 Should be more than enough for this....
  13. Thanks for the response and advice! Does having dual parity necessarily decrease the transfer rates on array transfers over single parity?
  14. I do have turbo write enabled. Tested both with and without. Sadly, the results are no different...
  15. Hiya! I'm transferring 3TB from one array drive to another using the unbalance plugin (basically rsync). All drives are 8TB WD RED 3.5". I have two parity drives in my array. I'm averaging about 50MB/s transfer rate. This seems incredibly slow... Thoughts?
  16. Is anyone using this adapter? I bought one and have installed and configured it for raid1. I'm seeing that UnRaid is not able to get temperature info and caching was initially disabled. I manually enabled caching on the drive and have not seen the error again. I'll be testing it with non-critical data for the near future. Any help would be appreciated!
  17. I have multiple GPUs. i5 10400 and NVidia 1050 (see image) When setting up the Plex Container and adding the --device=/dev/dri should I use /dev/dri/card? to select the card I wish to use? If i leave /card? off will Plex just select card0? Thanks!
  18. Hiya! I am setting up Plex with quicksync and I see two cards: What should I make of this? (hardware in signature) Thanks!
  19. Thank you! That sounds much easier. I've read and watched many videos which indicate that new drives should be PreCleared at least once, some say multiple times. Is this a personal decision to skip PreClearing of new drives? Because two of these drives are new and the other two have been sitting on the shelf for a few years I've elected to PreClear all four. Once this has completed I will perform the New Config process as you suggested. Thank you!
  20. Hiya! I recently completed set up and testing of my first UnRaid server. I have four 2TB drives making up the test array. I don't have more than a few hundred MB of data on drive 1 and no data on drive 2 or drive 3. I want to replace the parity drive and drive 3 with 8TB drives. What is the most efficient way to do this? There is no data on any of these drives that it would bother me to lose. Here is what I'm thinking: STOP the array Replace the drives PreClear both drives (concurrently)? Assign the drives Start the array Could it be this simple? I have two additional 8TB drives I will be moving off of my NAS once this task is completed and the NAS data migrated to UnRaid. Thanks!
  21. Yes, thank you! I have edited the speed and size indicators on the OP to spell them out more clearly. I've been watching others test speeds but failed to consider their LAN speeds. I suppose the best I can hope for with the current setup is a relative 100MB/s transfer to nvme and the normal drop off to the spinners to abt 85MB/s. Really thought I had something broken! Thanks again!!!
  22. Hiya! New UnRaid user; I've been testing file transfer on my new implementation. I setup cache and array shares (see image) and mapped in Windows Explorer. When I test moving a 5 gigabyte file from workstation to the shares I'm averaging abt 95 megabytes per second to BOTH shares. Here are the test system specs: 1) Intel i5-10400 on an ASUS TUF Z490+ motherboard 2) 32 gigabytes DDR4 RAM @3200 3) Three disk array of 2 terrabyte WD Red 3.5 on motherboard sata 4) One WD Red SN700 NVME on the motherboard 5) Workstation drive is ssd I have confirmed the ethernet connection from Workstation <-> UnRaid Server is @ 1 gigabit per second. Additionally, I have confirmed 1 gigagit per second internet speedtests from both the workstation and the UnRaid Server. Thoughts?
  23. Hiya! After testing, I'm loving the platform and ready to purchase my first license. I notice that the license is tied to the specific USB thumbdrive used at the time of registration. My concern is that I used an old inexpensive thumbdrive for testing that will eventually (probably sooner than later) fail. What is the process to recover when, in future, that drive fails? I have a backup of this thumbdrive stored safely with my cloud backup provider. Is it as simple as restoring that backup to a new thumbdrive and booting with it? Thanks!
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