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Everything posted by spants

  1. I wrote the template that pulls in the Official Docker Container from PiHole. I swapped over from my unofficial one a long time ago that that a fully supported version could be distributed. Make sure that your repository for pihole is = pihole/pihole:latest and not the old diginc repository. If you use the latest tag, you should have v 4.0.0-1. The release tags are here: https://hub.docker.com/r/pihole/pihole/tags/ The last update to the docker image was 12 days ago. Apparently you should not do an update within the docker image (that was what diginc said - although that may have changed) If you have a problem with the docker image, you should ask about it here: - https://discourse.pi-hole.net/ or on the github here:- https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/issues
  2. Hi - I'm stupid!. I made a silly mistake on the changes to the docker template. It should start working soon. Reply here and let me know if the changes happen in the next day or so. If not, change the repository to pihole/pihole:latest
  3. Hi @Squid ==== please ignore. I'm stupid. I left some extra xml tags in the template which confused it ==== For some reason my pihole template doesn't show the changes I made two weeks ago. Is it something that I have done wrong on the template?. https://github.com/spants/unraidtemplates/tree/master/Spants cheers Tony
  4. I use the same repo without issues... Is your nodeRed port open to the world?. edit: Add more info from the entry on the NodeRed mailing list that Stupifier created: https://discourse.nodered.org/t/crypto-miner-abuse-malware/3397/3 .... I think that he had left the port 1880 open on his firewall: Be careful out there!
  5. I changed the template 2 weeks ago but it would probably (and hopefully!) not update anyones existing settings.... Note that my system works perfectly on BR0 but I understand that others have problems
  6. not sure - I use it in bridge mode and forward port 1883
  7. Hi Semtex41 Thanks for the suggestions which I have now put into the master template (UID and change to eth0). I guess that many of us were not having issues due to running it before and manual tweaks etc. The changes to the template should update shortly.
  8. excellent bug reporting! Please can other people add their experiences if relevant.
  9. Hi Guys As mentioned, this is just a template for the docker image that is built here https://github.com/pi-hole/docker-pi-hole/. Please can you raise an issue on the github? cheers Tony
  10. The Template has been updated and pushed .... Check for updates in the next few hours. Welcome to v4! (if it didn't update for you, change the repository to: pihole/pihole:latest )
  11. I managed to get it working but I cannot get a reliable way of exposing the data inside the docker as volumes on the unraid filesystem..... @cedricverst could do with some help from you...!
  12. Thanks for doing this!. It will make life easier. BTW, is onvif fully supported now?
  13. I am looking at this again.... Will report back soon.
  14. I see that someone is attempting to build a zerotier controller module for PFsense..... that would be great for me. Currently very alpha though.
  15. This is the problem: /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf: line 4: command not found What is in your setupVars.conf file?
  16. Have you also checked diginc's github page for help?
  17. digiinc updates his docker images quite frequently. If you check your Repository points to: diginc/pi-hole:latest The versions of pihole that you have are the latest for the docker image. The diginc release notes are here: https://github.com/diginc/docker-pi-hole/releases https://store.docker.com/community/images/diginc/pi-hole/tags shows that the latest branch was updated 3 months ago. There is a prerelease branch if you want to be brave. Note that the versions will trail the standalone versions due to the work involved in converting them to docker images
  18. I used the "manage pallete" option in node red to install node-red-node-ping. Works well.
  19. Ok, have you tried the Console command on the nodered icon to install Bonjour and then node red "manage pallete" option to install homekit?
  20. Is unraid using dhcp from your router and router using unraid? If so, set static address in unraid networking and dns to or whatever
  21. Guys, any enhancements for this, please raise it against the docker owner, diginc. I just wrote a simple template for unraid. The diginc github is here:https://github.com/diginc/docker-pi-hole
  22. It might be worth asking here: https://github.com/diginc/docker-pi-hole/issues The template is just a wrapper for his docker image.
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