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Everything posted by spants

  1. I have just updated it - thanks for the heads-up!
  2. Are you starting this from docker manager tab is ServerIP = the ip of the new ip for the docker that you have given it?
  3. Ben wrote this Node - would be best to ask him: https://www.hardill.me.uk/wordpress/2013/10/02/node-red-delay-node-formally-pause-node/. BTW, You can find all sorts of flows and nodes here: https://flows.nodered.org/ You might want to look at BigTimer by Pete Scargill for controlling lights - It is what I use.
  4. yes - all in docker images. Influx/grafana is great for timeseries data. NodeRed (with NodeRed dashboard) makes integrating this very easy. Can create switches etc. the BigTimer node can be use to scheduler things (including offsets to dawn/dusk) Lots of nice videos on youtube if you are not sure how to use it.
  5. I just use voice (via Alexa) to control things. I have used Imperihome (android/ios) and NodeRed dashboard in the past
  6. I use: device -> mqtt -> node red -> influxdb -> grafana (dashboard) alexa -> node red -> (custom skills) I havent used Dashing for a while.... Data is still being sent to CouchDB but I may switch that off as I'm not really using it. Tony
  7. It seems that 6.4 unraid supports ipv6, pihole supports ipv6 but even when you choose (in the template) ipv6 = True, the options are greyed out....not sure... You could try changing the repository to point to one of the other builds https://hub.docker.com/r/diginc/pi-hole/tags/ - but I couldnt get the latest debian_dev to work. The template uses "alpine" although alpine_dev also works
  8. Nothing to do with the template as it just deploys the (semi)official docker image, thats all..... Here are the docs for it: https://github.com/apache/couchdb-docker . Can you see if this helps?
  9. @Mlatx I have just changed the couchdb v2 template so it should be picked up soon. If you cant wait, click edit on the icon and change the Repository to apache/couchdb
  10. I will take a look at this for you. I use 2.0.0 and have a _users db. I see that the registry moved hence the upgrade to 2.1.1 didnt happen. My template just fronts the dockers built by klaemo. It may take a day or two as I am travelling at the moment. Tony
  11. I use a non-standard port number with user/pass. The url is maintained by a dynamic dns service. You can also limit the Topics and actions by username to restrict access
  12. change flow to flows for each.... (keep a backup) ie to: flows.json flows_cred.json
  13. Great! thanks for the info .... Will be putting pihole and other stuff on it
  14. many thanks for looking at this ..... root@Tower:~# docker network inspect br0 [ { "Name": "br0", "Id": "f07c68001ad177b9071f64b1837b4cad117f60b7e3648adbc539bef41ac08ff1", "Created": "2017-12-06T15:59:21.310581567Z", "Scope": "local", "Driver": "macvlan", "EnableIPv6": false, "IPAM": { "Driver": "default", "Options": {}, "Config": [ { "Subnet": "", "IPRange": "", "Gateway": "", "AuxiliaryAddresses": { "server": "" } } ] }, "Internal": false, "Attachable": false, "Ingress": false, "ConfigFrom": { "Network": "" }, "ConfigOnly": false, "Containers": {}, "Options": { "parent": "br0" }, "Labels": {} } ]
  15. NETWORK ID NAME DRIVER SCOPE f07c68001ad1 br0 macvlan local d8cefac70d2c bridge bridge local 84413264ada5 host host local 0fbf02a8dfac none null local
  16. I wish I could get this to work!..... 2 network interfaces eth0: has Ip address, gateway, ipv4 only, bridge enabled eth1: IPV4, no IP, bridge enabled I am trying to do: docker network create \ -o parent=br1 \ --driver macvlan \ --subnet \ --ip-range \ --gateway \ localnetwork ...and get "Error response from daemon: failed to allocate gateway ( Address already in use"
  17. I seem to remember that the default name for the flows/creds changed some time back....now flows.json and flows_cred.json
  18. Sorry - I cant find any log details on the diginc docker website. I guess that the userscript will work but havent tried it. edit: Looks like I will have to look into it as my logfile refuses to load (probably too big)
  19. On the old version, you had to create a couple of empty files before it would start You can now set an interface to listen to (Dual nic setup maybe?) It now creates 2 new directories in the appdata folder that you have assigned. If you used the same appdata folder, it will have your existing files in the root of that folder which include your whitelist and blacklist files. Print them out or copy each entry into the new pihole by the web interface. Re port change, was it an error that 80 was in use or 53 DNS?. I didnt have the problem but some people have said previously that they turn off the VMs and then installed pihole and it works. Otherwise give it a new IP (and can you tell FixCommon to ignore?)
  20. New version 2 template added. No need to create files anymore. Easier to define listening NET interface
  21. wondering if this is related to the permissions problem a couple of others have noted .... Will have a look at solutions.
  22. Ok, just started having the same permissions problem- at least I have something to work on now!
  23. looks like a permissions problem on the appdata directory for the docker.... (maybe try doing a newperms on that directory (only)). Have you changed the appdata directory to where you need it to be? Just tried it on mine and it is still working well
  24. Unfortunately I dont use home-assistant... I built all my Home Automation on NodeRed (and mqtt)
  25. Passwords for Mosquitto ======================= Mosquitto likes encrypted passwords, but these are difficult create for a docker instance. In the mosquitto.conf file, you will see the password file is called passwords.mqtt. Do not change this. To add passwords to the MQTT instance, just store a file called passwords.txt in this directory and restart the docker. The passwords will be encrypted and stored in passwords.mqtt and the old passwords.txt file will be deleted. The contents of passwords.txt should look like this: bob:bobpassword fred:fredpassword The new passwords are added to the top of password.mqtt when they are encrypted. MQTT uses the first username/password combo that it finds. You can delete the old passwords manually if you wish. 1) stop the mqtt docker 2) ssh to the unraid server and navigate to the appdata directory 3) type nano passwords.txt and add your user:password 4) save file and exit nano 5) restart docker = it should import and create the users and put them in passwords.mqtt (use MC, highlight passwords.mqtt and press F3 Hope that helps
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