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Everything posted by spants

  1. Strange, working fine on mine. Is it cached in your browser?
  2. Yes - please use the official docker version and install nodes through the Palette menu option. I can update my version if needed for some strange reason! Note: If you want to pass through a device from the host to the official docker, you may need to change the user that runs node red to root. For example, to use a usb-serial adaptor, I had to use for the Extra Parameters : --device=/dev/ttyACM0 --user=root Tony
  3. To use that app you would either need to install a Node.js container and install it in there or build a wrapper for the gui part of node red... Might be worth pinging the author and see if he has seen Node Red?
  4. unfortunately that is a straight Node.js app. It will need a wrapper to pull it into NodeRed
  5. Abolutely - serach for "node red sonos" - there are a few nodes out there
  6. New Node Red v0.15 is out :- http://nodered.org/blog/2016/10/11/version-0-15-released The NodeRed-officialdocker template will pull 0.15 (force if not showing update available). As this includes the function to add nodes to the palette, my version my become redundant :-). Please check your flows and see if you can add any dependancies using the officialdocker version that I created a template for and let me know! (note that in appdata directory for my version, I use "flow" in the file names. The official docker uses "flows" ..... rename the files... Use a test copy not your live copy for the migration testing. )
  7. i do the same. pihole uses port 80 unraid on 81 apache (spotweb and stuff) on 82 letsencrypt and proxy on 1962
  8. note that on the new template that I have changed the name from pihole-for-unraid to just pihole for the docker name. It now uses the base docker that I modified so my template is just a template for this (I dont need to build a docker anymore)
  9. Nice changes!.... I will update the template so that other people can use them. I have been trying the "pixelsrv-tls" and ab-solution adblock running on my router for a while which also works well!.
  10. not AFAIK. I was chatting with Dave CJ and Nick O'Leary at Thingmonk in London (we work for the same company....)
  11. Some nice Node Red enhancements (maybe!) .... Hopefully I wont have to build mine anymore..
  12. Just updated my custom NodeRed docker to v0.14.6 and added the template for the official NodeRed 0.14.6 docker image...... At the end of September - there will be some great announcements for NodeRed..... stay tuned!
  13. I have noticed that blacklists and whitelists are not saved, maybe a permission problem.. .. editing the files works...
  14. I guess that other dockers are running ok? That's strange as it just installs and runs ok for me. Not sure how to debug without logs. What version of UNRAID are you using? Tony
  15. I think so. As it is easy to setup, why not give it a go and let me know what you prefer. For disclosure- I don't use them as I have ad blocking on my router = http://www.snbforums.com/threads/beta-ab-solution-1-08-beta2-is-out.34021/
  16. Hi - thanks for trying it out. Please can you use this topic: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=50453.msg486072#msg486072 You will need to get the log from the docker itself = the notepad icon on the line of the docker (I think your log is from the main unraid log?)
  17. A quick way to install node-red-dashboard ..... 1. Stop the container 2. Delete node-red-contrib-ui from appdata/nodered/node-modules directory (your data directory) 3. Start Node Red 4. Use Admin tab to add node-red-dashboard This installs the latest v2 dashboard (Make sure you follow the steps above) Tony
  18. I dont think it is out yet on npm (or as an official release)... As soon as it is, it will be on here!
  19. I have pihole on 80, unraid on 81 and tvh on 9981 running successfully
  20. if the docker can run on a separate ip on the network then you wouldn't have to change the port. The problem is that the redirection of calls to ads is done via an ip address with no port info (uses dnsmasq).
  21. If you are using unRaid-hole, try the new pihole version (currently Beta) https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=50453.0
  22. See Spaceinvader One's setup video here: I wrote the template that pulls in the Official Docker Container from PiHole. I swapped over from my unofficial one a long time ago that that a fully supported version could be distributed. Make sure that your repository for pihole is = pihole/pihole:latest and not the old diginc repository. If you use the latest tag, you should have v 4.0.0-1. The release tags are here: https://hub.docker.com/r/pihole/pihole/tags/ The last update to the docker image was 12 days ago. Apparently you should not do an update within the docker image (that was what diginc said - although that may have changed) If you have a problem with the docker image, you should ask about it here: - https://discourse.pi-hole.net/ or on the github here:- https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/issues *** Updated Nov5 2017*** New Version2 of the Template for the pihole docker. ===== the text below may have been superseded, check the video first ==== NOTE: **** The directories have changed so that you will need to recreate your blacklist/whitelist. These are not overwritten so that you can find them in your original appdata folder. Use the admin front end to add them. *** This docker need ports 53 (dns) and 80 (web) to work correctly. Change your Unraid admin port to 81 or use the new Docker IP functionality in unraid v6.4 to give it its own ip address. Variables: ServerIP = IP address of the Docker(v6.4) or the unraid server that it is running on. DNS1/2 = The passthrough DNS Server (default = Google) IPV6 = Whether IPV6 is supported or not (default = False) TZ = Timezone for log rotation etc WEBPASSWORD = admin password for the web frontend (no morre ssh needed!) INTERFACE = Net interface that it should listen on (br0 is the default one) DNSMASQ_LISTENING = Interface for DNSMASQ events (default all) The Docker source is here: https://github.com/diginc/docker-pi-hole with instructions. I just made the template!. ************************ Older - archive: Please see https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=50453.msg500761#msg500761 and use his scripts to clean the docker I have changed the template to suit = thanks dirrtyjoe Here is a new version of unRaid-hole which uses the proper pihole sources. This was forked from https://github.com/diginc/docker-pi-hole - he did all the hard work. I had to remove the IPV6 reference and write a template and how to. It is currently marked as BETA because it needs some manual steps to make it work: 1) **** Change your default port for unRaid **** in your /boot/config/go file you will need to set your webui port to something other than 80, so that pihole can serve up blank pixels instead of adverts. I have set mine to port 81: # Start the Management Utility /usr/local/sbin/emhttp -p 81& 2) in your appdata/pihole directory, it will have created 3 directories. Delete these directories and create 3 files (of the same name): touch blacklist.txt whitelist.txt pihole.log If you don't do this, it will not start. 3) the log file grows quickly. Use a cron job to delete it each night: create a file called pihole.cron in the /boot/config/plugins/pihole directory, with these contents: # Pi-hole: A black hole for Internet advertisements # (c) 2015, 2016 by Jacob Salmela # Network-wide ad blocking via your Raspberry Pi # http://pi-hole.net # Updates ad sources every week # # Pi-hole is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # Your container name goes here: #DOCKER_NAME=pihole-for-unRaid #PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin # Pi-hole: Update the ad sources once a week on Sunday at 01:59 # Download any updates from the adlists 59 1 * * 7 root docker exec pihole-for-unRaid pihole updateGravity > /dev/null # Pi-hole: Update the Web interface shortly after gravity runs # This should also update the version number if it is changed in the dashboard repo #30 2 * * 7 root docker exec pihole-for-unRaid pihole updateDashboard > /dev/null # Pi-hole: Parse the log file before it is flushed and save the stats to a database # This will be used for a historical view of your Pi-hole's performance #50 23 * * * root docker exec pihole-for-unRaid dailyLog.sh # note: this is outdated > /dev/null # Pi-hole: Flush the log daily at 11:58 so it doesn't get out of control # Stats will be viewable in the Web interface thanks to the cron job above 58 23 * * * root docker exec pihole-for-unRaid pihole flush > /dev/null (I need to confirm that this is correct!!!!) Start the pihole-for-unRaid docker and then set your DNS on your computers to use the ipaddress of the unRaid server. You can change server details and dns details in the template. Let me know how you get on!.
  23. Sorry - I did have this on my list to do but I forgot!. I will take a look at it again but it might take a couple of weeks as I am travelling..... I've noticed that some pages come out kind of funky, like Wikipedia. A buddy of mine using a non-docker pihole says: "You may want it to point DNS at another server that gives blank html or something. For anything that is sinkholed I point it at an internal server. Thinking about using inetsim. Right now I just do nginix, so webpages don't hang." Is that something that could be added whilst you're updating to add the whitelist feature? Thanks! Peter wiil do... still trying to catch up with work stuff Tony
  24. Sorry - I did have this on my list to do but I forgot!. I will take a look at it again but it might take a couple of weeks as I am travelling.....
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