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Everything posted by spants

  1. This is how I got my version of Node-Red running on docker on Unraid.. What is Node-Red? Please have a look at http://Nodered.org and http://www.techrepublic.com/article/node-red/ (spoiler, it is an amazing application to enable the Internet of Things. I use it to monitor sensors around my house and to send alerts to my phones using PushBullet). First of all, create a Dockerfile containing: # Dockerfile for Node-RED - pulls latest master code from git #FROM ubuntu:12.04 FROM phusion/baseimage:0.9.11 # based on the original by @cpswan MAINTAINER ceejay # some changes by Spants # add universe repository to /etc/apt/sources.list # we need it later as rlwrap is required by node.js #RUN sed -i s/main/'main universe'/ /etc/apt/sources.list # make sure everything is up to date - update and upgrade RUN apt-get update -y # RUN apt-get upgrade -y # install dependencies #RUN apt-get install python-software-properties python g++ make software-properties-common wget curl unzip git -y RUN apt-get install python-software-properties wget curl unzip git -y # add node.js repo RUN add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js -y # another update so added repo can be used RUN apt-get update # install node.js RUN apt-get install nodejs -y --force-yes # download latest node-red RUN cd /opt && git clone https://github.com/node-red/node-red.git # remove some nodes RUN cd /opt/node-red/nodes/core && rm -rf hardware deprecated RUN cd /opt/node-red/nodes/core/io && rm -f 25-serial* # install node-red node_modules RUN cd /opt/node-red && npm install --production && npm install eyes js2xmlparser pushbullet fs.notify # add extra nodes project so we have the lot just in case. RUN cd /opt/node-red/nodes && git clone https://github.com/node-red/node-red-nodes.git # expose port EXPOSE 1880 # Set the default command to execute # when creating a new container CMD /usr/bin/node /opt/node-red/red.js -v /config/flow.json I changed the base image to match my use, added the /config and also added pushbullet Save this file to a directory on your unraid system Build the image/container: From this directory: docker build --tag="nodered” . (dont forget the trailing . !) and then: (/mnt/disk9/appdata/nodered is my data directory for node-red) docker run -d --name nodered -p 1880:1880 -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -v /mnt/disk9/appdata/nodered:/config:rw nodered Then check if it is running with (change the IP to suit!) I don't know how to make a template, sorry. ** Just one gotcha, you will get an error if you change a flow and deploy. If you delete the flow from the disk then deploy it will work ok. I don't know why yet. ** Tony ** edit added --force-yes to nodejs install line **
  2. Is it just me? The problems are especially bad at night (UK Time) I guess when the USA is awake. Other sites seem ok....
  3. I can rename the directory but get permission denied trying to remove these files... tried chown/chattr and looked at "BTRFS subvol delete" but they are still there with Permission denied error. I had remove my original docker directory after cloning a drive into the array (6b7)... The original cache drive started to show errors. However, I cannot clear up the copy of the drive... :-( Any ideas?
  4. is it still quicker to not install the parity for initial load and add that later? This might help. Do a checksum or use teracopy (if windows) to confirm accurate copy
  5. I would fork this to a thread on its own and do a harder sell than that (with screenshots). Most people have no clue about MusicBrainz and Picard goodness and even the ones that do (me) have no clue why I would want to run a server for it. fork fork fork.. sell sell sell I get you!... I'm fed up with the '503 errors' when querying my 30000+ songs
  6. I would love to see a MusicBrainz server running in a docker - to work with the headphones docker. Here is one on the docker site: https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/rickatnight11/musicbrainz-server/
  7. memtest over night would be my first call 2) check the cables to the drive...I had a dodgy power cable that was intermittent
  8. I want to do something similar. In theory, the way is to set up a client on unraid and use iptables to do the routing based on destination. However, in practice I am not sure how to do it!
  9. spants


    Thanks for doing this. I do have a problem with the images for items that I click on - eg Movie poster. I had this before and it seemed to be a permissions problem - spotweb couldnt save the image to disk in the temporary/cache? directory. I dont know how to fix for a docker file. Also, could this be based on the Phusion docker base? cheers Tony
  10. Looking forward to hearing more about this!
  11. Just used LaSi to setup spotweb on the Tretflix appliance: https://github.com/Mar2zz/LaSi Had to do a couple of minor fixes due to permissions (db settings, db user, create cache dir) but it went smoothly. For new systems using Ubuntu, this looks like a nice way to get running quickly! LaSi: Lazy admin Scripted installers # Authors: Mar2zz, Kriss1981 and Jeroenve # url: mar2zz.tweakblogs.net # url: http://synology.brickman.nl/ # url: https://github.com/Kriss1981 # License: GNU GPL v3 # # please report bugs/issues @ # https://github.com/Mar2zz/LaSi/issues The purpose of the main script LaSi.sh is to download the installer for your system and show a menu in the terminal. This menu presents some info about installable programs and those programs can be installed from this menu. INSTALL: Download LaSi.sh @ http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18712538/LaSi/LaSi.sh Make it executable (sudo chmod +x LaSi.sh on Debian*/freeBSD* or chmod +x LaSi.sh on Synology) USAGE: When choosing a program LaSi will show some info about it and the option to install it. If choice is install program X LaSi will install the latest versions of those programs. The installation is question driven. The goal is to create a simple way to install programs that are not inside repo's, but for example only on Github or googlecode. The programs I chose are mainly written for media entertainment and centered around Sabnzbd and postprocessing. They work best on headless linuxservers or dedicated linux HTPC's. For all program's daemons will be enabled so they will run @ boot. Those programs can be uninstalled with sudo apt-get remove (or purge) programname. Beets and subliminal can be uninstalled with sudo pip uninstall programname. Programs supported: * Beets -- Musicmanager (pip install) URL: http://beets.radbox.org * CouchPotato -- Moviedownloader (git) URL: http://couchpotatoapp.com/ * Headphones -- Musicdownloader (git) URL: https://github.com/rembo10/headphones.git * Mediafrontpage -- HTPC Organizer (git) URL: http://mediafrontpage.net * Sabnzbdplus -- NZB downloader URL: http://sabnzbd.org * SickBeard -- TV Showdownloader (git) URL: http://sickbeard.com/ * Spotweb -- Dutch usenetcommunity (git) https://github.com/spotweb/spotweb * Subliminal -- Subtitle searcher (pip install) URL: https://github.com/Diaoul/subliminal * Transmission -- Torrent client (apt) URL: http://www.transmissionbt.com/ * XBMC -- HTPC software (apt) URL: http://www.xbmc.org
  12. spants


    I use the tretflix appliance which had both as options. As a long term sickbeard user I was worried about the change but quickly switched to nzbdrone....
  13. I used the vbox converter as mentioned perviously. I also used a mac but it is available for windows too.... https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads re your other question: CIF shares are samba ie windows shares - works nice and easy! from the steps above: 1) you need to extract the VMDK disk image from Tretfilx.ova. In linux you would usethe command: "tar xvf Tretfilx.ova" to do this. I think 7-zip in windows can extract it? 2) convert the VMDK file to raw by using VBoxManage - "VBoxManage clonehd Tretflix....-disk1.vmdk Tretflix...-disk1.raw -format RAW" 3) copy to a directory on your cache-only domains share on the unRAID box (mine lives at /mnt/cache/domains/tretflix) 4) create a simple tretflix.cfg file. Mine is using 3.5GB ram (adjust to suit) name = "Tretflix" bootloader = "pygrub" memory = 3608 vcpus = 4 disk = [ 'phy:/mnt/cache/domains/Tretflix/Tretflix-v1.3_x64-NAS-disk1.raw,xvda,w', ] vif = [ 'mac=00:16:3e:01:01:02,bridge=br0' ] bootloader = "pygrub" 5) you can then use xenmanager to add this to extentions tab (dont autostart until you are happy!) (see announcements forum for Beta4 for syntax) 6) setup treflix by starting it manually (see tretflix.com) - I can help you if you get stuck
  14. I dont have any problems with shares. I do have a problem with Plex being visible outside my LAN - my port forwarding doesnt seem to work. Same hardware worked before the move to unraid6. SOLVED: port fowarding issues solved! Silly me. I have a BT HomeHub 3 modem with my Router on the DMZ of the modem as the router has better funtionality. However, the Modem dmz is by Name not IP address. When I upgraded the Router s/w, the name changed!. Might explain why my openvpn server doesnt work as well!
  15. I just had this error: rcu sched self detected stall on CPU[7] t=xxx jiffies g=xxx c=xxx q=xxx sending NMI to all CPU's xen: vector 0x2 is not implemented after the system had been running for an hour or two. B3 ran fine. (i7, 6GB ram, xen with 4gb for tretflix vm) I will make the changes suggested Tony
  16. Hi - I had all this in my post #21 above...
  17. My vm is on the cache drive in the xen cache-only share. My Media is on my unraid protected disks and mounted inside tretflix The only thing I am concerned about is that the plex data directory is within the tretflix vm and this could get quite large. All-in-all, it is working extremely well. Re adding spotweb/mysql to tretflix - I didnt bother in the end. I decided to beef up the nzb searches. I was using xbmc but I am now favouring Plex for most media. It runs on low cost/power devices and is wife friendly. The xbmc clients are now in standalone mode. Next to explore, getting OpenVPN client installed on tretflix...
  18. Upgraded from 5.0.3 to 6/xen and installed crashplan and now tretflix. I'm not sure how to set the paths correctly: === My old system === I have my sabnzbd downloads pointing to /mnt/user/downloads for plex: music = /mnt/user/music videos = /mnt/user/videos/films, /mnt/user/videos/HD films, /mnt/user/videos/HD films2 tv = /mnt/user/videos/TV ================== Any pointers? Cheers Tony edit: found out - it was quite easy! tretflix shares add cifs downloads -u user pass tretflix shares add cifs Music -u user pass tretflix shares add cifs Photos -u user pass tretflix shares add cifs Videos -u user pass then tretflix storage set share /mnt/ =============== I wish it had mysql and spotweb installed, that is the only thing that I am missing now (unless I can get a good news indexer invite...) .... Thanks dawiki and tret for your pointers on here
  19. Maybe your download is corrupted? You can check the md5sum of the download zip file against the value on the Downloads page. Hi Tom, I now checked the md5 from the download I used for my 2 usb keys and the md5 value matches from the download. Anything I can do? STrange thing I used the same usb key in another PC and there it booted fine without these funny symbols. Could this motherboard have a problem with xen? this is the details from the working one Motherboard: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. - X48-DQ6 CPU: Intel® Core2 Quad CPU Speed: 2.133 GHz Cache: 64 kB, 4096 kB Memory: 6144 MB (max. 4 GB) Network: eth0: 1000Mb/s - Full Duplex Connections: Zero Uptime: I had something similar on a server recently....my (very old) video card was on its way out. I found this after I had sent the motherboard out and paid a "fault not found" penalty I replaced the the video card and all was good. Tony
  20. Excellent videos, thank you. A few of questions, if I may... 1) Would it be worth waiting for the external /home tweak or can this be changed on the vm later? 2) As the VM will be living on a cache drive, how would you back it up in case of disk failure? (especially if it is in use) 3) In the scenarios above, could the home directory be on the raid and a script on a blank VM reinstall the apps and link to the settings in /home rather than backing up the vm? Many thanks for your work on this! Tony
  21. Looking forward to this!.. Would Crashplan work best inside the vm (as part of the repository) or should it be on the host?
  22. I would love to see the use of docker for "major" plugins rather than VMs. It just seems more elegant.
  23. Nice write up on the growing popularity of Docker http://techcrunch.com/2014/01/21/docker-raises-15m-for-popular-open-source-platform-designed-for-developers-to-build-apps-in-the-cloud
  24. Oh yes! Looks like the tools that I need... So a 64bit linux base with docker, unraidVM and this would be 90% of my requirements. Probably just crashplan (native install perhaps?) https://github.com/GeoffreyPlitt/docker-pirateship ================================= A pirate ship built on Docker. This project pulls several Docker'fied downloading tools and runs them in a Vagrant VM. Tools included: CouchPotato via https://github.com/GeoffreyPlitt/docker-couchpotato Headphones via https://github.com/GeoffreyPlitt/docker-headphones NZBmegasearcH via https://github.com/GeoffreyPlitt/docker-megasearch Sabnzbd via https://github.com/GeoffreyPlitt/docker-sabnzb Sick Beard via https://github.com/GeoffreyPlitt/docker-sickbeard Usage: vagrant up Then go to: CouchPotato: http://localhost:5050 Headphones: http://localhost:8181 NZBmegasearcH: http://localhost:5000 Sabnzbd: http://localhost:8080 Sick Beard: http://localhost:8081
  25. The docker tutorial is great!... also check out this youtube video and think about how it could be used for the "packages" we install in unraid (shipyard looks useful!) Tony
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