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Everything posted by tomtsang

  1. I believed DDNS-API solution (Docker) should be workable for you. And below comments just tells what I'd like to share, with no offenses. I agreed but not all to this point, actually... there might be some out-of-control issues, when someone wants to get a special name, like [name], it's not fair to others who wants the same name sometimes... Or...someone wants a different name instead of the username of this forums. BTW, as we know, we can access to My Server Plugins page and then access to our unraid server by clicking 'local access' or 'remote access', no need to remember the address [ip+hash], so I think DDNS-API solution of which a domain that owned by end-user, or the automatic generated [hash] should be more equitable.
  2. I'd say, it should be asking the developers instead of posting in the forums... BTW, have just read some of the docs from, but seems there's no such guiding documents regarding how to disable loggings...😂
  3. Is there a Lan-to-Lan or dial-in VPN connection between your house's networks & the office?
  4. 取消快速啟動、修改啟動EFI類型為其它系統
  5. FSCK REC= File System Check Record,非正常關機磁盤掃描修復記錄文件,直接刪除就可以了,不過你要留意下U盤和硬盤是不是要出問題了。 503錯誤。。。你是不是裝了nginx reverse proxy manage?如果是,檢查conf文件proxy_set_header Host "xxxx"行有沒錯誤。。。
  6. 這個時候本地DNS和hosts的作用就不同了,修改本地DNS就像改變搜尋引擎(例如從百度改成谷歌來搜尋資訊),最終由DNS伺服器檢索目標域名並解析為IP位址,到達目標地址。而修改hosts,如果hosts中有對應的域名和IP,就可以跳過DNS請求,直達目標地址;但是一旦域名目標IP有變,就會返回由DNS伺服器進行檢索。所以修改本地DNS是沒有任何作用。。。
  7. 同意!就好像微軟的Windows和各類Server系統一樣,買licence只管激活,不包部署、安裝等
  8. 之前也有人發過相似的問題帖,你是從開心版轉正的盤吧?重新做啟動盤吧...
  9. 這個是一個歷史遺留問題,github的DNS被污染導致。但是坊間有很多大佬做了國內源(但不能是否實時同步github),自己動手改成國內源鏡像,或者改hosts、翻!
  10. 在刪除容器重裝前,要先到 "/mnt/user/appdata" 和 "/var/lib/docker/containers" 目錄下,刪除對應名稱和哈希值的文件夾(對應名稱文件夾好認,哈希值文件夾要進去打開查看config.v2.json的內容確認是否對應,如下圖所示有 "jellyfin" 字樣)
  11. 同意! 安裝File Manager插件,然後在共享裡修改所有者(owner)為該帳戶就可以執行修改、刪除等權限。
  12. 試試以下方法: 進入編輯容器狀態,點右上角 "BASIC VIEW" 右邊的開關,令它變成 "ADVANCED VIEW" >>>>>>> 然後在 "Post Arguments:" 右邊的空位上填上 "config set --cert /path/ssl.crt --key /path/ssl.key",紅字部分為你CA證書的絕對路徑(包括路徑和文件名稱)
  13. 這個現象通常都是更換了硬件,但更換之前沒有停用VMs導致
  14. 6.11.5已經內置Perl並且棄用NerdPack 你試試卸載NerdPack,安裝NerdTools就不會出錯了
  15. 你是從開心版轉正的盤吧?重新做啟動盤吧...
  16. 還有一個重新安裝U盤的方法:先把USB裏面的 /config/xxx.key 檔案複製出來,保存在電腦中。全新重做USB啟動盤後再複製回 /config/ 檔案目錄下,插在NUC上開機啟動即可。 PS:以上兩種方法均會丟失原先已安裝好的 plugins,建議:
  17. 將原來的USB插在NUC上開機應該就可以正常啟動並不會影響原有激活。 如果擔心驅動問題,可以重新做U盤系統,開機後登陸進入My Server Dashboard,右鍵點"Download registration key"複製鏈接, 再回來本地unRaid WebUI - "Tools - Registration - Install Key - Key file URL",把剛才複製的鏈接粘貼進去,然後點擊"INSTALL KEY", 然後重新啟動unRaid即可!
  18. I found it today while I was about to access my server from right top corner, I didn’t notice that until today, either… it’s just a minor issue, but not affecting at all, btw.
  19. Screen Recording 2022-12-14 at Hi, @ljm42 It's me again... Found an issue that at the right top corner where My Server plugin located, the 'Identification -> Server name' comes after 'Identification -> Description' would not be shown unless refreshing the webui page, then it's gone after that... I've tried restarting the api, reboot the server... not working, either. api report tells the status without errors.
  20. 先从Main页面停止阵列,然后去 Tools -> New Config -> Preserve current assignments: -> All disks -> Apply 然后回去 Main -> Array Devices -> Parity (选回原来的校验盘,顺序不能调,要记下原来的顺序) 再调数据盘顺序 Main -> Array Devices -> Disk (重新调Disk 1-6顺序) 最后在下面的 Array Operation -> Start 重新启动阵列即可
  21. Update completed! Thanks for the hard working all the time.