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this is my commandline for the official docker for reference: (using a link to my MariaDB docker) docker run -d --name ownCloud -p 8000:80 -v /mnt/user/docker/appdata/owncloud/apps:/var/www/html/apps -v /mnt/user/docker/appdata/owncloud/config:/var/www/html/config -v /mnt/user/docker/ownclouddata:/var/www/html/data --link MariaDB:mysql owncloud:8.2.2
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
It is one of the suggestions that I am looking at .... Tony -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
I have removed googleadservices from the block list as a temporary measure. That's very good of you, don't know how other users will feel about it but thanks... It was catching me out with my kitchen build too!. -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
I have removed googleadservices from the block list as a temporary measure. If you can remove and redeploy it should be better for you. -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
Sure, I will be working on this Docker and hope to add user-defined block lists and logging to it. The next major release will be in a couple of weeks due to work commitments. Tony -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
Great news! - Thanks guys -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
I have just pushed a new version to dockerhub which uses the --bind-dynamic feature of DNSMASQ Can you try this? If that fails for you, I will change the pointer from to Again, I'm not sure why it only works on my system! regards Tony -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
It could be - I'm only running a few non-standard ones. Ahhh - Host Mode. It is the new default for the Template as it is slightly faster! -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
can you try completely removing the unRaid-hole using the docker manager, and then as root on Tower, type: docker run -d --name=unraid-hole -p 53:53/tcp -p 53:53/udp --cap-add=NET_ADMIN spants/unraid-hole and then, if that doesn't work: docker run -d --name="unRaid-Hole" --net="host" -e TZ="Europe/London" --cap-add=NET_ADMIN spants/unraid-hole ^^^ This is the new settings for unRaid-Hole, using Host mode for faster lookups My Network settings are attached, for reference. I have two nw cards but I am only using one. Thanks! Tony -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
Pulling image: spants/unraid-hole:latest IMAGE ID [latest]: Pulling from spants/unraid-hole. IMAGE ID [340b2f9a2643]: Pulling fs layer. <snip> IMAGE ID [0752514b4a91]: Extracting. Pull complete. IMAGE ID [cbbe3318f326]: Extracting. Pull complete. Already exists. Digest: sha256:27e5abac0fc87ea1565e63f1c610caa872409cb97484c043cf3bc0f5bb31824e. Status: Downloaded newer image for spants/unraid-hole:latest. TOTAL DATA PULLED: 8 MB Command: root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="unRaid-Hole" --net="bridge" -e TZ="Europe/London" -p 53:53/tcp -p 53:53/udp --cap-add=NET_ADMIN spants/unraid-hole 93c6d025391ac856998f86cb1e0cc1aed3be73dc5f3ccf570f43653767f3ccd8 The command finished successfully! What other dockers are you using? And what version of unRaid ( I am on 6.1.6) -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
Can this be configured to do .lan internal dns as well? Also split dns would be nice, so you could use the same names internally and externally for published services on your lan. I dont think so. It is using a blacklist for dns calls rather than acting as a dns server -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
I have just published unRaid-hole to my docker repository..... This doesn't use the same lists as Pi-Hole but it works the same way - just point your DNS addresses to your unRaid tower and it will forward the valid requests via Googles DNS servers and drop the rubbish ones.... These are the lists that it uses: #advertising #malware #browser exploits #fraud #spammers #browser hijackers #misleading marketing (fake flash updates, similar trash) #illegal pharmacy sites (fake viagra spam?) #phishing sites It is based on but will have lots of unRaid goodies soon! -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
It might cause problems with Nodes that have dependancies. -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
Great - lets see if he fixes that file quickly - if not I will do a workaround. I'm thinking of having an external text file with the required Nodes that gets loaded on restart. That way we can add Nodes without me rebuilding it. Will update soon.... -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
I have notified the maintainer of that Node as I am doing a standard npm install for the Nodes. Were there any other dependancies ? (did you also have to do: npm install eibd) -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
I have now updated the version to v0.12.4. I had a problem with the EIBD node that you requested - a strange error in the .js file for that Node. Do you have it working elsewhere? -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
I have pushed an update to NodeRed v0.12.4 today! -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
I recently updated the docker with the node-red-contrib-npm node to allow you to add npm modules to the flow without a separate install: However this might only work for simple modules. Can you send me the Nodes that you need and I will add them for you. I am also working on an update to this docker to allow you to easily add your own.... Tony -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
not as simple as I had hoped - getting an error adding odbc to the dockerfile so it will need me to take a look in detail.... -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
Looks interesting - I can't promise anything quickly as I'm porting my Node-Red into the base and also working on some others...... -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
Strange.... The docker is built on base and uses environment variables to set the PGID and PUID to suit Unraid (check the advanced view). If you miss these variables you will get this problem. I always use the docker page to start and stop the docker. To add passwords, create a passwords.txt file - do not edit the passwords.mqtt directly. Info in passwords.README file. The way I use it - create the /config directory and everything should be setup. Stop the docker, create a passwords.txt and then start the docker. It will encrypt the passwords, add it to the top of passwords.mqtt and then delete passwords.txt. I have a lot of devices using it - hope it works for you If you have to use the cmdline, try the following: docker run -t -i --net="bridge" -p 1883:1883/tcp -p 9001:9001 -v /mnt/cache/app_config/mqtt/:/config:rw -e PGID=100 -e PUID=99 spants/mqtt -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
Be aware that Openweather map and nodes do not seem to work correctly on the latest NodeRed.... I use the following code in Node Red to get the current temperature instead: (copy and then Import) [{"id":"9e1f670b.61e098","type":"mqtt-broker","broker":"localhost","port":"1883","clientid":""},{"id":"8c7d3ed4.7382c","type":"function","name":"Outside Temp","func":"\nif (msg.payload == \"\" ) {\n\treturn null;\n\t}\n\nvar weather = JSON.parse(msg.payload); \n//msg1 = {topic:\"Buxted/sunrise\", payload:weather.sys.sunrise};\n//msg2 = {topic:\"Buxted/sunset\", payload:weather.sys.sunset};\nweathertemp = Math.round( weather.main.temp * 10 ) / 10;\nmsg = {topic:\"House/Temp/Outside\", payload:weathertemp};\nreturn msg;","outputs":"1","x":607.638916015625,"y":222.74993896484375,"z":"a4d9ce41.5b263","wires":[["bd4969.ff42b698"]]},{"id":"c950f21e.36af1","type":"http request","name":"Openweathermap","method":"GET","ret":"txt","url":",uk&units=metric","x":378.4167175292969,"y":222.08331298828125,"z":"a4d9ce41.5b263","wires":[["8c7d3ed4.7382c"]]},{"id":"9116d09f.6ee93","type":"inject","name":"1 Min Timer","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"60","crontab":"","once":false,"x":194.0000457763672,"y":221.77777099609375,"z":"a4d9ce41.5b263","wires":[["c950f21e.36af1"]]},{"id":"bd4969.ff42b698","type":"mqtt out","name":"","topic":"","qos":"1","retain":"true","broker":"9e1f670b.61e098","x":825,"y":223,"z":"a4d9ce41.5b263","wires":[]}] -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
Thanks for that - hopefully fixed now. -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
MQTT completely updated - latest Mosquitto version 1.4.3, password support and more. -
[support] Spants - NodeRed, MQTT, Dashing, couchDB
spants replied to spants's topic in Docker Containers
good catch on emoncms, I use it myself but missed it off the list. I will add it now. ***** now added ***** Thanks for the mosquitto hints. I have something in beta but will look at your notes. I need to add websockets support/ passwords and options for certificates Tony